Unitarian churches -- DoctrinesSee also what's at your library, or elsewhere.
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Filed under: Unitarian churches -- Doctrines
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Filed under: Unitarian churches The Essential Faith of the Universal Church, Deduced From the Sacred Records (Boston: Leonard C. Bowles, 1833), by Harriet Martineau
Filed under: Unitarian churches -- Clergy -- Biography Reminiscences of Rev. Wm. Ellery Channing, D.D. (Boston: Roberts Bros., 1880), by Elizabeth Palmer Peabody
Filed under: Unitarian churches -- New York (State) -- Syracuse -- Clergy -- Biography Samuel Joseph May. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, September 12th, 1797. Died in Syracuse, New York, July 1st, 1871 (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse Journal Office, 1871), ed. by Unitarian Congregational Society (Syracuse, N.Y.) Filed under: May, Samuel J. (Samuel Joseph), 1797-1871 Samuel Joseph May. Born in Boston, Massachusetts, September 12th, 1797. Died in Syracuse, New York, July 1st, 1871 (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse Journal Office, 1871), ed. by Unitarian Congregational Society (Syracuse, N.Y.) Filed under: Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842
Filed under: Channing, William Ellery, 1780-1842. Two sermons on infidelity
Filed under: Unitarian churches -- Hymns -- Early works to 1800
Filed under: Unitarian churches -- Liturgy -- Texts
Filed under: Unitarian churches -- Sermons Ten Sermons of Religion (Boston: Crosby, Nichols, and Co.; New York: C. S. Francis and Co., 1853), by Theodore Parker (page images at HathiTrust) A Discourse of the Transient and Permanent in Christianity (1841), by Theodore Parker (PDF with commentary at unl.edu) The Divine Need of the Rebel: Addresses From Texts From the Wider Bible of Literature (London: C. W. Daniel Co., 1924), by James Henry George Chapple (page images at HathiTrust) The Gospel of Joy (New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1898), by Stopford A. Brooke (page images at HathiTrust) Belief in God: An Examination of Some Fundamental Theistic Problems, by M. J. Savage, To Which is Added an Address on the Intellectual Basis of Faith, by W. H. Savage (Boston: G. H. Ellis, 1881), by Minot J. Savage and William Henry Savage (multiple formats at archive.org) Two Sermons on Infidelity, Delivered October 24, 1813 (Boston: Cummings and Hilliard; Cambridge: Hilliard and Metcalf, 1813), by William Ellery Channing
Filed under: Adventists -- Doctrines
Filed under: Anabaptists -- Doctrines
Filed under: Anglican Communion -- Doctrines The Holy Eucharist a Comfort to the Penitent, by E. B. Pusey (HTML at anglicanhistory.org) Apologia Pro Vita Sua (London: J. M. Dent and Sons; New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., published some time after 1912), by John Henry Newman (Gutenberg text) Apologia Pro Vita Sua ("the two versions of 1864 and 1865". London: Oxford University Press, 1913), by John Henry Newman, ed. by Wilfrid Ward (HTML at newmanreader.org) Apologia Pro Vita Sua: Being a History of His Religious Opinions (London and New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1890), by John Henry Newman (Gutenberg text and page images) Duty of the Church of England in Respect to Unlawful Wars: A Letter to a Right Reverend Prelate (second edition, 1842), by David Urquhart (page images at Google)
Filed under: Bahai Faith -- Doctrines
Filed under: Baptists -- Doctrines
Filed under: Bruderhof Communities -- Doctrines Discipleship: Living for Christ in the Daily Grind (expanded edition, c2014), by Heini Arnold (PDF at plough.com) God's Revolution: Justice, Community, and the Coming Kingdom (Walden, NY et al: Plough Publishing House, c2014), by Eberhard Arnold (PDF at plough.com) Be Not Afraid: Overcoming the Fear of Death (Walden, NY et al.: Plough Publishing House, c2014), by Johann Christoph Arnold (PDF at plough.com) Innerland: A Guide into the Heart of the Gospel (Rifton, NY et al.: Plough Publishing House, c2011), by Eberhard Arnold (PDF at plough.com) Sex, God, and Marriage (c2002), by Johann Christoph Arnold (HTML with commentary at plough.com)
Filed under: Buddhism -- Doctrines The Creed of Buddha, by Edmond Holmes (HTML at sacred-texts.com) The Essential Practice: Dhamma Discourses of Venerable Webu Sayadaw, by Webu Sayadaw, trans. by Roger Bischoff The Five Mental Hindrances and Their Conquest: Selected Texts from the Pali Canon and the Commentaries, trans. by Nyanaponika Thera (HTML at Access to Insight) Going to Refuge; Taking the Precepts, by Bhikkhu Bodhi (HTML at Access to Insight) The Manuals of Buddhism: The Exposition of the Buddha Dhamma, by Mahathera Ledi Sayadaw (HTML at webcom.com) The Mind Like Fire Unbound: An Image in the Early Buddhist Discourses, by Thanissaro Bhikkhu (HTML at Access to Insight) The Removal of Distracting Thoughts, trans. by Soma Thera (HTML at Access to Insight) Things as They Are: A Collection of Talks on the Training of the Mind, by Phra Maha Boowa Nanasampanno (HTML at Access to Insight) Three Cardinal Discourses of the Buddha, trans. by Nanamoli Thera (HTML at Access to Insight) The Way to Nirvana: Six Lectures on Ancient Buddhism as a Discipline of Salvation (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1917), by Louis de La Vallée Poussin (HTML with commentary at sacred-texts.com) Buddhist Reflections on Death, by V. F. Gunaratna (HTML at Access to Insight) The Dhamma Teaching of Acariya Maha Boowa in London, by Phra Maha Boowa Nanasampanno (HTML at Access to Insight) Dhammapada: Wisdom of the Buddha, trans. by Hariscandra Kaviratna (HTML at TUP) Renunciation, by T. Prince (HTML at Access to Insight) To Light a Fire: A Dhamma Discourse, by Webu Sayadaw, trans. by Roger Bischoff (HTML at Access to Insight) To the Last Breath: Dhamma Talks on Living and Dying; and Directions for Insight: Six Dhamma Talks on Centering the Mind in Non-Attachment, by Phra Maha Boowa Nanasampanno and Ko. Khaosuanluang (HTML at Access to Insight) The Way of Wisdom: The Five Spiritual Faculties, by Edward Conze (HTML at Access to Insight) The Buddha's Words on Kamma: Four Discourses of the Buddha from the Majjhima Nikaya, trans. by Nanamoli Thera (HTML at Access to Insight) Food for the Heart, by Achaan Chah (HTML at Access to Insight) Becoming Your Own Therapist: An Introduction to the Buddhist Way of Thought, by Thubten Yeshe, ed. by Nicholas Ribush (PDF at buddhanet.net) Make Your Mind an Ocean: Aspects of Buddhist Psychology, by Thubten Yeshe, ed. by Nicholas Ribush (PDF at buddhanet.net)
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