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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "DS119.7 .M95" to "DS119.8 .U6" (Overview; Exclude extended shelves)

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Call number Item
D History: General, and Regions Outside the Americas (Go to start of category)
DS Asia (Go to start of category)
DS119.7 .M95 [Info] Myths and Facts: A Guide to the Arab-Israeli Conflict (electronic editions in multiple languages), ed. by Mitchell Geoffrey Bard (HTML at Jewish Virtual Library)
DS119.7 .N2928 1991 [Info] Encyclopedia of the Palestine Problem (originally published in 2 volumes, 1991), by Issa Nakhleh (HTML with commentary at
DS119.7 .N36 1948 [Info] The British Record on Partition as Revealed by British Military Intelligence and Other Official Sources: Memorandum Submitted to the Special Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (1948), by Nation Associates (New York, N.Y.)
DS119.7 O75 [Info] The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict (third edition), by Jews for Justice in the Middle East (HTML and PDF with commentary at
DS119.7 .Q717 1984 [Info] The Quest for Peace: Principal United States Public Statements and Related Documents on the Arab-Israeli Peace Process, 1967-1983 (Washington: U.S. Dept. of State, 1984), ed. by United States Department of State (page images at HathiTrust)
DS119.7 .Q722 1990 [Info] Palestine and Israel: A Challenge to Justice (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1990), by John B. Quigley (page images at HathiTrust)
DS119.7 S36 1956 [Info] The Arab-Israeli Conflict (information papers #2; New York: Arab Information Center, 1956), by Fayez A. Sayegh (multiple formats at
DS119.7 .S3792 1988 [Info] The Hidden History of Zionism, by Ralph Schoenman (HTML at
DS119.7 .S3815 [Info] The Search for Peace in the Middle East: Documents and Statements, 1967-79: Report Prepared for the Subcommittee on Europe and the Middle East of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives (Washington: GPO, 1979), ed. by Library of Congress Foreign Affairs and National Defense Division (page images at HathiTrust)
DS119.7 .S65 2023 [Info] National and International Civilian Protection Strategies in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, c2023), by Timea Spitka (multiple formats with commentary at Springer Link)
DS119.7 .T362 1957 [Info] Tension and Peace in the Middle East: Facts That Every American Should Know About the Tragedy of the Holy Land (New York: Palestine Arab Refugee Office, ca. 1956), contrib. by ʻIzzat Ṭannūs (multiple formats at
DS119.7 .T362 1957 [Info] Tension and Peace in the Middle East: An Account of the Tragedy of the Holyland (second edition; New York: Palestine Arab Refugee Office, 1957), by ʻIzzat Ṭannūs (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
DS119.7 .T73 1961 [Info] The Truth About Israeli Peace Offers (information paper #16; New York: Arab Information Center, 1961), by Arab Information Center (U.S.)
DS119.76 [Info] Arafat's Culture of Hatred and Violence: Anti-Israel and Anti-Semitic Hatred in the Palestinian Authority's Media, Schools, Summer Camps, Religious Sermons and Officials' Speeches (New York: Zionist Organization of America, ca. 2000), by Zionist Organization of America (PDF at
DS119.76 [Info] The Dangers of a Palestinian State (New York: Zionist Organization of America, ca. 2003), by Zionist Organization of America (PDF at
DS119.76 .B37 1997 [Info] Building Bridges: Lessons for America From Novel Israel Approaches to Promote Coexistence (c1997), by Mitchell Geoffrey Bard (HTML at Jewish Virtual Library)
DS119.76 .O541 2003 [Info] One-Sided: The Continuing Campaign Against Israel In the United Nations (2003), by American Jewish Committee (PDF at Wayback Machine)
DS119.76 .O541 2008 [Info] One-Sided: The Relentless Campaign Against Israel In the United Nations (2008), by American Jewish Committee (PDF at Wayback Machine)
DS119.76 .P35 1997 [Info] Palestine, Jordan, Israel: Building a Base for Common Scholarship and Understanding in the New Era of the Middle East (Jerusalem: PASSIA, 1997) (PDF at Wayback Machine)
DS119.76 .P45 2016 [Info] Prophetic Voices on Middle East Peace: A Jewish, Christian, and Humanist Primer on Colonialism, Zionism, and Nationalism in the Middle East (Claremont, CA: Claremont School of Theology Press, c2016), ed. by Thomas E. Phillips, Peter J. Miano, and Jason Mitchell (PDF files with commentary at JSTOR)
DS119.76 .Q84 2008 [Info] The Question of Palestine and the United Nations (revised edition, 2008), by United Nations (PDF at
DS119.765 .B64 2001 [Info] Broken Lives: A Year of Intifada (2001), by Amnesty International (PDF at
DS119.8 C5 [Info] China and Israel: 50 Years of Bilateral Relations, 1948-98 (New York: American Jewish Committee, 1999), by Guang Pan (PDF at
DS119.8 .E3 L5313 1994 [Info] Seasons of Captivity: The Inner World of POWs (Translation of Ḥuts Mi-tsiporim; New York and London: New York University Press, c1994), by Amia Lieblich (HTML with commentary at NYU Press)
DS119.8 .U6 [Info] Two Studies on the Palestinians Today and American Policy (information papers #17; Detroit: Association of Arab-American University Graduates, 1976), by Ibrahim A. Abu-Lughod and Edward W. Said (multiple formats at

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