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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "BR1640 .E85 1990" to "BR1720 .T39 T45 1890" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
B Philosophy, Psychology, and Religion (Go to start of category)
BL-BX Religion (Go to start of category)
BR Christianity (General) (Go to start of category)
BR1640 .E85 1990 [Info] Evangelical Affirmations, ed. by Kenneth S. Kantzer and Carl F. H. Henry (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine)
BR1642 .U5 [Info] An Evangelical Manifesto: A Declaration of Evangelical Identity and Public Commitment (Washington: Evangelical Manifesto Steering Committee, c2008) (PDF at
BR1642 .U5 F54 [Info] Real Christians Don't Dance! (cover has "Don't" crossed out; c1988), by John Fischer (HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine)
BR1644 .W54 [Info] A Theological Pilgrimage (prepublication version), by J. Rodman Williams (HTML at
BR1644.5 .L29 I5 [Info] In the Power of the Spirit: The Pentecostal Challenge to Historic Churches in Latin America, ed. by Dennis A. Smith and Benjamin F. Gutierrez (HTML at
BR1650 .A2 D5 1709 [Info] Eröffneter Weg zum Frieden mit Gott und Allen Creaturen, Durch die Publication Aller bis Hieher Edirter Schrifften Christiani Democriti; Nebst Einer Kurtzen Allgemeinen Vorrede des Auctoris (in German: Amsterdam, Bey Henrich Betkii Erben, 1709), by Christianus Democritus (page images at HathiTrust)
BR1700.2 .C46 [Info] The Overcomers: Outstanding Christians Share the Secrets of Successful Living, by Russell Chandler (HTML at Wayback Machine)
BR1700.2 .M83 [Info] A Third Testament: A Modern Pilgrim Explores the Spiritual Wanderings of Augustine, Blake, Pascal, Tolstoy, Bonhoeffer, Kierkegaard, and Dostoevsky, by Malcolm Muggeridge (multiple formats with commentary at
BR1702 .B62 [Info] A Handful of Stars: Texts That Have Moved Great Minds, by Frank Boreham (Gutenberg text and page images)
BR1702 .K5 [Info] The Dying Hours of Good and Bad Men Contrasted (1854), ed. by Daniel P. Kidder (PDF in Australia)
BR1703 .H6 [Info] Saints and Heroes to the End of the Middle Ages (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1911), by George Hodges (illustrated HTML at Gateway to the Classics)
BR1705 .J23 [Info] The Post-Nicene Greek Fathers (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1883), by George Anson Jackson (HTML and Word files at
BR1710 .L3 1912 [Info] The Book of Saints and Heroes (1912), by Mrs. Lang, ed. by Andrew Lang, illust. by H. J. Ford (illustrated HTML at Gateway to the Classics)
BR1713 .B24 [Info] Women Worth Emulating (New York: American Tract Society, ca. 1877), by Clara Lucas Balfour
BR1714 .J3 1795 [Info] A Token for Children: Being an Exact Account of the Conversion, Holy and Exemplary Lives and Joyful Deaths of Several Young Children (Worcester, MA: Printed For I. Thomas, 1795), by James Janeway (multiple formats at
BR1715 .H6 H6 1881 [Info] The Little Preacher: or, Life of Jimmie Hobbs (revised edition, seventh thousand; c1881), by James Hobbs (multiple formats at
BR1718 .M3 S85 1835 [Info] Fanaticism: Its Source and Influence, Illustrated by the Simple Narrative of Isabella, in the Case of Matthias, Mr. and Mrs. B. Folger, Mr. Pierson, Mr. Mills, Catherine, Isabella, &c. &c. (New York: the author, 1835), by G. Vale (illustrated HTML and TEI at UNC)
BR1720 .A7 H6 [Info] Athanasius: The Hero (c1906), by Lynn Harold Hough (multiple formats at
BR1720 .A9 B4 [Info] Saint Augustin, by Louis Bertrand, trans. by Vincent O'Sullivan (Gutenberg text)
BR1720 .C4 O36 [Info] Cassiodorus (postprint, 1995), by James J. O'Donnell (HTML at Georgetown)
BR1720 .C623 A3213 [Info] Life of St. Columba (English and partial Latin), by Saint Adamnan (HTML with commentary at Fordham)
BR1720 .C65 D4 [Info] Kosmas und Damian (in German; Leipzig and Berlin: B. G. Teubner, 1907), by Ludwig Deubner
BR1720.P26 A313 [Info] The Confession of Saint Patrick, by Saint Patrick (HTML at CCEL)
BR1720 .S518 K78 1996 [Info] Symeon the Holy Fool: Leontius's Life and the Late Antique City (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995), by Derek Krueger and Leontius of Neapolis (HTML at UC Press)
BR1720 .T39 T45 1890 [Info] Der Heilige Theodosios: Schriften des Theodoros und Kyrillos (edited texts in Greek, commentary in German; Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1890), by Bishop of Petra Theodorus and Cyril of Scythopolis, ed. by Hermann Usener (page images at HathiTrust)

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