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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BX7617 .B4" to "BX7730 .B78" (Overview; Exclude extended shelves)

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Call number Item
B Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category)
BL-BX Religion (Go to start of category)
BX Christian Denominations (Go to start of category)
BX7617 .B4 [Info] Journal and Essays on Religious Subjects (Bordentown, NJ: A. Bellangee, 1854), by James Bellangee
BX7617 .F24 M87 [Info] Murder Among Friends: A Quaker Mystery, by Chuck Fager (HTML at Wayback Machine)
BX7617 .H6 [Info] Earlham Lectures: 1. A Compend of Christian Doctrine; 2. The Ritualistic Law and its Antitype in Christ; 3. History of Christianity to Constantine (Richmond, IN: Nicholson and Bro., 1885), by Barnabas C. Hobbs (illustrated HTML and page images at Indiana)
BX7617 .P5 A52 [Info] William Penn's Advice to His Children, by William Penn
BX7617 .P5 B7 [Info] A Key, Opening the Way to Every Capacity How to Distinguish the Religion Professed by the People Called Quakers, by William Penn (HTML at
BX7617.P5 P7 1857a [Info] Primitive Christianity Revived in the Faith and Practice of the People Called Quakers (with a memoir of the author; 1857), by William Penn, contrib. by James M. Brown (HTML at
BX7627 .A5 W7 1920 [Info] Heroes in Peace (William Penn lecture #6; Philadelphia: W. H. Jenkins, 1920), by John Haynes Holmes (Gutenberg text)
BX7630 .B4 [Info] A Collection of the Sufferings of the People Called Quakers (2 volumes; London: L. Hinde, 1753), by Joseph Besse
BX7630 .C75 1696 [Info] The General History of the Quakers: Containing the Lives, Tenents, Sufferings, Tryals, Speeches and Letters of the Most Eminent Quakers, Both Men and Women, From the First Rise of That Sect Down to This Present Time (London: Printed for J. Dunton, 1696), by Gerardus Croese and George Keith (HTML at EEBO TCP)
BX7631 .J6 [Info] The Later Periods of Quakerism (2 volumes; London: Macmillan and Co., 1921), by Rufus M. Jones
BX7635 .A1 F6 [Info] Bulletin of Friends Historical Association (partial serial archives)
BX7635 .A1 F6 [Info] Bulletin of Friends' Historical Society of Philadelphia (full serial archives)
BX7636 .B5 1703 [Info] New-England Judged, By the Spirit of the Lord (London: Printed and sold by T. Sowle, 1703), by George Bishop, ed. by Joseph Grove
BX7636 .B8 [Info] A Declaration of the Sad and Great Persecution and Martyrdom of the People of God, Called Quakers, in New-England, for the Worshipping of God (1661), by Edward Burrough, ed. by Paul Royster (PDF with commentary at
BX7649 .B9 G8 [Info] Friends in Burlington (Philadelphia: Collins, 1884), by Amelia M. Gummere (page images at HathiTrust)
BX7649 .L85 B7 1936 [Info] A History of Lynchburg's Pioneer Quakers and Their Meeting House, 1754-1936 (first edition; Lynchburg, VA: J. P. Bell Co., c1936), by Douglas Summers Brown (page images at HathiTrust)
BX7676 .B3 [Info] Letters, &c., of Early Friends, Illustrative of the History of the Society From Nearly its Origin to About the Period of George Fox's decease, With Documents Respecting its Early Discipline, Also Epistles of Counsel and Exhortation, &c. (London: Harvey and Darton, 1841), ed. by Abram Rawlinson Barclay (HTML and page images at Earlham)
BX7691 .G8 S6 [Info] Social Aspects of the Quaker Faith (London: Headley Bros., 1899), by Edward Grubb
BX7710.N4 H8 [Info] The Rise of Quakerism in Amsterdam, 1655-1665 (Swarthmore College monographs on Quaker history #4, 1938), by William I. Hull (page images at HathiTrust)
BX7723.4.B2 P7 1797 [Info] Poems Intended to Promote Piety and Virtue in the Minds of Young People (second edition; London: James Phillips, 1797), ed. by Rachel Barclay (HTML and page images at Earlham)
BX7730 .B3 [Info] An Apology for the True Christian Divinity: Being an Explanation and Vindication of the Principles and Doctrines of the People Called Quakers, by Robert Barclay (multiple formats at CCEL)
BX7730 .B3 [Info] An Apology for the True Christian Divinity, by Robert Barclay, ed. by Licia Kuenning (HTML at
BX7730 .B35 1690 [Info] A Catechism and Confession of Faith, Approved of and Agreed unto by the General Assembly of the Patriarchs, Prophets, and Apostles, Christ Himself Chief Speaker In and Among Them (third edition; London: Printed for A. Sowle, 1690), by Robert Barclay (HTML at
BX7730 .B37 [Info] Truth Vindicated, by the Faithful Testimony and Writings of the Innocent Servant and Hand-Maid of the Lord, Elizabeth Bathurst, Deceased (third edition; London: M. Hinde, 1773), by Elizabeth Bathurst (HTML and page images at Earlham)
BX7730 .B78 [Info] The Truth Exalted in the Writings of That Eminent and Faithful Servant of Christ, John Burnyeat (London: Printed for T. Northcott, 1691), by John Burnyeat (HTML and page images at Earlham)

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