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Föderalismus-Rhetorik-Dekonstruktionen – Rechtsdogmatik als Literaturdogmatik. : Instrumentalföderalismus in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als romantisch-lyrische Lesekonvention vor Gericht.
Rico David Neugärtner;Rico David Neugärtner
eBook eBook | 2023; Vol. 00006 Please log in to see more details
Im US-amerikanischen wie im deutschen Föderalismus gebrauchen Gerichte ›selbstbewusst‹... more
Föderalismus-Rhetorik-Dekonstruktionen – Rechtsdogmatik als Literaturdogmatik. : Instrumentalföderalismus in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland als romantisch-lyrische Lesekonvention vor Gericht.
2023; Vol. 00006
Im US-amerikanischen wie im deutschen Föderalismus gebrauchen Gerichte ›selbstbewusst‹ dogmatische Topoi wie ›state dignity‹ oder ›Bundestreue‹, welche nicht im Verfassungstext enthalten sind. Diese ›ungeschriebenen‹ Figuren sind offen für ideenpolitische Instrumentalisierung: Sie dienen als Vehikel, um Vorstellungen von ›(Sub)Nationalstaatlichkeit‹, ›Demokratie‹ oder ›Freiheit‹ auszutarieren. Ihre politik-theoretische Einbettung im Modell des ›Bundes‹, Referenzfelder ihrer Verwendung (etwa Kulturpolitik, Umweltrecht, öffentliche Sicherheit, Personal und Finanzen, Wahlrecht, Verfassungsänderungen) und ihre rhetorisch-diskursiven Wirkungsbedingungen sind Gegenstände der vergleichenden Studie. Die Rhetorikanalyse erfolgt interdisziplinär: Das untersuchte Muster kreist um anthropomorphe, ›lyrische‹ Vorstellungen von ›Würde‹ und ›Treue‹. Unter Rückgriff auf die literaturwissenschaftliche Dekonstruktion analysiert das Buch die Kraft anthropomorpher Dogmatik in Recht und Literatur.

Subject terms:

Federal government--Germany - Federal government--United States

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Dictionary of World Biography
Barry Jones;Barry Jones
Jones, Barry Owen (1932–). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. ... more
Dictionary of World Biography
Jones, Barry Owen (1932–). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. Educated at Melbourne University, he was a public servant, high school teacher, television and radio performer, university lecturer and lawyer before serving as a Labor MP in the Victorian Parliament 1972–77 and the Australian House of Representatives 1977–98. He took a leading role in reviving the Australian film industry, abolishing the death penalty in Australia, and was the first politician to raise public awareness of global warming, the'post-industrial'society, the IT revolution, biotechnology, the rise of ‘the Third Age'and the need to preserve Antarctica as a wilderness. In the Hawke Government, he was Minister for Science 1983–90, Prices and Consumer Affairs 1987, Small Business 1987–90 and Customs 1988–90. He became a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO, Paris 1991–95 and National President of the Australian Labor Party 1992–2000, 2005–06. He was Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Convention 1998. His books include Decades of Decision 1860– (1965), Joseph II (1968), Age of Apocalypse (1975), and he edited The Penalty is Death (1968). Sleepers, Wake!: Technology and the Future of Work was published by Oxford University Press in 1982, became a bestseller and has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish and braille. The fourth edition was published in 1995. Knowledge Courage Leadership, a collection of speeches and essays, appeared in 2016.He received a DSc for his services to science in 1988 and a DLitt in 1993 for his work on information theory. Elected FTSE (1992), FAHA (1993), FAA (1996) and FASSA (2003), he is the only person to have become a Fellow of four of Australia's five learned Academies. Awarded an AO in 1993, named as one of Australia's 100 ‘living national treasures'in 1997, he was elected a Visiting Fellow Commoner of Trinity College, Cambridge in 1999. His autobiography, A Thinking Reed, was published in 2006 and The Shock of Recognition, about music and literature, in 2016. In 2014 he received an AC for services ‘as a leading intellectual in Australian public life'. What Is to Be Done was published by Scribe in 2020.

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Play Among Books : A Symposium on Architecture and Information Spelt in Atom-Letters
Miro Roman;Alice _ch3n81;Ludger Hovestadt;Vera Bühlmann;Miro Roman;Alice _c...
eBook eBook | 2022; Vol. 00017 Please log in to see more details
Wie verändert Codierung unser Denken über Architektur? Eine Frage, die in der Forschun... more
Play Among Books : A Symposium on Architecture and Information Spelt in Atom-Letters
2022; Vol. 00017
Wie verändert Codierung unser Denken über Architektur? Eine Frage, die in der Forschung eine wichtige Perspektive eröffnet. Miro Roman und seine KI Alice_ch3n81 entfalten in diesem Buch ein wahrhaft spielerisches Szenario, in dem sie Codierung als neue Alphabetisierung für Informationen vorschlagen. Erkenntnis vermittelt es in Form eines Projektmodells, das die Bereiche Architektur und Information durch zwei verflochtene Erzählstränge in einem „unendlichen Fluss'realer Bücher miteinander verknüpft. Mit dem Fokus auf der Schnittmenge von Informationstechnologie und architektonischer Formulierung entsteht so eine immer weiterführende intellektuelle Reflexion zu digitaler Architektur und Computerwissenschaft.

Subject terms:

Computer-aided design - Architecture--Data processing - Computer architecture

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Dictionary of World Biography
Barry Jones;Barry Jones
Jones, Barry Owen (1932–). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. ... more
Dictionary of World Biography
Jones, Barry Owen (1932–). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. Educated at Melbourne High School and Melbourne University, he was a public servant, high school teacher, television and radio performer, university lecturer and lawyer before serving as a Labor MP in the Victorian Parliament 1972–77 and the Australian House of Representatives 1977–98. He took a leading role in reviving the Australian film industry and abolishing the death penalty in Australia, and was the first politician to raise public awareness of global warming, the'post‑industrial'society, the IT revolution, biotechnology, the rise of ‘the Third Age'and the need to preserve Antarctica as a wilderness. In the •Hawke Government, he was Minister for Science 1983–90, Prices and Consumer Affairs 1987, Small Business 1987–90 and Customs 1988–90. He became a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO, Paris 1991–95 and National President of the Australian Labor Party 1992–2000, 2005–06. He was Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Convention 1998. His books include Decades of Decision 1860– (1965), Joseph II (1968) and Age of Apocalypse (1975), and he edited The Penalty Is Death (1968, revised and expanded 2022). Sleepers, Wake! Technology and the Future of Work was published by Oxford University Press in 1982, became a bestseller and has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish and braille. The fourth edition was published in 1995. Knowledge Courage Leadership: Insights & Reflections, a collection of speeches and essays, appeared in 2016.He received a DSc in 1988 for his services to science and a DLitt in 1993 for his work on information theory. Elected FTSE (1992), FAHA (1993), FAA (1996) and FASSA (2003), he is the only person to have become a Fellow of four of Australia's five learned Academies. Awarded an AO in 1993, named as one of Australia's 100 ‘living national treasures'in 1997, he was elected a Visiting Fellow Commoner of Trinity College, Cambridge in 1999. His autobiography, A Thinking Reed, was published in 2006 and The Shock of Recognition, about music and literature, in 2016. In 2014 he received an AC for services ‘as a leading intellectual in Australian public life'. What Is to Be Done was published by Scribe in 2020.

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Romantik zwischen zwei Welten : Potsdamer Vorlesungen zu den Hauptwerken der Romanischen Literaturen des 19. Jahrhunderts
Ottmar Ette;Ottmar Ette
Die transareal ausgelegte Vorlesung unternimmt den Versuch, nach der (vielleicht schon... more
Romantik zwischen zwei Welten : Potsdamer Vorlesungen zu den Hauptwerken der Romanischen Literaturen des 19. Jahrhunderts
Die transareal ausgelegte Vorlesung unternimmt den Versuch, nach der (vielleicht schon verlorenen) Einheit der Romantik hinter der Vielgestaltigkeit romantischer Diskurse zwischen zwei Welten, Europa und Amerika, zu fragen. Gab es eine Romantik oder gab es deren viele? Was zeichnet die Literaturen der Romantik in Frankreich und Deutschland, in Spanien und Italien, im Norden und vor allem im Süden des amerikanischen Doppelkontinents aus? Welche Schreibformen entwickelt eine Dichterin wie Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda, die zwischen Spanien und Kuba pendelt; welche Vermittlungsmöglichkeiten sieht Germaine de Staël im deutsch-französischen Dialog; in welcher Beziehung steht die Dichtung Baudelaires zu den Schriften Poes; und was bestimmte die Rezeption deutscher Romantik in Mexiko? Die Vorlesung gibt den Blick darauf frei, in welchem Maße im Jahrhundert der Nationalismen inter- und transkulturelle Beziehungen zwischen Ländern und Kontinenten bestanden, und hinterfragt die Monologe nationalliterarischer Ausrichtung.

Subject terms:

Comparative literature--European and American - Romanticism--America - Romanticism--Europe

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Dictionary of World Biography
Barry Jones;Barry Jones
Jones, Barry Owen (1932–). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. ... more
Dictionary of World Biography
Jones, Barry Owen (1932–). Australian politician, writer and lawyer, born in Geelong. Educated at Melbourne High School and Melbourne University, he was a public servant, high school teacher, television and radio performer, university lecturer and lawyer before serving as a Labor MP in the Victorian Parliament 1972–77 and the Australian House of Representatives 1977–98. He took a leading role in reviving the Australian film industry and abolishing the death penalty in Australia, and was the first politician to raise public awareness of global warming, the'post‑industrial'society, the IT revolution, biotechnology, the rise of ‘the Third Age'and the need to preserve Antarctica as a wilderness. In the •Hawke Government, he was Minister for Science 1983–90, Prices and Consumer Affairs 1987, Small Business 1987–90 and Customs 1988–90. He became a member of the Executive Board of UNESCO, Paris 1991–95 and National President of the Australian Labor Party 1992–2000, 2005–06. He was Deputy Chairman of the Constitutional Convention 1998. His books include Decades of Decision 1860– (1965), Joseph II (1968) and Age of Apocalypse (1975), and he edited The Penalty Is Death (1968, revised and expanded 2022). Sleepers, Wake! Technology and the Future of Work was published by Oxford University Press in 1982, became a bestseller and has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Swedish and braille. The fourth edition was published in 1995. Knowledge Courage Leadership: Insights & Reflections, a collection of speeches and essays, appeared in 2016.He received a DSc in 1988 for his services to science and a DLitt in 1993 for his work on information theory. Elected FTSE (1992), FAHA (1993), FAA (1996) and FASSA (2003), he is the only person to have become a Fellow of four of Australia's five learned Academies. Awarded an AO in 1993, named as one of Australia's 100 ‘living national treasures'in 1997, he was elected a Visiting Fellow Commoner of Trinity College, Cambridge in 1999. His autobiography, A Thinking Reed, was published in 2006 and The Shock of Recognition, about music and literature, in 2016. In 2014 he received an AC for services ‘as a leading intellectual in Australian public life'. What Is to Be Done was published by Scribe in 2020.

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Second Nature : An Environmental History of New England
Richard W. Judd;Richard W. Judd
Winner of the 2014 New England Historical Association's John P. Hanlan Book Award Boun... more
Second Nature : An Environmental History of New England
Winner of the 2014 New England Historical Association's John P. Hanlan Book Award Bounded by the St. Lawrence Valley to the north, Lake Champlain to the west, and the Gulf of Maine to the east, New England may be the most cohesive region in the United States, with a long and richly recorded history. In this book, Richard W. Judd explores the mix of ecological process and human activity that shaped that history over the past 12,000 years. He traces a succession of cultures through New England's changing postglacial environment down to the 1600s, when the arrival of Europeans interrupted this coevolution of nature and culture. A long period of tension and warfare, inflected by a variety of environmental problems, opened the way for frontier expansion. This in turn culminated in a unique landscape of forest, farm, and village that has become the embodiment of what Judd calls'second nature'— culturally modified landscapes that have superseded a more pristine'first nature.'In the early 1800s changes in farm production and industrial process transformed central New England, while burgeoning markets at the geographical margins brought rapid expansion in fishing and logging activities. Although industrialization and urbanization severed connections to the natural world, the dominant cultural expression of the age, Romanticism, provided new ways of appreciating nature in the White Mountains and Maine woods. Spurred by these Romantic images and by a long tradition of local resource management, New England gained an early start in rural and urban conservation. In the 1970s environmentalists, inspired by a widespread appreciation for regional second-nature landscapes, moved quickly from battling pollution and preserving wild lands to sheltering farms, villages, and woodlands from intrusive development. These campaigns, uniquely suited to the region's land-use history, ecology, and culture, were a fitting capstone to the environmental history of New England.

Subject terms:

Human ecology--New England--History

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Dictionary of Midwestern Literature, Volume 2 : Dimensions of the Midwestern Literary Imagination
Philip A. Greasley;Philip A. Greasley
eBook eBook | 2016; Vol. Volume two Please log in to see more details
The Midwest has produced a robust literary heritage. Its authors have won half of the ... more
Dictionary of Midwestern Literature, Volume 2 : Dimensions of the Midwestern Literary Imagination
2016; Vol. Volume two
The Midwest has produced a robust literary heritage. Its authors have won half of the nation's Nobel Prizes for Literature plus a significant number of Pulitzer Prizes. This volume explores the rich racial, ethnic, and cultural diversity of the region. It also contains entries on 35 pivotal Midwestern literary works, literary genres, literary, cultural, historical, and social movements, state and city literatures, literary journals and magazines, as well as entries on science fiction, film, comic strips, graphic novels, and environmental writing. Prepared by a team of scholars, this second volume of the Dictionary of Midwestern Literature is a comprehensive resource that demonstrates the Midwest's continuing cultural vitality and the stature and distinctiveness of its literature.

Subject terms:

American literature--Middle West--Dictionaries - Authors, American--Homes and haunts--Middle West--Dictionaries - American literature--Middle West--Bio-bibliography--Dictionaries

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Great Lives From History : American Women
Trigg, Mary K.;Trigg, Mary K.
Great Lives from History: American Women covers prominent individuals from colonial ti... more
Great Lives From History : American Women
Great Lives from History: American Women covers prominent individuals from colonial times through the present offering a fascinating perspective on important women from U.S. history.

Subject terms:

Women--United States--Biography

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Dalton Trumbo : Blacklisted Hollywood Radical
Larry Ceplair;Christopher Trumbo;Larry Ceplair;Christopher Trumbo
James Dalton Trumbo (1905–1976) is widely recognized for his work as a screenwriter, p... more
Dalton Trumbo : Blacklisted Hollywood Radical
James Dalton Trumbo (1905–1976) is widely recognized for his work as a screenwriter, playwright, and author, but he is also remembered as one of the Hollywood Ten who opposed the House Un-American Activities Committee. Refusing to answer questions about his prior involvement with the Communist Party, Trumbo sacrificed a successful career in Hollywood to stand up for his rights and defend political freedom.In Dalton Trumbo, authors Larry Ceplair and Christopher Trumbo present their extensive research on the famed writer, detailing his work, his membership in the Communist Party, his long campaign against censorship during the domestic cold war, his ten-month prison sentence for contempt of Congress, and his thirteen-year struggle to break the blacklist.The blacklist ended for Trumbo in 1960, when he received screen credits for Exodus and Spartacus. Just before his death, he received a long-delayed Academy Award for The Brave One, and in 1993, he was posthumously given an Academy Award for Roman Holiday (1953). This comprehensive biography provides insights into the many notable people with whom Trumbo worked, including Stanley Kubrick, Otto Preminger, and Kirk Douglas, and offers a fascinating look at the life of one of Hollywood's most prominent screenwriters and his battle against persecution.

Subject terms:

Blacklisting of authors--United States - Screenwriters--United States--Biography - Authors, American--20th century--Biography - Communism and motion pictures--United States

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Experiencing America's Story Through Fiction : Historical Novels for Grades 7-12
Hilary Susan Crew;Hilary Susan Crew
Historical fiction helps young adults imagine the past through the lives and relations... more
Experiencing America's Story Through Fiction : Historical Novels for Grades 7-12
Historical fiction helps young adults imagine the past through the lives and relationships of its protagonists, putting them at the center of fascinating times and places--and the new Common Core Standards allow for use of novels alongside textbooks for teaching history. Perfect for classroom use and YA readers'advisory, Crew's book highlights more than 150 titles of historical fiction published since 2000 that are appropriate for seventh to twelfth graders. Choosing award-winners as well as novels which have been well-reviewed in Booklist, The Horn Book, Multicultural Review, History Teach, Journal of American History, and other periodicals, this resource assists librarians and educators bySpotlighting novels with a multiplicity of voices from different cultures, races, and ethnicitiesFeaturing both YA novels and novels written for adults that are appropriate for teensOffering thorough annotations, with an examination of each novel's historical contentProviding discussion questions and online resources for classroom use that encourage students to think critically about the book and compare ideas and events in the story to actual historyThis book will help teachers of history as well as school and public librarians who work with youth to promote a more inclusive understanding of America's story through historical fiction.

Subject terms:

Children's stories, American--Stories, plots, etc - Young adult fiction, American--Stories, plots, etc - Teenagers--Books and reading--United States - Young adult fiction, American--Bibliography - Historical fiction, American--Bibliography - Children's stories, American--Bibliography - Historical fiction, American--Stories, plots, etc

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction in Literature
M. Keith Booker;M. Keith Booker
The Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction in Literature is a useful reference to th... more
Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction in Literature
The Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction in Literature is a useful reference to the broad and burgeoning field of science fiction literature. Science fiction literature has gained immensely in critical respect and attention, while maintaining a broad readership. However, despite the fact that it is a rapidly changing field, contemporary science fiction literature also maintains a strong sense of its connections to science fiction of the past, which makes a historical reference of this sort particularly valuable as a tool for understanding science fiction literature as it now exists and as it has evolved over the years.The Historical Dictionary of Science Fiction in Literature covers the history of science fiction in literature through a chronology, an introductory essay, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has over 300 cross-referenced entries including significant people; themes; critical issues; and the most significant genres that have formed science fiction literature.This book is an excellent access point for students, researchers, and anyone wanting to know more about this subject.

Subject terms:

Science fiction--History and criticism--Handbooks, manuals, etc - Science fiction--Dictionaries

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Lives of the Novelists : A History of Fiction in 294 Lives
Sutherland, John;Sutherland, John
No previous author has attempted a book such as this: a complete history of novels wri... more
Lives of the Novelists : A History of Fiction in 294 Lives
No previous author has attempted a book such as this: a complete history of novels written in the English language, from the genre's seventeenth-century origins to the present day. In the spirit of Dr. Johnson's Lives of the Poets, acclaimed critic and scholar John Sutherland selects 294 writers whose works illustrate the best of every kind of fiction—from gothic, penny dreadful, and pornography to fantasy, romance, and high literature. Each author was chosen, Professor Sutherland explains, because his or her books are well worth reading and are likely to remain so for at least another century. Sutherland presents these authors in chronological order, in each case deftly combining a lively and informative biographical sketch with an opinionated assessment of the writer's work. Taken together, these novelists provide both a history of the novel and a guide to its rich variety. Always entertaining, and sometimes shocking, Sutherland considers writers as diverse as Daniel Defoe, Henry James, James Joyce, Edgar Allan Poe, Virginia Woolf, Michael Crichton, Jeffrey Archer, and Jacqueline Susann. Written for all lovers of fiction, Lives of the Novelists succeeds both as introduction and re-introduction, as Sutherland presents favorite and familiar novelists in new ways and transforms the less favored and less familiar through his relentlessly fascinating readings.

Subject terms:

Novelists--Biography - Fiction--History and criticism - English fiction--History and criticism - Novelists, English--Biography - American fiction--History and criticism

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Vanished Kingdoms : The Rise and Fall of States and Nations
Norman Davies;Norman Davies
An evocative account of fourteen European kingdoms-their rise, maturity, and eventual ... more
Vanished Kingdoms : The Rise and Fall of States and Nations
An evocative account of fourteen European kingdoms-their rise, maturity, and eventual disappearance. There is something profoundly romantic about lost civilizations. Europe's past is littered with states and kingdoms, large and small, that are scarcely remembered today, and while their names may be unfamiliar-Aragon, Etruria, the Kingdom of the Two Burgundies-their stories should change our mental map of the past. We come across forgotten characters and famous ones-King Arthur and Macbeth, Napoleon and Queen Victoria, right up to Stalin and Gorbachev-and discover how faulty memory can be, and how much we can glean from these lost empires. Davies peers through the cracks in the mainstream accounts of modern-day states to dazzle us with extraordinary stories of barely remembered pasts, and of the traces they left behind.This is Norman Davies at his best: sweeping narrative history packed with unexpected insights. Vanished Kingdoms will appeal to all fans of unconventional and thought-provoking history, from readers of Niall Ferguson to Jared Diamond.

Subject terms:

Collective memory--Europe - Nationalism--Europe--History - Nation-state--History - Disasters--Europe--History - Social change--Europe--History

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Vorbild USA? : Amerikanisierung von Universität und Wissenschaft in Westdeutschland 1945–1976
Stefan Paulus;Stefan Paulus
Die aktuelle Debatte über die Reform der Hochschulen ist offensichtlich an US-amerikan... more
Vorbild USA? : Amerikanisierung von Universität und Wissenschaft in Westdeutschland 1945–1976
Die aktuelle Debatte über die Reform der Hochschulen ist offensichtlich an US-amerikanischen Vorbildern ausgerichtet. Überraschen mag, dass diese Auseinandersetzung bis in die unmittelbare Nachkriegszeit zurückreicht. Stefan Paulus beleuchtet erstmals die amerikanisch-deutschen Interaktionen und den amerikanischen Einfluss auf die deutsche Universitäts- und Wissenschaftspolitik nach 1945. Unter kultur- und wissenschaftshistorischer Perspektive werden die Voraussetzungen, der Verlauf und die Ergebnisse des Reformdiskurses von der Besatzungszeit bis zur Verabschiedung des ersten Hochschulrahmengesetzes im Jahre 1976 analysiert. Die Orientierung an amerikanischen Modellen wird dabei stets thematisiert.

Subject terms:

Universities and colleges--Germany (West)--American influences - Science--Germany (West)--American influences

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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The Encyclopedia of Christian Literature
George Thomas Kurian;James D. Smith;George Thomas Kurian;James D. Smith
eBook eBook | 2010; Vol. 00002 Please log in to see more details
The written word is one of the defining elements of Christian experience. As vigorous ... more
The Encyclopedia of Christian Literature
2010; Vol. 00002
The written word is one of the defining elements of Christian experience. As vigorous in the 1st century as it is in the 21st, Christian literature has had a significant function in history, and teachers and students need to be reminded of this powerful literary legacy. Covering 2,000 years, The Encyclopedia of Christian Literature is the first encyclopedia devoted to Christian writers and books. In addition to an overview of the Christian literature, this two-volume set also includes 40 essays on the principal genres of Christian literature and more than 400 bio-bibliographical essays describing the principal writers and their works. These essays examine the evolution of Christian thought as reflected in the literature of every age.The companion volume also features bibliographies, an index, a timeline of Christian Literature, and a list of the greatest Christian authors. The encyclopedia will appeal not only to scholars and Christian evangelicals, but students and teachers in seminaries and theological schools, as well as to the growing body of Christian readers and bibliophiles.

Subject terms:

Christian literature--Encyclopedias

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Report Report | African Chiroptera Report. 2021, pi-8619. 8634p. Please log in to see more details

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The Letters of Elizabeth Rigby, Lady Eastlake
Julie Sheldon;Julie Sheldon
eBook eBook | 2009; Vol. 00055 Please log in to see more details
An Open Access edition of this book is available on the Liverpool University Press web... more
The Letters of Elizabeth Rigby, Lady Eastlake
2009; Vol. 00055
An Open Access edition of this book is available on the Liverpool University Press website and the OAPEN library. 2009 was the bicentenary of the birth of the English writer, translator, critic and amateur artist Elizabeth Rigby, Lady Eastlake (1809-1893). Bringing together a comprehensive collection of her surviving correspondence, the Letters of Elizabeth Rigby, Lady Eastlake reveals significant new material about this extraordinary figure in Victorian society. The scope of Lady Eastlake's writing is wide and interdisciplinary, which recommends her as a significant figure in Victorian culture, giving rise to revelations about the ways in which different cultural activities were linked. Lady Eastlake lived for extended periods of time abroad in Germany and Estonia, and wrote an early work about her impressions of the Baltic, her subsequent writing took the form of reviews for the periodical press, including reviews of Jane Eyre, Vanity Fair, Ruskin, Coleridge, and Madame de Stael. She also wrote on women's subjects, including articles on the education of women. However, the great proportions of her publications are art-related reviews: she wrote one of earliest critical texts on photography and produced several essays on artists. The lively correspondence of Lady Eastlake not only contributes to a more holistic understanding of nineteenth-century culture, it also shows how a well connected woman could play an important role in the Victorian art world.

Subject terms:

Critics--Great Britain--Correspondence

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Magill's Choice, Notable Playwrights
Carl Rollyson;Carl Rollyson
Contains biographical sketches and critical studies of the most important and best-kno... more
Magill's Choice, Notable Playwrights
Contains biographical sketches and critical studies of the most important and best-known dramatists from antiquity to the present day. Includes the dramatists whose plays are most often studied in high school and undergraduate literature and drama courses.

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Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Roth, John K.;Roth, John K.

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Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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The Hutchinson Chronology of World History
eBook eBook | 2004; Vol. Volume III Please log in to see more details
Title from e-book title screen (viewed on May 13, 2004) more
The Hutchinson Chronology of World History
2004; Vol. Volume III
Title from e-book title screen (viewed on May 13, 2004)

Subject terms:

History, Modern--18th century--Chronology - History, Modern--19th century--Chronology

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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A Companion to the American West
William Deverell;William Deverell
A Companion to the American West is a rigorous, illuminating introduction to the histo... more
A Companion to the American West
A Companion to the American West is a rigorous, illuminating introduction to the history of the American West. Twenty-five essays by expert scholars synthesize the best and most provocative work in the field and provide a comprehensive overview of themes and historiography. Covers the culture, politics, and environment of the American West through periods of migration, settlement, and modernization Discusses Native Americans and their conflicts and integration with American settlers

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Handbook of Public Administration
Rabin, Jack;Hildreth, W. Bartley;Miller, Gerald;Rabin, Jack;Hildreth, W. Ba...
eBook eBook | 1998; Vol. 00065 Please log in to see more details
This bestselling reference examines all major areas in public administration from the ... more
Handbook of Public Administration
1998; Vol. 00065
This bestselling reference examines all major areas in public administration from the enlightening perspectives of history and the five'great'concepts or theories framing each topic, including public budgeting, financial management, decision making, public law and regulation, and political economy. The American Reference Books Annual calls this'...stimulating and thought-provoking….thorough and inclusive….a valuable contribution.,'and Canadian Public Administration said it is'….impressive…an extremely useful reference tool… the writing and analysis and the scope of the coverage make the volume a good investment for both government and university libraries.'

Subject terms:

Public administration--Handbooks, manuals, etc

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Dictionary of American History
Kutler, Stanley I.;Kutler, Stanley I.
Part of an integrated online collection of primary documents, secondary reference sour... more
Dictionary of American History
Part of an integrated online collection of primary documents, secondary reference sources, and journal articles covering all areas of U.S. history from pre-colonial times to the present day.

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Encyclopedia of Women Social Reformers : [2 Volumes]
Helen Rappaport;Helen Rappaport
The first comprehensive guide to women activists from every part of the world, illumin... more
Encyclopedia of Women Social Reformers : [2 Volumes]
The first comprehensive guide to women activists from every part of the world, illuminating the broad range of women's struggles to reform society from the 18th century to the present.Despite being marginalized, disenfranchised, impoverished, and oppressed, women have always stepped forward in disproportionate numbers to lead movements for social change. This two-volume encyclopedia documents the visions, struggles, and lives of women who have changed the world.This encyclopedia celebrates the lives and achievements of nearly 300 women from around the globe—women who have bravely insisted that the way things are is not the way they have to be. Nadeshda Krupskaya, the wife of Lenin, spearheaded the drive against illiteracy in post-revolutionary Russia. American Dorothy Day founded the Catholic worker movement. Begum Rokeya Hossain organized a girls'school in Calcutta in 1911. Rachel Carson launched the modern environmental movement with her book Silent Spring. The stories of these women and the hundreds of others collected here will restore missing pages to our history and inspire a new generation of women to change the world.

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Women social reformers--Encyclopedias - Women political activists--Encyclopedias - Women's rights--Encyclopedias

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eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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