You requested books with titles with the words "Sin and Sorrow". (Exclude extended shelves)
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Additional items in the extended shelves:
- The court convert: or, A sincere sorrow for sin, faithfully travers'd expressing the dignity of a true penitent. Drawn in little by one, whose manifold misfortunes abroad, have render'd him necessitated, to seek for shelter here; by dedicating himself and this small poem. By H.A. gent. ([London] : Printed for the author, [1695?]), by H. W. (Henry Waring) (HTML at EEBO TCP)
- The Penitent Boy; or, Sin Brings Sorrow, ed. by Daniel P. Kidder (Gutenberg ebook)
- Sin and sorrow : the story of a man of fashion. (Henry Colburn, 1850) (page images at HathiTrust)
- The sorrow of Lent for sin, and not for suffering : the morning sermon in St. Mary's Church, Burlington, on the first Sunday in Lent, February 22d, A.D., 1863 (J.B. Chandler, printer, 1863), by William Croswell Doane (page images at HathiTrust)
- Sorrow, sin, and beauty : three short series of addresses (James Pott & Co., 1889), by Robert Campbell Moberly (page images at HathiTrust)
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