You requested books with titles with the words "Poor Humanity". (Exclude extended shelves)
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- The gallows, the prison, and the poor-house : a plea for humanity, showing the demands of Christianity in behalf of the criminal and perishing classes (G.W. Quinby, 1860), by G. W. Quinby (page images at HathiTrust)
- Sermons on humanity and beneficence ... with a view to the present state of the poor ... (London, 1768) (page images at HathiTrust)
- A short inquiry into the policy, humanity and past effects of the poor laws : and into the principles upon which any measures for their improvement should be conducted : in which are included a few considerations on the questions of political oeconomy, most intimately connected with the subject : particularly on the supply of food in England (J. Hatchard, 1807), by John Weyland (page images at HathiTrust)
- A short inquiry into the policy, humanity and past effects of the poor laws; and into the principles upon which any measures for their improvement should be conducted; in which are included a few considerations on the questions of political oeconomy, most intimately connected with the subject ; particularly on the supply of food in England. By one of His Majesty's justices of the peace for three inland counties. (J. Hatchard [etc.], 1807), by John Weyland (page images at HathiTrust)
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