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book jacket
The life and campaigns of the Black Prince : from contemporary letters, diaries and chronicles, incl

139 p., [9] p. of plates :
ISBN/ISSN: 0312483821 :

book jacket
Prince Noir. English & French
Chandos Herald,
lxii, 256 p.
ISBN/ISSN: 0404565328

book jacket
Eyewitness to history / edited by John Carey.

xxxviii, 706 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 0380729687

book jacket
Child development : an active learning approach / Laura E. Levine, Joyce Munsch.
Levine, Laura E.
xxix, 575, [95] p. :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781412989183 (miscellaneous (3 hole punch))

book jacket
American datelines : major news stories from colonial times to the present / edited by Ed Cray, Jona

xxiii, 412 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 0252071166 (pbk. : alk. paper)

book jacket
French secular music of the late fourteenth century / edited by Willi Apel ; edition of the literary

1 score (xii, 39, 133 pages), 8 pages of plates :
ISBN/ISSN: 0910956294

book jacket
Eyewitness to history / edited by John Carey.

xxxviii, 706 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 0674287509

Righteousness by Faith articles, Ellen G. White regarding (The Spear Collection)

Phrenology, psychology, mesmerism, and spiritualism / The future / The barren fig-tree / Sanctification / Sanctification - the life of Daniel an illustration of true sanctification / Sanctification - the life of Daniel an illustration of true sanctification / Sanctification - the life of Daniel an illustration of true sanctification / Sanctification - the life of John an illustration of true sanctification / Sanctification - the life of John an illustration of true sanctification / Sanctification - the life of John an illustration of true sanctification / Sanctification - the law of God the standard of true sanctification / Sanctification - Christian character / Sanctification - The Christian's privilege / Scattered churches / Our present duty and the coming crisis / Unity of the church / The sin of licentiousness / Praise glorifies God / The church's great need / Union with Christ / Divine wisdom / Preach the word / How do we stand? / The need of love / The work of the minister / The knowledge of Christ and self leads to humility / The privilege of God's people / The co-operation of man with God / David's prayer / Revival work in the Battle Creek church / Where are the nine? / In him is light / Meetings at South Lancaster, Mass. / Go work today in my vineyard / Is it well with my soul / Let us go without the camp / Man's failure to comprehend divinity in humanity / The strength of God's people / The secret of unity / Camp-meeting at Ottawa, Kansas / Compassion for the erring / A lively hope / Camp-meeting at Williamsport, Pa. / Camp-meeting at Rome, N. Y. / "Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith " / The need of advancement / God warns men of His coming judgments / Christ revealed the father / The relation of Christ to the law is not understood / Need of earnestness in the cause of God / Draw nigh to God / Christ prayed for unity among his disciples / The present message / Open the heart to light / Repentance the gift of God / Consecrated workers needed / Living channels of light / Spiritual weakness inexcusable / The righteousness of Christ / The righteousness of Christ concluded / The conditions of salvation / By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples / The high calling of God in Christ Jesus / Justification by faith / Justification by faith concluded / The mystic ladder / A peculiar people / "Be zealous and repent" / Sermon at Otsego / The world by wisdom knew not God / On the way to Australia / "Sanctify them through thy truth" / "It is not for you to know the times and the seasons" / The work of God to believe in Christ /

book jacket
Book of black : black holes, black death, black forest cake and other dark sides of life / Clifford
Pickover, Clifford A.,
x, 214 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781606600498

book jacket
Charles V : le roi sage / Christine Duthoit.
Duthoit, Christine,
376 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9782340080362
L'apprentissage du pouvoir dans un royaume menacé d'éclatement (1338-1364) -- Un contexte politique difficile -- Enfance et formation de Charles (1338-1350) -- "Charles Monseigneur" -- Les "années obscures" du futur Charles V -- Charles premier dauphin de France -- La question de la légitimité des Valois -- La crise de 1316 -- La crise de 1328 -- Le "roi trouvé" -- Deux adversaires coriaces -- Édouard III d'Angleterre -- Charles de Navarre, dit Charles le Mauvais -- Les débuts de la guerre de cent ans -- Des origines et des enjeux complexes -- L'alliance franco-écossaise -- L'hommage du roi d'Angleterre pour la Guyenne -- L'ingérence anglaise dans les affaires de la Flandre -- La rupture : l'affaire Robert d'Artois -- Les forces en présence -- Le riche et puissant royaume de France et sa noble chevalerie -- Le royaume d'Angleterre plus pauvre mais innovant en matière militaire -- Les premiers affrontements (1337-1346) : des conflits par alliés interposés -- Les troubles en Flandre et la défaite française de l'Écluse (1339-1340) -- Le duché de Bretagne entre France et Angleterre -- L'enjeu crucial de la Normandie -- Le désastre de Crécy (25 août 1346) -- Préliminaires -- La catastrophe -- L'après-Crécy -- L'impact de la Peste noire ou Grande Peste -- Quelle maladie désigne le mot "peste" ? -- La propagation de la peste -- Les premières responsabilités politiques de Charles sur fond de mésentente père-fils -- Jean II (1350-1364), un roi à l'action contestée -- Un roi fastueux et critiqué mais qui tente des réformes -- L'exécution du connétable Raoul de Brienne (19 novembre 1350), une faute politique -- L'assassinat du connétable Charles de La Cerda (8 janvier 1354), l'engrenage de la violence -- Le double jeu de Charles de Navarre -- La première mission du dauphin en Normandie (1335-1356) -- La "fugue" du dauphin (5 ou 6 décembre 1355) -- Le dramatique banquet de Rouen (5 avril 1356) et l'isolement de Charles -- Le désastre de Poitiers (19 septembre 1356) -- L'argent, "le nerf de la guerre" -- Les chevauchées anglaises de septembre 1355 -- Une nouvelle catastrophe militaire, le roi prisonnier des Anglais -- "L'effet Poitiers" d'après les chroniques contemporaines -- La cristallisation des oppositions qui profitent de la situation pour défier l'autorité royale (1357-1358) -- Le dauphin, les États et le prévôt des marchands -- La puissance de la bourgeoisie à Paris -- Le dauphin et les États sous la pression de la rue -- Étienne Marcel, tribun du peuple -- La libération de Charles de Navarre et la plongée dans la guerre civile -- La révolution parisienne de février 1358 -- Le poids de Paris -- L'assassinat du trésorier Jean Baillet (24 janvier 1358) -- L'émeute du 22 février 1358 -- La stratégie du dauphin, plier mais ne pas céder -- La Grande Jacquerie de mai-juin 1358 -- Comment et pourquoi ? -- L'explosion de violence -- Une féroce répression conduite par Charles de Navarre -- Heurs et malheurs du dauphin-régent Charles -- Retournements de situation -- Impopularité de Charles de Navarre et assassinat d'Étienne Marcel (31 juillet 1358) -- Reconquête de Paris par le régent -- L:Endenture, deuxième traité de Londres (24 mars 1359) -- La reprise de la guerre avec les Anglais -- Chevauchées anglaises et tactique française de la "terre déserte" (1359-1360) -- Mythe et histoire du Grand Ferré -- Le tragique périple anglais du Carême 1360 -- Humiliation de Charles, écarté du pouvoir par les Melun, menacé de mort -- La rencontre avec Bertrand du Guesclin -- Un petit seigneur breton capitaine de bande -- Son engagement auprès de Charles de Blois, le siège de Rennes (1356-1357) -- Du Guesclin au service du dauphin -- Le traité de Brétigny (13 juin 1360) et le retour du roi -- La création du franc (5 décembre 1360) -- La lutte contre les Compagnies -- L'utopie de la croisade -- Les grandes compagnies, la "peste rouge" -- Un fléau devenu endémique -- Origines des compagnies de routiers -- Situation au XIVe siècle -- Quelques portraits de capitaines -- Bernard de la Salle, dit Bernardon de la Salle -- Bertrucat d'Albret, l'ascension sociale d'un bâtard -- Robert Knowles, "le Capitaine" -- Arnaud de Cervole, dit "l'archiprêtre", le "traître professionnel" -- Seguin de Badefols et ses "diables et lions rugissants" -- La bataille de Brignais (6 avril 1362) et ses conséquences -- La mort du roi Jean II -- Une politique de reconquête à tous niveaux -- Charles s'impose comme roi de France -- Charles V à l'épreuve du pouvoir -- La mise en œuvre d'une nouvelle politique -- La victoire de Du Guesclin à Cocherel (16 mai 1364) -- Le sacre et le couronnement de Charles V à Reims (19 mai 1364) -- Trois victoires diplomatiques -- La succession de Bretagne (1341-1364) -- La succession de Bourgogne et le mariage flamand (1367) -- Le recouvrement de la souveraineté : baronnie de Bourbon et duché d'Orléans -- Reprise de la lutte contre les Compagnies -- Solutions pour débarrasser le royaume des routiers -- La guerre civile en Castille (1366-1367) -- Reprise de la lutte contre les routiers après 1368 : coopération entre les sujets et le pouvoir royal -- La reconquête du royaume (1369-1375) -- Les appels gascons -- L'hostilité croissante au Prince Noir dans le Midi -- L'appel du comte Jean d'Armagnac (mai 1368) -- Charles V reçoit les "appelants" du Midi (juin 1368) -- Une reprise de la guerre "pour vice de procédure" -- Des succès inégaux en 1369-1370 -- Une nouvelle armée -- Premiers succès français : l'offensive de 1369 dans le Sud-Ouest et la bataille de Pontvallain -- Le choc du sac de Limoges (19 septembre 1370) -- Du Guesclin connétable (2 octobre 1370) : une nouvelle stratégie -- Le redressement français -- La soumission de Charles de Navarre -- L'écrasante défaite anglaise à La Rochelle (22-23 juin 1372) -- La reconquête du Poitou, de l'Aunis, de la Saintonge et de l'Angoumois -- Les derniers soubresauts de la résistance anglaise -- L'attitude hostile aux Français du duc de Bretagne -- La chevauchée du duc de Lancastre (été 1373) -- Une "nouvelle manière de faire la guerre" -- La trêve de Bruges (22 juin 1375) -- Une pin de règne assombrie (1378-1380) -- La reprise de la guerre avec les Anglais -- La flotte française à l'assaut des côtes anglaises -- La poursuite des opérations terrestres -- Réflexions sur le conflit -- Les problèmes intérieurs -- La dernière trahison de Charles de Navarre -- Jean IV de Montfort "l'Anglais" -- La révolte du Midi -- Le Grand Schisme -- Les origines -- L'élection mouvementée et contestée d'Urbain VI -- Les affres de conscience de Charles V -- Charles V, "le roi sage", le mythe et l'histoire -- Charles V, l'homme et le roi -- Témoignages et représentations -- Portrait du roi -- Les soucis de santé -- La journée du roi -- L'entourage proche -- Dans l'intimité de Charles -- Un roi très chrétien et souverain -- Réaffirmation de la royauté de droit divin -- Un nouveau saint Louis -- Une souveraineté intangible et sacrée -- L'Édit du Bois de Vincennes (21 mai 1375) et la succession au trône de France -- Un roi "sage" et lettré -- "Roy non en lectres enseignié est un droit asne coroné", "un roi illettré est un âne couronné" (Jean de Salisbury) -- Paris capitale du livre -- La "Librairie" -- La politique de traductions en français -- L'intérêt de Charles V pour les sciences occultes --

book jacket
The Black Death : the great mortality of 1348-1350 : a brief history with documents / John Aberth.
Aberth, John,
xi, 180 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781319048877

book jacket
Chronicle of King Pedro = Crónica del rey don Pedro / Pero López de Ayala ; translated with an intro
López de Ayala, Pedro,
3 volumes :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781789621341

book jacket
Du Guesclin / Jean-Michel Dasque.
Dasque, Jean-Michel,
383 pages, viii pages of plates :
ISBN/ISSN: 9782340045767
Les années de jeunesse (1320-1353) -- Une jeunesse passée dans le cliquetis des armes (1320-1341) -- L'origine, la petite noblesse bretonne -- La Bretagne au début du XIVe siècle -- Une jeunesse querelleuse -- Le tournoi de Rennes -- Les origines de la guerre de Cent Ans -- Deux nations que tout oppose -- Le déclenchement de la guerre de Bretagne -- Du Guesclin, chef d'une bande de partisans (1341-1353) -- Les défaites françaises -- La guerre de Bretagne -- Le dogue noir de Brocéliande -- La prise du château de Fougeray -- La société militaire à l'époque de du Guesclin -- Les effectifs -- Le recrutement des combattants, procédures traditionnelles et volontariat -- L'organisation et le commandement -- La persistance des traditions de la chevalerie pendant la guerre de Cent Ans -- L'évolution des mentalités et des comportements -- La conduite des opérations -- Du Guesclin au service du roi de France (1353-1365) -- Les premières années de du Guesclin au service du roi (1353-1357) -- L'escarmouche de Montmuran et l'adoubement de Du Guesclin -- La mission diplomatique de Du Guesclin à Londres -- Les évènements dramatiquès de France -- Le siège de Rennes (1356-1357) -- Tournois et duels -- Du Guesclin capitaine de Pontorson (1357-1360) -- La mission à Pontorson -- Les troubles civils en France -- La participation de Du Guesclin au siège de Melun (juin-août 1359) -- Guérillas en Bretagne -- La signature du traité de Brétigny (24 octobre 1360) -- Du Guesclin en lutte contre les grandes compagnies (1360-1363) -- Les compagnies de mercenaires -- La lutte de Du Guesclin contre les compagnies en Normandie -- Expédition en Bretagne -- Aventures extraordinaires -- L'affaire Felton -- Le mariage avec Tiphaine Raguenel -- Le triomphe de Cocherel -- La détérioration des relations entre la France et le royaume de Navarre -- La conquête de Mantes et de Meulan -- Le séjour de Charles V dans le Vexin normand -- La guerre rallumée entre la France et la Navarre -- La bataille de Cocherel (16 mai 1364) -- Le désastre d'Auray, l'épreuve d'un héros (29 septembre 1364) -- Les suites de la victoire de Cocherel -- Le retour de Du Guesclin sur le théâtre breton -- Les préparatifs et les plans de la bataille -- Le désastre d'Auray (29 septembre 1364) -- La paix entre le roi de France et Charles de Navarre -- Du Guesclin prisonnier de Jehan Chandos -- L'épreuve espagnole (1365-1370) -- Les origines de la croisade espagnole -- Le pape et l'idée de croisade -- L'Espagne au milieu du XIVe siècle -- La Castille -- L'Aragon -- La Navarre -- L'Angleterre face au problème espagnol -- La constitution d'une coalition-anticastillane -- Le choix de Du Guesclin pour conduire l'expédition d'Espagne -- Le paiement de la rançon de Du Guesclin -- La chevauchée espagnole (octobre 1365-fin 1366) -- Le voyage de Paris à Barcelone -- Les difficultés avec le roi d'Aragon -- La prise des villes du nord de la Castille et le couronnement d'Henri de Trastamare à Burgos -- Les errances de Pierre le Cruel

book jacket
Disability experiences : memoirs, autobiographies, and other personal narratives / G. Thomas Couser

2 volumes (lxix, 913 pages) ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9781410388049

book jacket
Black voices on Britain / edited and introduced by Hakim Adi.

xi, 256 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9781529072617

book jacket
Torn music : rejected film scores, a selected history / by Gergely Hubai.
Hubai, Gergely,
xx, 476 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9781935247050

book jacket
Prophet from the South : essays in honour of Allan Aubrey Boesak / editors, Prince Dibeela, Puleng L

xvi, 281 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781920689247
Resisting "Lordless powers"? : Boesak on power / Jesus Christ is Lord! : an indispensable parameter for theology in public life? / A personal reflection : questioning the present from the lenses of the theological and political influence of Allan Boesak / Signposts, or the Cassandra Syndrome / Truth revealed / If there is no justice there will be no peace / Nevertheless, God : the theology of the absurd / Justice, peace and human rights : a call to active prayer / Africa in African American religious history and teaching : the case of black theology / Black and reformed : conversations with Caribbean theology / Lessons of liberation in the struggle for freedom / Talking about race in the twenty-first century / Strange fruit : the cross and the lynching tree / Running with horses without losing the tenderness of conscience : the contribution of Allan Boesak to South African politics and theology / In pursuit of a liberating humanism : reflections in honour of Allan Aubrey Boesak / A confessing journey : towards justice in the economy and the earth / Allan Aubrey Boesak : a Black public theologian from the belly of a kgodumodumo /

book jacket
Medieval Russia : a source book, 850-1700 / edited by Basil Dmytryshyn.

viii, 538 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 0875692184
Kievan Rus -- The Distribution of Medieval Slavs -- The Coming of the Varangians -- Byzantine-Kievan Relations -- Porphyrogenitus' Description of the Voyage Down the Dnieper River -- Olga's Vengeance -- Sviatoslav's Conquests -- The Acceptance of Christianity -- Ruskaia Pravda: The Short Version -- The Church Statute of Kiev -- Metropolitan Hilarion's Eulogy of Prince Vladimir and Prince Iaroslav -- The Struggle for Succession -- The Struggle with the Nomads -- The Testament of Vladimir Monomakh -- The Assassination of Prince Bogoliubskii and a Popular Revolt in Vladimir -- The Assassination of Prince Andre Bogoliubskii, 1174 -- An Uprising in Bogoliubovo and Vladimir in 1175 -- The Tale of the Host of Igor -- Daniel's Plea for Forgiveness -- A Discourse Concerning the Ruin of Rus Land -- A Biography of Prince Alexander Nevskii -- Galicia-Volyn in the Thirteenth Century -- A Treaty between Novgorod and the Hanseatic League, 1270 -- Life in Medieval Novgorod -- Mongol Yoke -- Mongol Conquest of Northern Rus in 1237-1238 -- Mongol Capture of Kiev in 1240 -- John of Pian de Carpine's Journey to Mongolia in 1246 -- The Court of Batu Khan in 1253 -- Prince Daniel of Galicia's Relations with the Mongols -- Mongol Rule and the Orthodox Church -- The iarlyk [Charter] of Khan Mengu-Temir to Metropolitan Theognostos, August 1, 1267 -- The iarlyk [Charter] of Khan Berdibek to Metropolitan Alexei, November, 1357 -- The Anti-Mongol Uprising in Tver in 1327 -- Moscow's First Successful Challenge of the Mongols, 1380.

book jacket
Cyclopedia of literary places / second edition, Denise Lenchner, editor ; first edition, R. Kent Ras

3 volumes (xl, 1216 pages) ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9781619258846 (set)

1844 Disappointment

To the Orthodox Congregational Church at New Ipswich, N.H. (Sep 1843) -- Great Events of Our Past Century - XXXVIII expected destruction of the world-1843 / Letters to dear Bro. White, Nov 1852 (article, The Review and Herald, 1852) -- Letters to dear Bro. White (article, The Review and Herald, 1853) -- The rise and progress of Adventism (concluded) (article, The Review and Herald, 1856) -- The sanctuary (article, The Review and Herald, 1863) -- Patience, brethren and courage / Ascension robes / Disappointment / Seventh-day Adventists (article, The Review and Herald) -- Disappointment / Elder Himes / The twenty-three hundred days / Acknowledgment / Letter from Wm. Miller / The opening year (article, The Review and Herald, 1885) -- Advent experience - no. 1-the passing of time in 1844, the "shut door," and the rise of the third angel's message / Advent experience - no. 2-previous to the passing of the time in 1844 -- Advent experience - no. 3-the bitter disappointment which followed the passing of the time / Advent experience - no. 4-the shut door and the kindred matters / Advent experience - no. 5-the gradual development of the truths of the third angel's message / Advent experience - no. 6-the shut-door doctrine among the believers in the third angel's message / Advent experience - no. 7-the shut-door doctrine among the believers in the third angel's message / Advent experience - no. 8-the shut door doctrine among the believers in the third angel's message / Advent experience - no. 9-the shut door among the believers in the third angel's message / Advent experience - no. 10-the close of probation to those who reject light / Advent experience - no. 11 (concluded) / Advent experience / Notice of death re: Josiah Litch (article, The Review and Herald, 1886) -- Our Saviour's great prophecy - the warning message of the last days / Death of Father Himes / The experiences of former days - no. 1-looking backward / The experiences of former days - no. 2-the early proclamation of the Second Advent / The experiences of former days - no. 3-the Great Disappointment / The experiences of former days - no. 4-development of the third angel's message / The experiences of former days - no. 5-the Advent of the printed message / The experiences of former days - no. 6-contents of early numbers of Advent Review / The experiences of former days - no. 7-God's providence in the selection of pioneer workers / The experiences of former days - no. 8-the call of other pioneer workers in the message / The experiences of former days - no. 9-early methods of labor / The experiences of former days - no. 10-the first tent meetings / The experiences of former days - no. 11-incidents of early tent life / The experiences of former days - no. 12-removal of the printing work to Michigan, and its results / The experiences of former days - no. 13-spread of the message to the Pacific Coast / The experiences of former days - no. 14-the introduction of camp-meetings / The experiences of former days - no. 15-introduction of health principles / The experiences of former days - no. 16-the opening of foreign mission work / The experiences of former days - no. 17-Scandinavia in the line of God's providence / The experiences of former days - no. 18-opening of missions in English countries / The experiences of former days - no. 19-opening of the China field / The one hundred and forty-four thousand / The disappointment and its explanation / Second Advent experiences--no. 1 / Second Advent experience--no. 2 / Second Advent experience--no. 3 / Second Advent experience--no. 4 / Second Advent experience--no. 5 / Second Advent experience--no. 6 / Second Advent experience--no. 7 / Second Advent experience--no. 8 / The message and its friends - an introductory study / The message and its friends - no. 2-Joseph Bates as I knew him / The message and its friends - no. 3-James White, a leader of men / The message and its friends - no. 4-Ellen G. White, ambassador for God / The message and its friends - no. 5-John N. Andrews, its pioneer missionary / The message and its friends - no. 6-Uriah Smith, the "Pathfinder" / The message and its friends - no. 7-J. H. Waggoner, theologian and editor / The message and its friends - no. 8-Merritt E. Cornell, the stormy petrel / The message and its friends - no. 9-George Ide Butler / The message and its friends - no. 10-John G. Matteson, the invincible / The message and its friends - no. 11-Ole A. Olsen, the magnaminous / The message and its friends - no. 12-Daniel T. Bourdeau, French Reformer / The message and its friends - no. 13-John N. Loughborough, the whole-hearted /

book jacket
The guide for White women who teach Black boys : understanding, connecting, respecting / [edited by]

xlvi, 420 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781506351681
Exploring the self. Ready to make a difference, the old fashioned way / Raisins in the sun: white teacher as a force of nature buffering the radiation of racial retaliation / The state of the white woman teacher / Two black boys / Understanding unconscious bias as one more tool in the committed white teacher's equity toolkit / White female teachers and black boys : right teachers and (mis)understood boys / White racial identity development / "What if being called 'racist' is the beginning, not the end, of the conversation?" / New understandings / What does it mean to be a white teacher? /

book jacket
Black writers of the founding era 1760-1800 / James G. Baster, editor with Nicole Seary ; foreword b

lxi, 706 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of plates :
ISBN/ISSN: 1598537342

book jacket
The crunk feminist collection / edited by Brittney C. Cooper, Susana M. Morris, and Robin M. Boylorn

xxi, 336 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9781558619432 : PAP :

Home and Parenting

Letter from Wm. Miller to his son contemplating marriage (Jan 1835) -- Counsels regarding parenthood and family relationships / Counsels regarding parenthood and family relationships / How to raise your children (guide, 1961) "What is a boy" / Verbal skills / An educator's exegesis of Deuteronomy 6 / Development of a model for social improvement in communities / Sabbath do's and don'ts based on the chapter "Sabbath--the day of delight," Child Guidance, pp. 527-37 -- Understanding is the need / Educator blames family for today's unrest / The happy family / Teen-agers and parents "dual controls" / Second-born gives 'advice' to ... / Osmosis Christianity? / Improving family living / Raising children - government's or parent's right? (1975) The little woman with a baby in her arms / Disagreeing agreeably / Protected but not overprotected / In spite of failure / Reader to reader (letters, Adventist Review, 1979) -- Parent's exchange - teen-agers wanted / Spiritual nurture of the child / The family - seedbed for mental health / Children are for cherishing / No ordinary couple / Ten commandments for a happy marriage / Religion in the family (Sabbath School Quarterly, Jan-Mar 1982) -- Notes on character development -- Social studies - theme: the importance of making wise choices (guide) -- Am I a person or a role? (article) -- Walking in Dad's boots / For further study, pages 71, 39 (references from the writings of Ellen G. White) -- Footprints / A bed for Michael / So this is how much mother loves child / Helping your child manage money / Watching eyes / Parents and teachers, working together / What children would like (excerpt of His Partner: a Bulletin for British Columbia Conference Workers' Wives, 1986) -- The perils of parenthood (1986) -- Parent's influence upon child's personality development during the age 1-7 (optimal period C. G. 193-194) -- Eight ways to be a terrific stepparent / Preparing your child to start school / The hidden abuse / Great moments in child rearing / The great fun campaign: making family time priority time / What makes Johnny try? / Work and family / The balancing act / Do good parents make good children? / What am I doing here, anyway? / Help for single parents / Helping children cope with loss / The facts of life are good news / What children really mean when they say... / How super is superbaby? / Bringing up junior / Positive parenting in five steps / Teaching kids about money / Foster parenting / Seven things teens are dying to tell their parents / When death came before birth... / Dr. Dobson answers your questions (article, Focus on the Family, Aug 1988) -- Beginning a family star search / In focus - What readers ask most often about Dr. Dobson (article, Focus on the Family, 1988) -- Who's minding the kids? / Love unspoken / Successful grandparenting / Dr. Dobson answers your questions (article, Focus on the Family, Nov 1988) -- Reaching out to single parent families (interview conducted by Kyle Duncan and Carol Jackson) (article, Focus on the Family, 1989) -- 'I can't raise kids alone!' / A single parent shares the pain / The flourishing teen years (for child and parent) / Dr. Dobson answers your questions (article, Focus on the Family, Jan 1989) -- Money matters for kids: how do you teach your children financial responsibility? / Dr. Dobson answers your questions (article, Focus on the Family, Feb 1989) -- The unexpected lesson / Life's unplanned moments are often the most memorable...not all valentines come in envelopes / Making churches into marriage savers / The Christian home / Christian education is, basically, reception of the mind of Christ, which is love (notes and quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White in the books Education and Counsels to Teachers) -- See also referral notes -- Transfer sheet

The 1350°F stress-rupture properties of two wrought alloys and three cast alloys / by E.E. Reynolds
Reynolds, E. E.,
1 online resource (23 pages) :

Andrews, John N

John N. Andrews, 1867 - 1869, with a short biography (photograph) -- John N. Andrews (photograph) -- John Nevins Andrews 1829-1883 (photograph) -- The first Seventh-day Adventist church outside of North America at Tramelan, Switzerland (photograph) -- Into all the world (artist concept of John N. Andrews and his two children on a boat in 1874 as they depart for Switzerland) Sunnyside- Mrs. White's home near Avondale College in Australia from 1895-1900 (photograph) The "Pitcairn" at anchor near the island (artist concept) -- Pitcairn Island (map) -- Ellen G. White's autograph album -- The spirit of prophecy books (photograph) -- The historic old church at Washington, New Hampshire (photograph) Michael B. Czechowski and Catherine Revel, the preacher who she heard and became possibly the first Seventh-day Adventist convert in all of Europe (photographs) -- Elder James White being annointed and prayed for by elder John Andrews (artist depiction) -- John N. Andrews (artist depiction) -- In Aug 1875, elder Andrews baptized 8 persons in the waters of Lake Neuchatel (artist depiction) -- Elder John N. Andrews praying with someone (artist depiction) -- Our first missionary, John Nevins Andrews (offering envelope) -- Mrs White sat at a table directly below the platform, writing all the time elder Andrews was speaking (artist conception) -- John Nevins Andrews 1829-1883 scholar, missionary man of vision (photograph on cover of Focus 1983) -- Our use of the visions of Sr. White / Report from London re: J. N. Andrews / The Sabbath cause in Great Britain / The Health Reformer in Neuchatel (Nov 1874) / Our arrival in Switzerland (Nov 1874) / John N. Andrews in and around Rochester, New York, (article excerpts, Review and Herald, 1860-1873) -- Series of letter excerpts by and about John N. Andrews (1875-1883) -- John Nevins Andrews 1829-1883 (article) -- Elder J. N. Andrews sails for Europe (article) -- John Nevins Andrews, early education of (article excerpts) -- John N. Andrews- theologian and first Seventh-day Adventist missionary, 1829-1883 (article) -- Elder J. N. Andrews (article,The Health Reformer, 1877) -- Diary entry of John N. Andrews regarding the death of his daughter Mary Andrews (Nov 1878) Letter from J. N. Andrews to very dear Sister White, Dec 1878, about her letter of consolation -- Letter from J. N. Andrews to dear Sister White, Jan 1879, about the letter of counsel she received -- Remarks made by John N. Andrews sabbath evening at Lancaster Church / Remarks made by John N. Andrews at Lancaster Church ? Letter from J. N. Andrews to dear Sister White, Sep 1883, about her testimony of reproof -- John Nevins Andrews- first foreign missionary, 1829-1883 (article) -- The death of Eld. Andrews (article, Review and Herald, 1883) -- Letter from elder J. N. Andrews / Our first European missionary: Elder J. N. Andrews (article, Daily Bulletin of The General Conference, 1899) -- Thoughts for the candid / John N. Andrews, its pioneer ministry / Accomplishments of J. N. Andrews (listing) --- Copies of stamp of John N. Andrews to highlight the availability gap for missionary volunteers due to lack of funds -- Except as we shall forget / Letter from Arthur L. White to Nancy Calderone, Oct 1958, about J. N. Andrews -- Question and answer about J. N. Andrews (Dec 1964) -- Transfer sheet -- Report on John Andrews 1829-1883 / To preserve a church's heritage / Letter from Alta [Robinson] to Mrs. Hedy Jemison and Mr. James Nix, Aug 1973, about J. N. Andrews and J. H. Waggoner letters to Lucinda Hall -- J. N. Andrews prince of scholars / Transfer sheet -- Just between us / John Nevins Andrews, "ablest man in our ranks" / Chapter Two from J. N. Andrews: Prince of Scholars / What manner of man? / Musings at Boston Harbor / Blazer of a glorious trail / Centenaire de l'eglise Adventiste en Europe, 1874-1974. Articles on Czechowski, Geymet, Bourdeau, John Nevins Andrews, Jacques Erzberger, and Augustin C. Bourdeau -- P. S. on John N. Andrews / The measure of the man: a tribute to John Nevins Andrews / Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary Andrews University (brochure) -- In the footsteps of J. N. Andrews / The Adventist colony at Basel during the Andrews years / Memorandum from Winfried Vogel to Rebecca May, Jan 1997, about the J. N. Andrews gravestone in Basel, Switzerland -- J. N. Andrews sculpture to be officially unveiled April 25 / Our unveiled statue whispers "mission" / John Nevins Andrews tombstone / Celebration of the sesquicentennial of the birth of John Nevins Andrews (collection of papers, 1979) The impact of John Nevins Andrews upon Seventh-day Adventist missions / J. N. Andrews, first S. D. A. missionary to Switzerland (bibliography of articles) -- Review and Herald research re: J. N. Andrews- biography -- Elder J. N. Andrews source material -- See also referral notes -- Transfer sheet

book jacket
The Black Death : the great mortality of 1348-1350 : a brief history with documents / John Aberth.
Aberth, John,
xv, 199 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9780312400873
Introduction : the Black Death in history. -- The Black Death as historical event -- Historical significance of the Black Death -- Studying Medieval sources -- The documents. -- Byzantine history, ca. 1359 / Essay on the report of the pestilence, ca. 1348 / Chronicle, ca. 1348 / Letter, April 27, 1348 / Chronicle, 1347-1361 / Introduction to The decameron, 1349-1351 / Letter, April 27, 1348 / History, 1367-1369 / Consultation, October 6, 1348 / Letter and regimen concerning the pestilence, ca. 1348 / Short casebook, 1348 / Regimen of protection against epidemics, April 24, 1348 / Description and remedy for escaping the plague, February 1349 / Great surgery, 1363 / Letters on familiar matters, May 1349 / Introduction to The Decameron, 1349-1351 / Sienese chronicle, 1348-1351 / Chronicle, ca. 1359-1360 / A history of the Ayyubids and Mamluks, 15th Century / Ordinance, May 1349 / Ordinance, 1351 / Wiltshire, England, Assize Roll of Labor Offenders, June 11, 1352 -- History of the plague, 1348 / Chronicle, 1347-1361 / Effrenata (Unbridled), May 28, 1350 / Post-plague parish poverty, July 1, 1349, and September 20, 1349 / Last will and testament, September 21, 1348 / The beginning and end : on history, ca. 1350-1351 / Essay on the report of the pestilence, ca. 1348 / A very useful inquiry into the horrible sickness, 1349-1352 / The flagellants. -- Book of memorable matters, ca. 1349-1355 / Chronicle, 1360-1362 / Chronicle, 1350 / Mandate to suppress the Flagellants, February 15, 1350 / Jewish pogroms. -- Response to Jewish pogrom of Tárrega, December 23, 1349 / Takkanoth (Accord) of Barcelona, September 1354 -- Interrogation of the Jews of Savoy, September-October 1348 -- Chronicle, ca. 1349-1350 / Concerning the mortality in Germany, ca. 1350 / Sicut judeis (Mandate to protect the Jews), October 1, 1348 / The Dance of Death. -- The great chronicle of France, ca. 1348 -- The Dance of Death, ca. 1430 / Death as chess player, St. Andrew's Church, Norwich, ca. 1500 -- Transi Tombs. -- Tomb at La Sarraz, Switzerland, ca. 1390 / Tomb at Canterbury Cathedral, ca. 1425 / A disputacioun betwyx the body and wormes, ca. 1450 -- A chronology of the Black Death (1347-1363) -- Questions for consideration.

book jacket
Ghosts of slavery [electronic resource] : a literary archaeology of Black women's lives / Jenny Shar
Sharpe, Jenny.

ISBN/ISSN: 0816637229 (HC : alk. paper)

Destiny : an unauthorized story on Prince William / producer, writer, editor, Tim Nelson.

1 online resource (1 video file (approximately 49 min.)) :

book jacket
Back to blood : a novel / Tom Wolfe.
Wolfe, Tom.
x, 704 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9780316036313

This record is not available


book jacket
Kulikovo 1380 : the battle that made Russia / Mark Galeotti ; illustrated by Darren Tan ; [maps by P
Galeotti, Mark,
96 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781472831217
Origins of the Campaign -- Chronology -- Opposing Commanders -- Opposing Forces -- Opposing Plans -- The Battle -- Aftermath -- The Battlefield Today.

book jacket
Slavery / edited by Stanley Engerman, Seymour Drescher, and Robert Paquette.

x, 505 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 0192893025

book jacket
Genius in bondage [electronic resource] : literature of the early Black Atlantic / edited by Vincent

1 online resource (282 pages)
ISBN/ISSN: 9780813159461

book jacket
African American poetry : 250 years of struggle & song / Kevin Young, editor

lx, 1110 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781598536669
Introduction / Bury me in a free land: 1770-1899 -- Lift every voice: 1900-1918 -- Dark tower: 1919-1936 -- Ballads of remembrance: 1936-1959 -- Ideas of ancestry: 1959-1975 -- Blue light sutras: 1976-1989 -- Praise songs for the day: 1990-2008 -- After the hurricane: 2009-2020

4Ever [sound recording] / Prince.
2 audio discs :
1999 -- Little red corvette -- When doves cry -- Let's go crazy Raspberry beret I wanna be your lover -- Soft and wet -- Why you wanna treat me so bad? -- Uptown -- When you were mine -- Head -- Gotta stop (messin' about) -- Controversy -- Let's work -- Delirious -- I would die 4 U Take me with U Paisley Park Pop life Purple Rain

book jacket
Emphytéose et fief au Moyen âge : Édition critique et commentaire du Tractatus de jure emphiteotico
Tisserant, Clément,
394 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9782357231627

Treasury of philosophy / edited by Dagoabert D. Runes.

1280 pages ;

book jacket
The Prince and the Sufi : the Judeo-Persian rendition of the Buddha biographies / by Dalia Yasharpou
Yasharpour, Dalia,
317 pages ;
ISBN/ISSN: 9789004442740

Vocal music. Selections; arranged
Handel, George Frideric,
1 score (2 volumes) :
Rinaldo. Dear companion = Cara sposa ; Sadly I languish = Lascia ch' io pianga -- Chandos anthems. O come, let us worship -- Acis and Galatea. Love in her eyes sits playing ; Would you gain the tender creature -- Esther. O beauteous Queen -- Radamisto. The vessel storm-driven = Qual nave smarrita -- Alessandro. Allurements the dearest = Lusinghe più care -- Admeto. Heavenly star-eyes, calm-beaming = Luci care -- Athalia. Gentle airs, melodious strains ; Will God, whos mercies ever flow -- Alcina. Trust a woman? how simple-minded = Semplicetto! a donna credi? -- Atalanta. Go! call Irene = Di ad Irene, tiranna infedele -- Serse. Love's richest dower = Ombra mai fù -- Saul. Fell rage and black despair ; Sin not, o King -- L'allegro ed il pensieroso. Oft on a plat of rising ground ; Let me wander, not unseen ; Hide me from day's garish eye -- Messiah. Comfort ye, my people ; Ev'ry valley shall be exalted ; But Thou didst not leave His soul in hell ; How beautiful are the feet ; I know that my Redeemer liveth -- Samson. Total eclipse! ; Thus when the sun -- Semele. O sleep, why dost thou leave me? ; Where'er you walk -- Hercules. My father! ah! methinks I see -- Occasional oratorio. Then will I Jehovah's praise -- Judas Maccabæus. From mighty kings ; Sound an alarm! -- Alexander Balus. Here amid the shady woods ; Calm thou my soul ; Convey me to some peaceful shore -- Joshua. Oh, had I Jubal's lyre -- Solomon. What though I trace ; With thee th' unsheltered moor I'd tread -- Susanna. If guiltless blood be your intent -- Theodora. Oh, worse than death indeed! ; Angels, ever bright and fair -- Jephtha. Deeper and deeper still ; Waft her, angels ; Farewell, ye limpid springs and floods.

book jacket
Narrative of the life and travels of Mrs. Nancy Prince
Prince, Nancy,
xxvii, 93 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 1558760199

book jacket
Transatlantic Anglophone literatures, 1776-1920 : an anthology / edited by Linda K. Hughes, Sarah Ru

xxiii, 777 pages :
ISBN/ISSN: 9781474429832

book jacket
How to live like the Little Prince : a grown-up's guide to rediscovering imagination, adventure, and
Garnier, Stéphane,
pages cm
ISBN/ISSN: 9781797215730

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