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Title Power on! : new tools for teaching and learning.

Imprint Washington, D.C. : Congress of the United States, Office of Technology Assessment, DC : For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., [1988]
 Evangel Kendrick General Circulation  LB 1028.3 .P67x 1988 Browse nearby  AVAILABLE
Text item location
Description xii, 246 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm
Note "September 1988"--Spine.
"OTA-SET-370"--Cover, page 4.
Bibliography Includes bibliographical references.
Form Also available via Internet from the UNT Cybercemetery web site. Address as of 3/11/2003:; current access available via PURL.
Contents pt.1. Summary: The spread of technology in schools. -- Educational software. -- pt.2. Interactive technology in today's classrooms. -- pt.3. The impact of technology on learning: Computer-assisted instruction. -- Electronic networks. -- pt.4. Cost-effectiveness: dollars and sense. -- pt.5. The teacher's role. -- How the use of computers can change teaching style. -- pt.6. Software: quantity, quality, and the marketplace. -- pt.7. Research and development: past support, promising directions: The Department of Defense. -- The National Science Foundation. -- Office of Education / Department of Education. -- Intelligent tutoring systems. -- Multimedia learning environments. -- pt.8. Technology and the future of classroom instruction: Networking. -- CD-ROM. -- Analog, digital, and optical storage media. -- Appendixes: U.S. Department of Education principal programs providing funds for technology in education. -- List of acronyms. -- Contractor reports. --
Boxes: Teaching science with a microcomputer-based laboratory. -- Writing by hand / writing with a wordprocessor. -- New Hampshire's computers for teachers program. -- New York State teacher resource centers and electronic networking. -- Solving problems with the algebra tutor. -- Arkansas Project IMPAC. -- Deciding not to use computers. -- Using computers in an elementary classroom. -- Using computers with special education students. -- IBM/National Computer Training Institute cooperative training plan. -- Software evaluation in New York City. -- Software evaluation in California. -- The special characteristics and contributions of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) -- The development of LOGO. -- NASA's intelligent computer-aided training: spinoff for schools. -- Apple classroom of tomorrow. -- Earth lab. --
Figures: U.S. public schools with at least one computer by grade level, 1981-87. -- Average number of computers per 30 students in U.S. public schools, 1983-87. -- Distribution of computers in U.S. public schools, 1988. -- State estimates of major sources of funding for technology used by school districts. -- VCR's and computers in U.S. public schools, 1982-87. -- Students per computer in U.S. public schools by school enrollment, 1987-88. -- Graphing equations using the computer. -- Recommended software titles before and after 1985. -- Timeline of major instructional technology projects in the defense agencies, 1955-87. -- National Science Foundation obligations for research and development of educational technology in elementary and secondary education. -- Evolution of computer storage media. --
Tables: Costs of computer use. -- Distribution of educational software by subject. -- Average number of students per computer in U.S. public schools, 1983-87. -- Examples of electronic networking projects in education.
Subjects Educational technology -- United States.
Educational innovations -- United States.
Added Author United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment.
Gpo Item # 1070-M
1070-M (online)
Technical Report # OTA-SET-379
OCLC # 18488707
18563804 20475912
Sudoc # Y 3.T 22/2:2 P 87