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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PR4819 .A75 1867" to "PR4821 .J2 K4" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PR Literature: English (non-American) (Go to start of category)
PR4819 .A75 1867 [Info] A Story of Doom, and Other Poems (Boston: Roberts Bros., 1867), by Jean Ingelow (page images and uncorrected OCR text at MOA)
PR4819 .A75 1868 [Info] A Story of Doom, and Other Poems (third edition; London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1868), by Jean Ingelow (HTML in the UK)
PR4819 .A77 [Info] Studies for Stories, From Girls' Lives, by Jean Ingelow (HTML in the UK)
PR4819 .D6 [Info] Don John: A Story (2 volumes; Leipzig: B. Tauchnitz, 1882), by Jean Ingelow (HTML in the UK)
PR4819 .F3 1875 [Info] Fated to be Free: A Novel (American edition, 1875), by Jean Ingelow (Gutenberg text)
PR4819 .F3 1875 [Info] Fated to be Free: A Novel (Boston: Roberts Bros., 1875), by Jean Ingelow (page images and uncorrected OCR text at MOA)
PR4819 .J6 [Info] John Jerome: His Thoughts and Ways (Boston: Roberts Bros., 1886), by Jean Ingelow (HTML in the UK)
PR4819 .M6 [Info] Mopsa the Fairy (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, c1910), by Jean Ingelow, illust. by Maria Louise Kirk (illustrated HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
PR4819 .M68 [Info] A Motto Changed: or, A Little Less Than Kin, and More Than Kind (based on 1894 Harper and Bros. edition, with British spelling), by Jean Ingelow (HTML in the UK)
PR4819 .O3 [Info] Off the Skelligs: A Novel (Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1910), by Jean Ingelow (HTML in the UK)
PR4819 .O3 [Info] Poems of the Old Days and the New (Boston: Roberts Bros., 1885), by Jean Ingelow (HTML in the UK)
PR4819 .S2 [Info] Sarah de Berenger: A Novel (Boston: Roberts Bros., 1879), by Jean Ingelow (HTML in the UK)
PR4820 .I52 T5 [Info] Tirhoot Rhymes (Kolkata: Wyman and Co., 1873), by James Inglis (multiple formats at
PR4821.J18 S5 [Info] Six Ghost Stories, by Thomas Graham Jackson (multiple formats with commentary at Mystery and Imagination)
PR4821 .J2 A9 [Info] At Sunwich Port, by W. W. Jacobs, illust. by Will Owen (Gutenberg multiple formats)
PR4821 .J2 B6 [Info] The Boatswain's Mate: A Play in One Act (New York: Samuel French, c1907), by W. W. Jacobs and Herbert C. Sargent (page images at HathiTrust)
PR4821 .J2 C27 1905 [Info] Captains All (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1905), by W. W. Jacobs, illust. by Will Owen
PR4821 .J2 C27 1909 [Info] Captains All (New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1909), by W. W. Jacobs, illust. by Will Owen (Gutenberg multiple formats)
PR4821 .J2 C28 [Info] The Castaways (London et al.: Hodder and Stoughton, 1916), by W. W. Jacobs
PR4821 .J2 D4 [Info] Deep Waters, by W. W. Jacobs
PR4821 .J2 D5 [Info] Dialstone Lane, by W. W. Jacobs, illust. by Will Owen (Gutenberg multiple formats)
PR4821 .J2 D5 1904 [Info] Dialstone Lane (London: G. Newnes, 1904), by W. W. Jacobs, illust. by Will Owen
PR4821 .J2 G5 [Info] The Ghost of Jerry Bundler (one-act adaptation of "Jerry Bundler"; New York and London: Samuel French, c1908), by W. W. Jacobs and Charles Rock
PR4821 .J2 G7 [Info] The Gray Parrot (play adapted from the short story; New York and London: Samuel French, c1908), by W. W. Jacobs and Charles Rock (page images at HathiTrust)
PR4821 .J2 K4 [Info] Keeping Up Appearances: A Farce in One Act (London and New York: Samuel French, c1918), by W. W. Jacobs

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