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"Video games are an extremely popular form of entertainment. In fact, it's estimated that sixty-seven percent of American adults aged eighteen and over play video games. But amidst the fun, there is a dark side to video gaming. Some people play so frequently that this activity becomes an addiction that causes both mental and physical health problems, as well as the loss of relationships, jobs, and money. [This book] discusses the negative physical and metal effects of video gaming, as well as its effects on family and other loved ones; and provides an overview of treatment options for the addiction"--Adapted from publisher description.
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It's the year 2050. Three teenagers, Zeb, Willis and Arizona, are drawn to a new kind of games console and a weird demo game supplied to them by a mysterious stranger. It's a game of superior graphics and challenges, and Zeb is soon unable to resist playing. But his growing addiction leads to danger as he becomes drawn into Grimble Dower's dark world called Virtualitee.
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Is your child spending too much time playing video games? Or are your children are begging you for screen time and you don't know how to help them establish healthy tech habits? Are games causing conflict and arguments? Whatever brings you here, I can help. How much should I let them play? How do I get them to be interested in anything else?! Video games and managing screen time are a modern parenting problem with no blueprint and a rapidly changing landscape. Harvard-trained psychiatrist and former gaming addict, Dr Alok Kanojia - Dr K to his millions of followers - offers a proven, tested plan to help parents define, set and reinforce healthy boundaries around screens and video games. From communication strategies and advice on dealing with behavioural issues to the neurological reasons behind why tech is so addictive, How to Raise a Healthy Gamer is essential for parents of children of all ages. Based on Dr K's own experience with gaming addiction and his neuroscientific and psychiatric expertise, this in an accessible and engaging eight-week, step-by-step program covering how to react when your child becomes irritable, rude, or seemingly directionless around screens and offers insights on dealing with behavioural issues that often accompany game overuse such as ADHD and spectrum disorders. Written to empower parents with knowledge and practical advice, this guide from the foremost expert on video game psychology provides skills, offers hope and sets out a clear road map to building healthy gaming habits that will equip your child for a fulfilling future.
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9781035025893 9781035025886
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With their labile and rapidly developing brains, adolescents are particularly susceptible to addiction, and addiction leads to anxiety and depression. What few parents will know is that what we think of as the most typical addictions and problematic teen behaviours - smoking, drinking, drug taking, sex leading to teenage pregnancy - are on the decline. The bad news is that a whole raft of addictions has taken their place. Whereas once the dopamine-hungry brain of a teenager got its fix from smoking a joint or sculling a Bundy and coke, it is now turning to electronic devices for the pleasure jolt that typically comes from online playing games and engaging with social media. What is doubly troubling is that, unlike drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, electronic devices are not illicit. Quite the contrary. They are liberally distributed by schools and parents, with few restrictions placed on their use. And, to add fuel to the fire, emerging research shows that if addictive pathways are activated during the teen years, they are there for life, and that what starts as a screen addiction can lead to major substance abuse later in life.
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The Tech Diet for your Child and Teen provides real-life strategies that any parent can implement to create a healthy balance and put your kids' development first. Based on solid psychological research explaining why screen addiction is so powerful, Brad's jargon-free advice gives a clear plan for parents who have had enough and are serious about changing the way their kids use and interact with technology. The Tech Diet for your Child & Teen contains: Ways to apply workable solutions for excessive internet use and gaming rather than fighting about it; Advice on how to take control of the Wi-Fi and manage smartphones and data; Practical tips to help survive the school holidays; How to tackle kids telling you they are doing 'homework' while switching screens; A holistic plan that puts your child's wellbeing first, screens second; Special information for children with conditions such as ADHD, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Anxiety and Depression.
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With their labile and rapidly developing brains, adolescents are particularly susceptible to addiction, and addiction leads to anxiety and depression. What few parents will know is that what we think of as the most typical addictions and problematic teen behaviours, smoking, drinking, drug taking, sex leading to teenage pregnancy, are on the decline. The bad news is that a whole raft of addictions has taken their place. Whereas once the dopamine-hungry brain of a teenager got its fix from smoking a joint or sculling a Bundy and coke, it is now turning to electronic devices for the pleasure jolt that typically comes from online playing games and engaging with social media. What is doubly troubling is that, unlike drugs, alcohol and cigarettes, electronic devices are not illicit. Quite the contrary. They are liberally distributed by schools and parents, with few restrictions placed on their use. And, to add fuel to the fire, emerging research shows that if addictive pathways are activated during the teen years, they are there for life, and that what starts as a screen addiction can lead to major substance abuse later in life.
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Join Olivia and Sam as they discover the wonders of the Internet but learn about how to be safe while they explore. They learn how to deal with cyber bullying and be a good digital citizen, how to keep personal information private and much more. At the end of every chapter the 'Awesome Internet' feature reminds us about all the great things you can do on the Internet, too.
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2019 2018
9781526305725 9781526305718
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