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    1. Nano Tips For Hosting Story Circles to Unlock Team Wisdom with David Hutchens

      The course introduces strategic story circles for company leads to build connection and unlock wisdom.

      The course introduces strategic story circles for company leads to build connection and unlock wisdom. Read less

    2. Charles Adler: A Story of Kickstarting an Idea

      Tune into this audio-only course to learn about the career of Charles Adler, a founder of one of the world's largest and most successful crowdfunding platforms—Kickstarter.

      Tune into this audio-only course to learn about the career of Charles Adler, a founder of one of the world's largest and most successful crowdfunding platforms—Kickstarter. Read less

    3. Writing: The Craft of Story

      Dig into the craft of writing a compelling story, with practical how-to advice and before-and-after writing samples.

      Dig into the craft of writing a compelling story, with practical how-to advice and before-and-after writing samples. Read less

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    1. Oral History Interview with Bruce and Barbara Zobel – tape log

      the [admissions tests] at State, [my wife] wa s out looking for a place. NC State had a list of people offe ring housing to students and she got the name of Mrs. Brooks. Mr. Brooks

      the [admissions tests] at State, [my wife] wa s out looking for a place. NC State had a list of people offe ring housing to students and she got the name of Mrs. Brooks. Mr. Brooks Read less

    2. A Mystery Solved

      : “Miss Eliza Riddick dies of Pneumonia, Only Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. I.G. Riddick and Had Been Nurse at State College.” Dr. I.G. Riddick was Wallace Carl Riddick’s brother

      : “Miss Eliza Riddick dies of Pneumonia, Only Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. I.G. Riddick and Had Been Nurse at State College.” Dr. I.G. Riddick was Wallace Carl Riddick’s brother Read less

    3. Transcript: Patrick Horsbrugh: Lewis Clarke Oral History Project

      for a school , but it wasn’t . So it was demolished in total and so that’s the end of that story. The house in, Pfeiff at Cooper, outside Cooper , was a smaller house but a house

      for a school , but it wasn’t . So it was demolished in total and so that’s the end of that story. The house in, Pfeiff at Cooper, outside Cooper , was a smaller house but a house Read less

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