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: "Kingsland, Burton, Mrs." to "Kinney, Elizabeth C. (Elizabeth Clementine), 1810-1889" (Show titles; Include extended shelves)
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- Kingsland, Burton, Mrs. (2 titles)
- Kingsley, Charles, 1819-1875 (44 titles)
- Kingsley, Florence Morse, 1859-1937 (3 titles)
- Kingsley, G. H. (George Henry), 1827-1892 (2 titles)
- Kingsley, Henry, 1830-1876 (4 titles)
- Kingsley, Mary Henrietta, 1862-1900 (5 titles)
- Kingsley, Maurice, 1847-1910 (1 title)
- Kingsley, Rose Georgina, 1845 or 1846-1925 (1 title)
- Kingsley, Sidney, 1906-1995 (1 title)
- Kingsmill, Allison, 1923- (1 title)
- Kingsmill, Joseph (1 title)
- Kingsmill, Suzanne (1 title)
- Kingston, Alexander Seton, Viscount, 1621-1691 (1 title)
- Kingston, Charles (1 title)
- Kingston, Tigga (1 title)
- Kingston, William Henry Giles, 1814-1880 (115 titles)
- Kinietz, W. Vernon (William Vernon), 1907-1988 (1 title)
- Kinkaid, Mary Holland McNeish (1 title)
- Kinkead, Joyce A., 1954- (1 title)
- Kinkead, Thomas L. (2 titles)
- Kinnaston, Francis, Sir, 1587-1642 (1 title)
- Kinnersley, Henry (1 title)
- Kinney, Abbot, 1850-1920 (1 title)
- Kinney, Basil E. (1 title)
- Kinney, Elizabeth C. (Elizabeth Clementine), 1810-1889 (1 title)
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