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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PA1 .C7" to "PA26 .F6" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PA Classical Languages and Literature (Go to start of category)
PA1 .C7 [Info] The Classical Review (partial serial archives)
PA1 .C8 1907 [Info] The Classical Weekly (full serial archives)
PA1 .C8 1957 [Info] Classical World (partial serial archives)
PA1 .E3 [Info] Echos du Monde Classique (in English and French) (partial serial archives)
PA1 .M68 [Info] Mouseion (journal of the Classical Association of Canada, in English and French) (partial serial archives)
PA2 .E882 [Info] Études Classiques (in French) (partial serial archives)
PA3 .G5 [Info] Glotta (partial serial archives)
PA3 .H5 [Info] Hermes (partial serial archives)
PA3 .M73 [Info] Museum Helveticum (partial serial archives)
PA3 .P45 [Info] Philologische Wochenschrift (partial serial archives)
PA9 .A7 [Info] Atene e Roma (in Italian) (partial serial archives)
PA9 .A843 [Info] Athenaeum (in Italian) (partial serial archives)
PA9 .C5 [Info] Classica et Mediaevalia (partial serial archives)
PA9 .E5 [Info] Emerita (in Spanish; 1933-) (partial serial archives)
PA9 .E7 [Info] Eranos (partial serial archives)
PA9 .E76 [Info] Estudios Clásicos (in Spanish; 1950-) (partial serial archives)
PA9 .H8 [Info] Humanitas (Portugal, 1947-) (partial serial archives)
PA9 .M6 [Info] Mnemosyne (partial serial archives)
PA9 .R56 [Info] Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica (in Italian) (partial serial archives)
PA11 .C7 [Info] The Year's Work in Classical Studies (partial serial archives)
PA25 .H3 [Info] Harvard Studies in Classical Philology (partial serial archives)
PA25 .P675 [Info] Archiwum Filologiczne (partial serial archives)
PA25 .S4 1843 [Info] Classical Studies: Essays On Ancient Literature and Art, With the Biogrpahy and Correspondence of Eminent Philologists (Boston: Gould, Kendall and Lincoln, 1843), by Barnas Sears, B. B. Edwards, and C. C. Felton (page images at HathiTrust)
PA25 .V475 1893 [Info] Fest-Gruss aus Innsbruck an die XLII Versammlung Deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner in Wien (in German; Innsbruck: Verlag der Wagner'schen Univ.-Buchhandlung, 1893), by Versammlung Deutscher Philologen und Schulmänner (page images at HathiTrust; US access)
PA26 .F6 [Info] The Endless Fountain: Essays on Classical Humanism (in honor of Clarence A. Forbes; Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c1972), ed. by Mark P. O. Morford (PDF at Ohio State)

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