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Technology and the Historian: Transformations in the Digital Age
Hering, Katharina
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Information & Culture. Spring 2022, Vol. 57 Issue 2, p222, 3 p. Please log in to see more details

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Du HTML à une liste de mots (partie 2)
William J. Turkel;Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian en Français, Vol 5 (2023) Please log in to see more details
Dans cette leçon, nous allons implémenter l’algorithme découvert dans la leçon « Du HT... more
Du HTML à une liste de mots (partie 2)
The Programming Historian en Français, Vol 5 (2023)
Dans cette leçon, nous allons implémenter l’algorithme découvert dans la leçon « Du HTML à une liste de mots, partie 1 », afin d’apprendre à découper une chaine de caractères en une liste de mots.

Subject terms:

History (General) - D1-2009 - Computer software - QA76.75-76.765

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
The Programming Historian.
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Renaissance & Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme. Fall/Autumn2021, Vol. 44 Issue 4, p254-257. 4p. Please log in to see more details
The article reviews online databases "The Programming Historian" located at programmin... more
The Programming Historian.
Renaissance & Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme. Fall/Autumn2021, Vol. 44 Issue 4, p254-257. 4p.
The article reviews online databases "The Programming Historian" located at programminghistorian.org.

Subject terms:

Online databases - Historians

Content provider:

Literary Reference Source

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De HTML para Lista de Palavras (parte 2)
William J. Turkel;Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022) Please log in to see more details
Nesta lição aprenderá os comandos de Python necessários para implementar a segunda par... more
De HTML para Lista de Palavras (parte 2)
The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022)
Nesta lição aprenderá os comandos de Python necessários para implementar a segunda parte do algoritmo iniciado na lição ‘De HTML para Lista de Palavras (parte 1)’.

Subject terms:

History of scholarship and learning. The humanities - AZ20-999 - Computer software - QA76.75-76.765

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
Diversity and inclusion in digital scholarship and pedagogy: the case of The Programming Historian.
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Insights: the UKSG journal. 5/8/2019, Vol. 32 Issue 16, p1-6. 6p. Please log in to see more details

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The Programming Historian.
Mullen, Lincoln
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Journal of American History. Jun2016, Vol. 103 Issue 1, p299-301. 3p. Please log in to see more details

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De HTML a lista de palabras (parte 2)
William J. Turkel;Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian en Español, Vol 1 (2017) Please log in to see more details
En esa lección aprenderás los comandos de Python que son necesarios para implementar l... more
De HTML a lista de palabras (parte 2)
The Programming Historian en Español, Vol 1 (2017)
En esa lección aprenderás los comandos de Python que son necesarios para implementar la segunda parte del algoritmo que comenzamos en la lección ‘De HTML a lista de palabras (parte 1)’.

Subject terms:

Computer software - QA76.75-76.765 - History (General) - D1-2009

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
Digitális bölcsészet a könyvtár- és információtudományban. 2. rész Európai kutatástámogató projektek.
Péter, Kiszl;Melinda, Mátyás
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Tudomanyos es Muszaki Tajekoztatas. 2018, Vol. 65 Issue 12, p615-626. 12p. Please log in to see more details

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Download de Múltiplos Registros usando Query Strings
Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022) Please log in to see more details
Fazer o download de um único registro de um website é fácil, mas fazer o download de v... more
Download de Múltiplos Registros usando Query Strings
The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022)
Fazer o download de um único registro de um website é fácil, mas fazer o download de vários registros de uma vez - uma necessidade cada vez mais frequente para um historiador - é muito mais eficiente usando uma linguagem de programação como o Python. Nessa lição, escreveremos um programa que fará o download de uma série de registros do Old Bailey Online usando critérios de busca personalizados e irá armazená-los num diretório no nosso computador.

Subject terms:

History of scholarship and learning. The humanities - AZ20-999 - Computer software - QA76.75-76.765

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
Normalização de Dados Textuais com Python
William J. Turkel;Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022) Please log in to see more details
Nesta lição tornará a lista criada na lição ‘De HTML para Lista de Palavras’ mais fáci... more
Normalização de Dados Textuais com Python
The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022)
Nesta lição tornará a lista criada na lição ‘De HTML para Lista de Palavras’ mais fácil de ser analisada através da normalização desses dados.

Subject terms:

History of scholarship and learning. The humanities - AZ20-999 - Computer software - QA76.75-76.765

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
De HTML para Lista de Palavras (parte 1)
William J. Turkel;Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022) Please log in to see more details
Nesta lição de duas partes, aprofundaremos o que aprendeu sobre o Download de Páginas ... more
De HTML para Lista de Palavras (parte 1)
The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022)
Nesta lição de duas partes, aprofundaremos o que aprendeu sobre o Download de Páginas Web com Python, aprendendo como remover a marcação HTML de uma página web da transcrição do julgamento criminal de Benjamin Bowsey em 1780. Faremos isso usando uma variedade de operadores de string, métodos de string e habilidades de leitura atenta. Introduziremos looping e branching de modo que os programas possam repetir tarefas e testar certas condições, tornando possível a separação do conteúdo das tags HTML. Finalmente, faremos a conversão do conteúdo de uma string longa para uma lista de palavras, que podem ser ordenadas, indexadas e contabilizadas posteriormente.

Subject terms:

History of scholarship and learning. The humanities - AZ20-999 - Computer software - QA76.75-76.765

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
Saída de Dados como um Ficheiro HTML com Python
William J. Turkel;Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022) Please log in to see more details
Esta lição usa os pares de frequência criados na lição ‘Contar Frequências de Palavras... more
Saída de Dados como um Ficheiro HTML com Python
The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022)
Esta lição usa os pares de frequência criados na lição ‘Contar Frequências de Palavras com Python’ e cria um ficheiro HTML com esses dados.

Subject terms:

History of scholarship and learning. The humanities - AZ20-999 - Computer software - QA76.75-76.765

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
Criação e Visualização de Ficheiros HTML com Python
William J. Turkel;Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022) Please log in to see more details
Com esta lição aprenderá a criar ficheiros HTML com scripts Python e a usar o Python p... more
Criação e Visualização de Ficheiros HTML com Python
The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022)
Com esta lição aprenderá a criar ficheiros HTML com scripts Python e a usar o Python para abrir automaticamente um ficheiro HTML no Firefox.

Subject terms:

History of scholarship and learning. The humanities - AZ20-999 - Computer software - QA76.75-76.765

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
Palavras-chave em Contexto (Usando n-gramas) com Python
William J. Turkel;Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022) Please log in to see more details
Esta lição usa os pares de frequência criados na lição ‘Contar Frequências de Palavras... more
Palavras-chave em Contexto (Usando n-gramas) com Python
The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022)
Esta lição usa os pares de frequência criados na lição ‘Contar Frequências de Palavras com Python’ e os apresenta em formato HTML.

Subject terms:

History of scholarship and learning. The humanities - AZ20-999 - Computer software - QA76.75-76.765

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
Contagem de Frequências de Palavras com Python
William J. Turkel;Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022) Please log in to see more details
Contar a frequência de palavras específicas de uma lista pode fornecer dados esclarece... more
Contagem de Frequências de Palavras com Python
The Programming Historian em Português, Vol 2 (2022)
Contar a frequência de palavras específicas de uma lista pode fornecer dados esclarecedores. Esta lição ensinará uma maneira fácil de contar essas frequências com Python.

Subject terms:

History of scholarship and learning. The humanities - AZ20-999 - Computer software - QA76.75-76.765

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
From HTML to List of Words (part 2)
William J. Turkel;Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian (2012) Please log in to see more details
In this lesson, you will learn the Python commands needed to implement the second part... more
From HTML to List of Words (part 2)
The Programming Historian (2012)
In this lesson, you will learn the Python commands needed to implement the second part of the algorithm begun in the From HTML to a List of Words (part 1). The first half of the algorithm gets the content of an HTML page and saves only the content that follows the tags. The second half of the algorithm does the following: Look at every character in the pageContents string, one character at a time If the character is a left angle bracket () we are now leaving the tag; ignore the current character, but look at each following character If we’re not inside a tag, append the current character to a new variable: text Split the text string into a list of individual words that can later be manipulated further.

Subject terms:

Python - text manipulation - History (General) - D1-2009 - Computer software - QA76.75-76.765

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
Emotional Imprints of War : A Computer-Assisted Analysis of Emotions in Dutch Parliamentary Debates, 1945-1989
Milan van Lange;Milan van Lange
eBook eBook | 2023; Vol. 00006 Please log in to see more details
Historical research can be enhanced by methods and resources from various disciplines,... more
Emotional Imprints of War : A Computer-Assisted Analysis of Emotions in Dutch Parliamentary Debates, 1945-1989
2023; Vol. 00006
Historical research can be enhanced by methods and resources from various disciplines, ranging from psychology to computer linguistics. With a creative and innovative perspective on »things we think we know«, Milan van Lange presents a computer-assisted historical investigation into the role of emotions in dealing with consequences of World War II in the Netherlands. By »emotion mining« digitised sources, van Lange shows where emotions were present and how they were expressed and discussed in the political engagement with people who experienced long-term effects of the war, such as former collaborators and war criminals, the resistance, and war victims.

Subject terms:

World War, 1939-1945--Netherlands--Influence - Political oratory--Netherlands--Data processing

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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Introduction à Python et installation
William J. Turkel;Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian en Français, Vol 2 (2020) Please log in to see more details
Cette première leçon de notre section traitant des sources en ligne a pour but de vous... more
Introduction à Python et installation
The Programming Historian en Français, Vol 2 (2020)
Cette première leçon de notre section traitant des sources en ligne a pour but de vous préparer, vous et votre ordinateur, à commencer à programmer. Nous allons nous concentrer sur l’installation de l’environnement de développement requis, qui est gratuit et fiable. Puis nous vous aiderons à compléter un premier essai avec un programme simple qui donnera des résultats immédiats.

Subject terms:

History (General) - D1-2009 - Computer software - QA76.75-76.765

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
Installer un environnement de développement intégré pour Python (Windows)
William J. Turkel;Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian en Français, Vol 2 (2020) Please log in to see more details
Cette leçon vous montrera comment installer un environnement de développement pour Pyt... more
Installer un environnement de développement intégré pour Python (Windows)
The Programming Historian en Français, Vol 2 (2020)
Cette leçon vous montrera comment installer un environnement de développement pour Python sur un ordinateur exécutant le système d’exploitation Windows.

Subject terms:

History (General) - D1-2009 - Computer software - QA76.75-76.765

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
Do you need digital history?
Crymble, Adam
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Historia; 2016, Vol. 61 Issue 2, p121-123, 3p Please log in to see more details
The article discusses interdisciplinarity in the methodology and research of digital h... more
Do you need digital history?
Historia; 2016, Vol. 61 Issue 2, p121-123, 3p
The article discusses interdisciplinarity in the methodology and research of digital history. Emphasis is given to topics such as the use of digital methods in research, the historical research of historian Ben Schmidt at Northeastern University, and suggestions for online resources such as Code Academy (https://www.codeacademy.com).

Subject terms:

HISTORICAL research methods - HISTORY - DIGITAL technology - HISTORICAL research - ELECTRONIC information resources - COMPUTER network resources

Content provider:

Complementary Index

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Manipuler des chaînes de caractères en Python
William J. Turkel;Adam Crymble
Academic Journal Academic Journal | The Programming Historian en Français, Vol 2 (2020) Please log in to see more details
Cette leçon constitue une brève introduction aux techniques de manipulation des chaîne... more
Manipuler des chaînes de caractères en Python
The Programming Historian en Français, Vol 2 (2020)
Cette leçon constitue une brève introduction aux techniques de manipulation des chaînes de caractères en Python.

Subject terms:

History (General) - D1-2009 - Computer software - QA76.75-76.765

Content provider:

Directory of Open Access Journals
History's Future in the Age of the Internet.
Story, Daniel J.;Guldi, Jo;Hitchcock, Tim;Moravec, Michelle
Academic Journal Academic Journal | American Historical Review. Oct2020, Vol. 125 Issue 4, p1337-1346. 10p. Please log in to see more details
Ian Milligan's History in the Age of Abundance? How the Web Is Transforming Historical... more
History's Future in the Age of the Internet.
American Historical Review. Oct2020, Vol. 125 Issue 4, p1337-1346. 10p.
Ian Milligan's History in the Age of Abundance? How the Web Is Transforming Historical Research (2019) presents and interrogates the challenges and opportunities that born-digital materials have for historians. Milligan argues that historians who wish to grapple with the archived internet need to think much more aggressively about engaging with digital methods and tools that can complement and extend the well-honed practices of close reading with approaches that can help analyze the vast and often unstructured archives of internet data. In this AHR Review Roundtable, three historians—Jo Guldi, Tim Hitchcock, and Michelle Moravec, all of whom incorporate digital approaches and concerns into their work—engage with a set of questions developed by Digital Scholarship Librarian Daniel J. Story, to discuss Milligan's treatment of the digital archive of the web and its implications for historians' work. Milligan offers a response to these insights and critiques, emphasizing the need for the historical discipline to change from within and build upon its valuable qualities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]

Subject terms:

HISTORY in the Age of Abundance? How the Web is Transforming Historical Research (Book) - MILLIGAN, Ian - INTERNET & society - HISTORIOGRAPHY - HISTORIANS - HISTORICAL source material

Content provider:

Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection

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Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities : Global Perspectives
Koraljka Golub;Ying-Hsang Liu;Koraljka Golub;Ying-Hsang Liu
Information and Knowledge Organisation explores the role of knowledge organisation in ... more
Information and Knowledge Organisation in Digital Humanities : Global Perspectives
Information and Knowledge Organisation explores the role of knowledge organisation in the digital humanities. By focusing on how information is described, represented and organised in both research and practice, this work furthers the transdisciplinary nature of digital humanities. Including contributions from Asia, Australia, Europe, North America and the Middle East, the volume explores the potential uses of, and challenges involved in, applying the organisation of information and knowledge in the various areas of Digital Humanities. With a particular focus on the digital worlds of cultural heritage collections, the book also includes chapters that focus on machine learning, knowledge graphs, text analysis, text annotations and network analysis. Other topics covered include: semantic technologies, conceptual schemas and data augmentation, digital scholarly editing, metadata creation, browsing, visualisation and relevance ranking. Most importantly, perhaps, the book provides a starting point for discussions about the impact of information and knowledge organisation and related tools on the methodologies used in the Digital Humanities field. Information and Knowledge Organisation is intended for use by researchers, students and professionals interested in the role information and knowledge organisation plays in the Digital Humanities. It will be essential reading for those working in library and information science, computer science and across the humanities. The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

Subject terms:

Knowledge management - Digital humanities

Content provider:

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)

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A Review and Roadmap of Online Learning Platforms and Tutorials in Digital Archaeology.
Daems, Dries
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Advances in Archaeological Practice. Feb2020, Vol. 8 Issue 1, p87-92. 6p. Please log in to see more details

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Twenty years of research on technology in mathematics education at CERME: a literature review based on a data science approach.
Herfort, Jonas Dreyøe;Tamborg, Andreas Lindenskov;Meier, Florian;Allsopp, B...
Academic Journal Academic Journal | Educational Studies in Mathematics. Feb2023, Vol. 112 Issue 2, p309-336. 28p. Please log in to see more details

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