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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PJ1555 .E5" to "PJ3091 .F7" (Overview; Exclude extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PJ-PL Asian, African, and Pacific Languages and Literature (Go to start of category)
PJ General Asian, Near Eastern, and North African Languages and Literature (Go to start of category)
PJ1555 .E5 [Info] The Book of the Dead (Papyrus of Ani) (based on the 1913 Medici Society text), trans. by E. A. Wallis Budge (HTML at Lysator)
PJ1555 .E5 [Info] The Book of the Dead: The Papyrus of Ani (based on the 1895 text and commentary), trans. by E. A. Wallis Budge (illustrated HTML at
PJ1555 .E5 [Info] The Book of the Dead (1920 British Museum booklet), ed. by E. A. Wallis Budge (Gutenberg text and zipped illustrated HTML)
PJ1559 .L6 [Info] The Liturgy of Funerary Offerings, trans. by E. A. Wallis Budge (HTML at
PJ1735 .G37 [Info] Notes on the Story of Sinuhe (1916), by Alan H. Gardiner (PDF at ETANA)
PJ1871 .G8 [Info] Stories of the High Priests of Memphis: The Sethon of Herodotus and The Demotic Tales of Khamuas, by F. Ll. Griffith (PDF at ETANA)
PJ1891 .G74 [Info] The Demotic Magical Papyrus of London and Leiden, ed. by F. Ll. Griffith and Herbert Thompson
PJ1901 .R35 [Info] Contrats Egyptiens Archaïques, Démotiques, Araméens (4 parts, in handwritten French and ancient Egyptian; Paris: Leroux, 1911-1912), ed. by Eugène Revillout (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
PJ1949 .E39 [Info] Egyptian Tales, Translated From the Papyri, ed. by W. M. Flinders Petrie
PJ2307 .M4 [Info] Die Sprachen der Hamiten (in German; Hamburg: L. Friederischsen und Co., 1912), by Carl Meinhof, contrib. by Felix von Luschan
PJ2369 .A4 B57 1917 [Info] Étude sur les Dialectes Berbères du Rif: Lexique, Textes et Notes de Phonétique (in French; Paris: E. Leroux, 1917), by S. Biarnay
PJ2395.C42  AS651 .A6 [Info] Étude sur le Dialecte Berbère du Chenoua Comparé avec Ceux des Beni-Menacer et des Beni-Salah (in French; Paris: E. Leroux, 1912), by E. Laoust
PJ2395 .N9 L31 [Info] Étude sur le Dialecte Berbère des Ntifa: Grammaire, Textes (doctoral thesis, in French; Paris: E. Leroux, 1918), by E. Laoust (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
PJ2395 .T31 A2 [Info] A Reference Grammar of Tamazight: A Comparative Study of the Berber Dialects of Ayt Ayache and Ayt Seghrouchen (Ann Arbor: Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, University of Michigan, 1971), by Ernest T. Abdel-Massih (page images at HathiTrust)
PJ2395 .T32 A2 [Info] A Course in Spoken Tamazight, Berber Dialects of Ayt Ayache and Ayt Seghrouchen (Ann Arbor: Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, University of Michigan, 1971), by Ernest T. Abdel-Massih (page images at HathiTrust)
PJ2395 .T34 A2 [Info] A Computerized Lexicon of Tamazight, Berber Dialect of Ayt Seghrouchen (Ann Arbor: Center for Near Eastern and North African Studies, University of Michigan, 1971), by Ernest T. Abdel-Massih (page images at HathiTrust)
PJ2471 .T76 [Info] Dictionary of the Galla Language (language now usually called Oromo; 2 volumes; Munich: L. Tutschek, 1844-1845), by Karl Tutschek and Lorenz Tutschek
PJ2531 .K53 1903 [Info] Notes on the Somali Language, With Examples of Phrases and Conversational Sentences (London and New York: H. Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1903), by J. W. C. Kirk
PJ3001 .A6 [Info] The American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures (partial serial archives)
PJ3001 .A6 [Info] Hebraica (full serial archives)
PJ3001 .E7 [Info] Ephemeris für Semitische Epigraphik (3 volumes, in German; 1902-1909), by Mark Lidzbarski
PJ3021 .B8 1908 [Info] Grundriss der Vergleichenden Grammatik der Semitischen Sprachen (2 volumes in German; Berlin: Reuther und Reichard; et al, 1908-1913), by Carl Brockelmann
PJ3023 .S7 [Info] Studies in Semitic Vocalisation and Reading Traditions (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2020), ed. by Aaron D. Hornkohl and Geoffrey Khan (PDF with commentary at Open Book Publishers)
PJ3081 .G359 [Info] Apocrypha Arabica (Studia Sinaitica No. 8; London: C.J. Clay and Sons, 1901), ed. by Margaret Dunlop Gibson (multiple formats at
PJ3091 .F7 [Info] The One Primeval Language: Traced Experimentally Through Ancient Inscriptions in Alphabetic Characters of Lost Powers From the Four Continents (3 volumes; London: R. Bentley, 1852-1854), by Charles Forster (page images at HathiTrust)

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