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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BX4700 .F63 E5" to "BX4700 .T5 D29" (Overview; Exclude extended shelves)

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Call number Item
B Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category)
BL-BX Religion (Go to start of category)
BX Christian Denominations (Go to start of category)
BX4700 .F63 E5 [Info] The Little Flowers of the Glorious Messer St. Francis and of His Friars, ed. by William Heywood, contrib. by A. G. Ferrers Howell (HTML at
BX4700 .F63 E5 [Info] The Little Flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi (revised and emended), ed. by Roger Hudleston (multiple formats at CCEL)
BX4700 .F8 S2313 [Info] Francis Xavier: His Life, His Times (4 volumes; Rome: Jesuit Historical Institute, 1973-1982), by Georg Schurhammer, trans. by M. Joseph Costelloe (page images at HathiTrust)
BX4700 .G49 [Info] The Life and Revelations of Saint Gertude (based on an 1862 edition), by Saint Gertrude the Great (HTML with commentary at
BX4700 .J7 D64 1995 [Info] The Contemporary Challenge of John of the Cross: An Introduction to His Life and Teaching, by Leonard Doohan (HTML at
BX4700 .L3 M4 [Info] The Story of St. John Baptist de la Salle, Founder of the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian Schools (published as by "Brother Leo"; New York: P. J. Kenedy and Sons, 1921), by Francis Meehan (multiple formats at
BX4700.L7 A3 1997 [Info] Loyola's Acts: The Rhetoric of the Self (Berkeley: University of California Press, c1997), by Marjorie O'Rourke Boyle (HTML at UC Press)
BX4700.L7 L29 1991 [Info] The Labor of God: An Ignatian View of Church and Culture (Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1991), ed. by William James O'Brien (PDF at Georgetown)
BX4700 .L7 T3 [Info] Loyola; and Jesuitism in its Rudiments (New York: R. Carter and Bros., 1857), by Isaac Taylor (multiple formats at
BX4700 .M18 G7613 [Info] The Life of St. Macrina, by Gregory of Nyssa, ed. by W. K. Lowther Clarke (HTML at
BX4700 .M36 B4 [Info] Life and Revelations of Saint Margaret of Cortona: Dedicated to Her Brothers and Sisters of the Third Order of Saint Francis (London: Burns and Oates; Dublin; M. H. Gill and Sons, 1883), by Giunta Bevegnati, trans. by F. M'Donogh Mahony, contrib. by J.-F.-O. Luquet
BX4700 .M36 G5 [Info] The Life of Saint Margaret of Cortona (Philadelphia: P. F. Cunningham and Son, 1888), by Antonio Francesco Giovagnoli (multiple formats at
BX4700 .M368 B8 [Info] Saint Maria Goretti (Milwaukee: Bruce Pub. Co., c1950), by Marie Cecilia Buehrle (page images at HathiTrust)
BX4700 .M39 S4 [Info] The Life of St. Martin, by Sulpicius Severus, trans. by Alexander Roberts (HTML at
BX4700 .P6 C32 1894 [Info] The Life of Saint Philip Neri, Apostle of Rome (second edition, 2 volumes; London: Burns and Oates; New York et al.: Benziger Bros., 1894), by Alfonso Capecelatro, trans. by Thomas Alder Pope (page images at HathiTrust)
BX4700 .S7 K3 [Info] For Greater Things: The Story of Saint Stanislaus Kostka, by William T. Kane (Gutenberg text)
BX4700 .T4 [Info] The Letters of St. Teresa (London: Thomas Baker, 1902), by Saint Teresa of Avila, trans. by John Dalton (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
BX4700 .T4 A2 1904 [Info] The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus, of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel (third edition, enlarged; London: Thomas Baker; New York: Benziger Bros., 1904), by Saint Teresa of Avila, trans. by David Lewis, contrib. by Benedict Zimmerman
BX4700 .T4 A2 1911 [Info] St. Teresa of Jesus of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel: Embracing the life, Relations, Maxims and Foundations Written by the Saint; Also, a History of St. Teresa's Journeys and Foundations, With Map and Illustrations (New York: Columbus Press, 1911), by Saint Teresa of Avila, ed. by John J. Burke, contrib. by Walter Elliott (page images at HathiTrust)
BX4700.T4 A25 1867 [Info] Leben der Heiligen Teresa von Jesus, von ihr Selbst Geschrieben: Nach der Neuesten Originalausgabe Don Vicente de la Fuente Professor der Theologie an der Universität zu Madrid, aus dem Spanischen übersezt von Ida Gräfin Hahn-Hahn (in German; Mainz: Kirchheim, 1867), by Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, ed. by Vicente de la Fuente, trans. by Ida Hahn-Hahn (page images at HathiTrust)
BX4700.T4 A382 1913 [Info] Minor Works of St. Teresa: Conceptions of the Love of God, Exclamations, Maxims and Poems of Saint Teresa of Jesus (London: T. Baker, 1913), by Saint Teresa of Avila, ed. by Benedict Zimmerman
BX4700 .T4 C6 [Info] Saint Teresa of Spain (London: Methuen and Co., c1909), by Katharine Wylde
BX4700 .T4 W498 1900 [Info] Santa Teresa: An Appreciation, With Some of the Best Passages of the Saint's Writings (third edition, 1900), by Saint Teresa of Avila, ed. by Alexander Whyte (Gutenberg text)
BX4700 .T5 A5 [Info] The Story of a Soul (L'Histoire d'une Âme): The Autobiography of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, With Additional Writings and Sayings of St. Thérèse (based on the 8th edition of Soeur Therese of Lisieux (1922), with some supplementary material omitted), by Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, ed. by David McClamrock, trans. by Thomas N. Taylor (Gutenberg text)
BX4700 .T5 D29 [Info] Therese (Notre Dame, IN: Fides Publishers Assoc., c1960), by Dorothy Day (page images at HathiTrust)

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