Unitarian Universalist churchesHere are entered works on Unitarian Universalist denominations and associations treated collectively and works for which the individual Unitarian Universalist denomination or association cannot be identified. Works on individual Unitarian Universalist denominations or associations are entered under the name of the congregation or association. See also what's at Wikipedia, your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Unitarian Universalist churches -- Doctrines
Filed under: Unitarian Universalist churches -- Doctrines -- Study and teachingFiled under: Unitarian Universalist churches -- Sermons
Filed under: Sex role -- Religious aspects -- Unitarian Universalist churches -- Study and teaching
Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.
Filed under: Christian sects -- Russia
Filed under: Christian sects -- Sermons The Serpent's Seed (1958), by William Branham
Filed under: Christian sects -- United States
Filed under: Bruderhof Communities Why We Live in Community (Walden, NY: Plough Publishing House, c2014), by Eberhard Arnold, contrib. by Thomas Merton (PDF at plough.com) Anni: Letters and Writings of Annemarie Wächter (Rifton, NY: Plough Publishing House, c2011), by Annemarie Arnold, ed. by Marianne Wright and Erna Albertz (PDF at plough.com) My Search (Farmington, PA: Bruderhof Foundation, c2005), by Josef Ben-Eliezer (PDF in Australia)
Filed under: Catholic Church The Forty Questions Most Frequently Asked About The Catholic Church By Non-Catholics (1956), by A. W. Terminiello (HTML at Una Fides) Characteristics From the Writings of John Henry Newman, Being Selections Personal, Historical, Philosophical, and Religious, From His Various Works, by John Henry Newman, ed. by William Samuel Lilly (HTML at newmanreader.org) Complete Philosophical and Theological Treatises of Anselm of Canterbury, by Saint Anselm, trans. by Jasper Hopkins and Herbert Richardson (PDF files with commentary at Wayback Machine) Europe and the Faith, by Hilaire Belloc (Gutenberg text) The Faith of the Millions, Second Series: A Selection of Past Essays, by George Tyrrell (Gutenberg text) Papers of a Pariah, by Robert Hugh Benson (HTML at Notre Dame) Paradoxes of Catholicism, by Robert Hugh Benson The Range of Reason, by Jacques Maritain (HTML at Notre Dame) Survivals and New Arrivals, by Hilaire Belloc (HTML at EWTN) Tracts Theological and Ecclesiastical (London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1908), by John Henry Newman (HTML at newmanreader.org) The Cross and the Crisis (Milwaukee: Bruce Pub. Co., c1938), by Fulton J. Sheen (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) The Catholic Conception of International Law: Francisco de Vitoria, Founder of the Modern Law of Nations; Francisco Suárez, Founder of the Modern Philosophy of Law in General and in Particular of the Law of Nations (Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1934), by James Brown Scott (page images at HathiTrust) What Price Tolerance (Hewlett, NY: All-American Book, Lecture and Research Bureau, c1928), by Paul M. Winter (page images at HathiTrust) A Book of Essays (1916), by Robert Hugh Benson, contrib. by Allan Ross (HTML at Notre Dame) European Civilization: Protestantism and Catholicity Compared in Their Effects on the Civilization of Europe (edited, with a memoir of the author; 16th edition; Baltimore: J. Murphy and Co., c1850), by Jaime Luciano Balmes, trans. by C. J. Hanford and Robert Kershaw (page images at HathiTrust) European Civilization: Protestantism and Catholicity Compared in Their Effects on the Civilization of Europe (edited, with a memoir of the author; Baltimore and New York: J. Murphy Co., n.d.), by Jaime Luciano Balmes, trans. by C. J. Hanford and Robert Kershaw (multiple formats at archive.org) The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi (Philadelphia: The Dolphin Press, 1906), by Saint Francis of Assisi, ed. by Paschal Robinson (HTML with commentary at sacred-texts.com) The Writings of St. Francis of Assisi (translated from the Critical Latin Edition), by Saint Francis of Assisi, ed. by Kajetan Esser (HTML at liturgies.net)
Filed under: Celtic Church
Filed under: Christian Science Awake to a Perfect Day: My Experience with Christian Science (New York: Citadel Press, 1956), by Clara Clemens (page images at HathiTrust) As It Is: By a Loyal Christian Scientist (Cincinnati: Press of Johnson and Hardin Co., 1932), by Alice Lucile Cartwright Orgain (page images at HathiTrust) From the Methodist Pulpit into Christian Science, and How I Demonstrated the Abundance of Substance and Supply (Los Angeles: E. P. Simonsen, c1928), by Severin E. Simonsen (page images at HathiTrust) Christian Healing, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at mbeinstitute.org) Christian Science versus Pantheism, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at mbeinstitute.org) Glad Tidings (c1909), by Lillian De Waters (multiple formats at archive.org) The Good Side of Christian Science (c1916), by Christian D. Larson (multiple formats at archive.org) Journeying Onward (fourth edition, 1908), by Lillian De Waters Manual of the Mother Church (88th edition, 1910), by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at mbeinstitute.org) Manual of the Mother Church (89th edition), by Mary Baker Eddy (Gutenberg text) Message to the First Church of Christ, Scientist, or The Mother Church, Boston, June 15, 1902, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at mbeinstitute.org) Message to the Mother Church, Boston, Mass., June, 1900, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at mbeinstitute.org) Message to the Mother Church, Boston, Mass., June, 1901, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at mbeinstitute.org) Miscellaneous Writings, 1883-1896, by Mary Baker Eddy Must Protestantism Adopt Christian Science? A Churchman's View (New York and London: Harper and Bros., 1914), by James Winthrop Hegeman No and Yes, by Mary Baker Eddy The Pastor's Son, by William W. Walter (Gutenberg text) The People's Idea of God: Its Effect on Health and Christianity, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML at mbeinstitute.org) Published Writings, by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML and MS Word at mbeinstitute.org) Pulpit and Press, by Mary Baker Eddy Pulpit and Press (6th edition, 1897), by Mary Baker Eddy (Gutenberg text) Retrospection and Introspection, by Mary Baker Eddy Rudimental Divine Science, by Mary Baker Eddy Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures (1910 edition), by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML and MS Word at mbeinstitute.org) Science and Health, With Key to the Scriptures (edition currently published by First Church of Christ, Scientist), by Mary Baker Eddy (HTML and audio reading with commentary at christianscience.com) Unity of Good, by Mary Baker Eddy Unity of Good and Unreality of Evil (Boston: The author, 1888), by Mary Baker Eddy There is Nothing But God (Los Angeles: DeVorss and Co., c1934), by Vivian May Williams (page images at HathiTrust) The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany, by Mary Baker Eddy The Life of Mary Baker Eddy and the History of Christian Science (Cather uncredited in this edition; New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1909), by Georgine Milmine and Willa Cather (multiple formats at archive.org) Mary Baker Eddy: Leader Forever: The Manual Comes Alive, by Helen Marie Wright (HTML at mbeinstitute.org) Mary Baker Eddy's Church Manual and "Church Universal and Triumphant", by Helen Marie Wright (HTML at mbeinstitute.org) The Quimby Manuscripts (second edition; New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Co., c1921), by P. P. Quimby, ed. by Horatio W. Dresser Star of Boston: The Life of Mary Baker Eddy, by Helen Marie Wright (HTML at mbeinstitute.org)
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