Online Books by
Thomas Salmon
(Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767)
Books from the extended shelves:
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: A collection of state-trials and proceedings, upon high-treason, and other crimes and misdemeanours, from the reign of King Edward VI. to the present time : the seventh[-eighth] volumes[s] : with an alphabetical table to the two supplemental volumes. (Printed for B. Motte and C. Bathurst, 1735), also by Sollom Emlyn (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: A complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other crimes and misdemeanors ... : with notes and other illustrations (printed by T.C. Hansard for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown [etc.], 1816), also by Francis Hargrave, Sollom Emlyn, David Jardine, William Cobbett, Thomas Jones Howell, and Thomas Bayly Howell (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: A Complete collection of state-trials, and proceedings for high-treason, and other crimes and misdemeanours. (Printed by T. Wright, for C. Bathurst [etc.] and sold by G. Kearsly, 1776), also by Sollom Emlyn and Francis Hargrave (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: Complete collection of state trials, and proceedings for high-treason, and other crimes and misdemeanours (Printed for J. Walthoe sen. [etc.], 1730), also by Sollom Emlyn (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: A critical essay concerning marriage ... (Printed for C. Rivington, 1724) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: Die heutige Historie, oder der gegenwärtige Staat der Sundaischen Insuln, als Borneo, Java und Sumatra, nebst einem doppelten Anhang von dem gegenwärtigen Staat: I. der Nicobarischen und Andomanischen Insuln, II. des Landes der Papuas, nebst den umliegenden Insuln (Gebr. Korte, 1783), also by Matthias van Goch (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: Die heutige historie oder der gegenwärtige stast von Russland. Nach dem Englischen und Holländischen des Hrn. Salmon und Hrn. van Goch ins Deutsche übersetzt mit verschiedenen zusätzen und anmerkungen vermehrt und bis auf unsere zeiten fortgeführt von Elias Casper Reichard. (Korte, 1752), also by Matthias van Goch and Elias Caspar Reichard (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: he modern Gazetteer or, a short view of the several nations of the world (printed for S. and E. Ballard, and P. Knapton ..., 1747), also by Samuel Ballard and R. Knaplock (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: Hedendaagsche historie of het vervolg van de algemeene historie (W.G. de Groot, 1772) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: Hedendaagsche historie, of Tegenwoordige staat van Amerika ... Met nieuwe landkaarten en afbeeldingen der voornaamste zeehavens versierd. (I. Tirion, 1766) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: Hedendaagsche historie, of, Tegenwoordige staat van Groeland, en Straat Davids ... benevens, eene uitvoerige beschryving, van de walvisch- en robben-vangst: Met plaaten en kaarten. I. deel. (W. Vermandel, 1786) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: An impartial examination of Bishop Burnet's History of his own times : Containing an abridgement of that history, and suitable remarks on every material paragraph. Wherein is also given a fuller account of many considerable transactions in the reigns of King Charles II. and King James II. than has hitherto been published (Printed for Charles Rivington ..., 1724), also by Gilbert Burnet (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: Istoria moderna ovvero lo stato presente di tutti i popoli del mondo (presso Giambatista Albrizzi q. Gir., 1740) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: Lo stato presente di tutti i paesi e popoli del mondo naturale, politico e morale : con nuove osservazioni e correzioni degli antichi, e moderni viaggiatori. Volume XXI, Continuazione dell'Italia, o sia descrizione del Gran-Ducato di Toscana, della Repubblica di Lucca, e di una parte del dominio ecclesiastico. (nella stamperia di Giambatista Albrizzi q. Gir., 1757), also by Giovanni Battista Albrizzi and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: Lo stato presente di tutti i paesi e popoli del mondo naturale, politico e morale : con nuove osservazioni e correzioni degli antichi, e moderni viaggiatori (presso Giambatista Albrizzi q. Gir., 1738), also by Giovanni Battista Albrizzi (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: Lo stato presente di tutti i paesi e popoli del mondo naturale, politico e morale : con nuove osservazioni e correzioni degli antichi, e moderni viaggiatori. Volume IV, De i regni del Pegù, o Ava, Arrakan, Acham, o Asem, del vasto dominio del Gran Mongol, ch'e la vera India, delle Isole di Ceylan, e di Mala o Maldive. (presso Giambatista Albrizzi q. Gir., 1738), also by Giovanni Battista Albrizzi and Universidad Complutense (Alcalá de Henares) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: Lo stato presente di tutti i paesi e popoli del mondo naturale, politico, e morale, con nuove osservazioni e correzioni degli antichi e moderni viaggiatori. (presso Giovambatista Albrizzi Q. Gir., 1731) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: The modern gazetteer : or, A short view of the several nations of the world (S. & E. Ballard [etc.], 1759) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: The modern gazetteer: or, A short view of the several nations of the world ... (E. Ballard [etc.], 1759) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: The modern gazetteer, or, A short view of the several nations of the world absolutely necessary for rendering the public news, and other historical occurrences, intelligible and entertaining : containing, I. An introduction to geography ...II. The situation and extent of all the empires, kingdoms, states ... III. The produce, manufactures, trade ... IV. The genealogies and families of the emperors ... (Printed for S. and E. Ballard [and 10 others], 1756) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: The modern gazetteer, or, A short view of the several nations of the world absolutely necessary for rendering the public news, and other historical occurrences, intelligible and entertaining : containing, I. An introduction to geography ...II. The situation and extent of all the empires, kingdoms, states ... III. The produce, manufactures, trade ... IV. The genealogies and families of the emperors ... (Printed for E. Ballard [and 21 others], 1773), also by John Potter (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: Modern history (Printed for Messrs. Bettesworth and Hitch ... [and 5 others], 1739), also by Herman Moll (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: A new geographical and historical grammar: wherein th geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed, as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive ... (Printed by Sands, Murray, and Cochran, for J. Meuros, 1767) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: A new geographical and historical grammar wherein the geographical part is truly modern, and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed, as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive : containing, I. A description of the figure and motion of the earth : together with an account of the air, soil, produce, traffic, curiosities, arms, religion, language, universities, bishoprics, manners, customs, habits and coins, in use in the several kingdoms and states described (Printed for William Johnston ..., 1749) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: A new geographical and historical grammar wherein the geographical part is truly modern, and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed, as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive : containing I. A description of the figure and motion of the earth. II. Geographical definitions ... III. A general division of the globe ... IV. The situation and extent of the several countries ... together with an account of the air ... in the several kingdoms and states described (Printed for William Johnston ..., 1758) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: A new geographical and historical grammar : wherein the geographical part is truly modern; and the present state of the several kingdoms of the world is so interspersed as to render the study of geography both entertaining and instructive (London : W. Johnston, 1766., 1766) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: The new universal geographical grammar : wherein the situation and extent of the several countries are laid down according to the most exact geographical observations : and the history of all the different kingdoms of the world is interspersed in such a manner, as to render the study of geography both useful and entertaining ... : and a chronological table of remarkable events from the creation to the present time. (Printed for J. Spottiswood ..., 1782), also by James Tytler (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: The present state of the universities, and of the five adjacent counties of Cambridge, Huntington, Bedford, Buckingham and Oxford, Volume 1. (Printed for the author, and sold by J. Roberts, 1744) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: A short view of the families of the present English nobility; their marriages, issue, and immediate ancestors; the posts of honour and profit they hold in the government; their arms, mottos, and chief seats. With an index. Specifying the time of their respective creations, and summons to Parliament; the titles of their eldest sons; their rank, precedence, &c. (Printed for W. Owen, 1761) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: A short view of the families of the present English nobility : their marriages, issue, and immediate ancestors ; the posts of honour and profit they hold in the government ; their arms, mottos, and chief seats ; with an index, specifying the time of their respective creations, and summons to Parliament ; the titles of their eldest sons ; their rank, precedence, &c. (Printed for W. Owen, 1751), also by N. Salmon (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: A short view of the families of the present English nobility : their marriages, issue, and immediate ancestors : the posts of honour and profit they hold in the government : their arms, mottos, and chief seats ... (Printed for William Owen, 1761) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: State trials. (Printed for William Mears [etc], 1735) (page images at HathiTrust)
Salmon, Thomas, 1679-1767: Tegenwoordige staat der Vereenigde Nederlanden. Eerste deel, vervattende eene algemeene beschryving des lands, der zeden en godsdienst van de inwooners, een kort begrip van's lands historie, eene beschryving der hooge en mindere generaliteits-kollegien, der maatschapyen van oosten en westen, en der handwerken, visscheryen, zeewart en koophandel, enz. ... (I. Tirion, 1739), also by Jan Wagenaar (page images at HathiTrust)
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