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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "HS425 .W32 1911" to "HS457 .W37 1865" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
H Social Sciences (Go to start of category)
HS Societies and Clubs (Go to start of category)
HS425 .W32 1911 [Info] The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry, and an Analysis of the Inter-Relation Between the Craft and the High Grades, in Respect to Their Term of Research, Expressed by the Way of Symbolism (2 volumes; London: Rebman, 1911), by Arthur Edward Waite
HS425 .W4 [Info] Freemasonry and The Ancient Gods (London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent and Co., 1921), by J. S. M. Ward (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
HS425 .W56 1922 [Info] The Meaning of Masonry (UK edition, ca. 1922), by W. L. Wilmshurst (HTML with commentary at
HS425 .W56 1922 [Info] The Meaning of Masonry (second edition; New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1922), by W. L. Wilmshurst (page images at HathiTrust)
HS433 .M39 [Info] The Medals of the Masonic Fraternity, Described and Illustrated (Boston: Privately printed, 1880), by William Theophilus Rogers Marvin
HS435 .M87 [Info] The Lights and Shadows of Freemasonry, by Robert Morris (page images at MOA)
HS435 .M88 [Info] Tales of Masonic Life, by Robert Morris (page images at MOA)
HS440 .A525 [Info] The Constitutions of the Free-Masons (based on the 1734 edition, with modern commentary), by James Anderson, ed. by Benjamin Franklin and Paul Royster (PDF with commentary at
HS440 .F85 [Info] A Study and an Interpretation of the Regius Manuscript, the Earliest Masonic Document (Portland, OR: Research Lodge of Oregon, No. 198, A.F. and A.M., 1952), by F. M. Hunter (multiple formats at
HS440 .M16 1859 [Info] The Principles of Masonic Law: A Treatise on the Constitutional Laws, Usages and Landmarks of Freemasonry (fourth edition; New York: J. R. Neall, 1859), by Albert Gallatin Mackey (page images at HathiTrust)
HS440 .M17 1856 [Info] The Principles of Masonic Law: A Treatise on the Constitutional Laws, Usages and Landmarks of Freemasonry (New York: Jno. W. Leonard and Co., 1856), by Albert Gallatin Mackey
HS442 .T8 L86 [Info] Masonic Trials and Michigan Digest: A Treatise Upon the Law and Practice of Masonic Trials, With Forms and Precedents (Pontiac, MI: Press of Rann and Turner, 1869), by Henry M. Look
HS445 .M5 A3 1874 [Info] Compiled Law of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State of Michigan (Kalamazoo, MI: Ihling Bros., 1874), by Freemasons Grand Lodge of Michigan (page images at HathiTrust)
HS455 .M5 1868 [Info] Burial Service of the Orders of Knighthood as Adopted by the Grand Commandery of Michigan, and Recommended by the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States (Detroit: Daily Post Printing Establishment, 1868), by Grand Commandery Knights Templar of Michigan (page images at HathiTrust)
HS455 .T4 [Info] The Official Monitor of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, State of Texas (1922), by Freemasons Grand Lodge of Texas
HS457 .L5 1949 [Info] Lightfoot's Manual of the Lodge: or, Monitorial Instructions in the Three Degrees of Symbolic Masonry, As Exemplified in the Grand Jurisdiction of Texas, A.F. & A.M. (Fort Worth: Masonic Home and School Dept. of Printing, 1949), by Jewel P. Lightfoot, contrib. by Freemasons Grand Lodge of Texas (multiple formats at
HS457 .L82 [Info] The Officers of the Lodge (c1928), by Frank T. Lodge (page images at HathiTrust)
HS457 .M17 [Info] The Masonic Manual: A Pocket Companion for the Initiated (revised edition; New York: Clark and Maynard, c1867), by Robert Macoy
HS457 .M83 1851 [Info] The Craftsman, and Freemason's Guide: Containing a Delineation of the Rituals of Freemasonry, With the Emblems and Explanations So Arranged as Greatly to Facilitate in Acquiring a Knowledge of the Rites and Ceremonies of the Several Degrees, From Entered Apprentice to That of Select Master, and the Order of Priesthood (4th edition; Cincinnati: J. Ernst; Philadelphia : E. H. Butler and Co., 1851), by Cornelius Moore (page images at HathiTrust)
HS457 .M83 1854 [Info] The Craftsman, and Freemason's Guide: Containing a Delineation of the Rituals of Freemasonry, With the Emblems and Explanations So Arranged as Greatly to Facilitate In Acquiring a Knowledge of the Rites and Ceremonies of the Several Degrees, From Entered Apprentice to That of Select Master, and the Order of Priesthood (8th edition; Cincinnati: J. Ernst, 1854), by Cornelius Moore
HS457 .M83 1859 [Info] The Craftsman, and Freemason's Guide: Containing a Delineation of the Rituals of Freemasonry, With the Emblems and Explanations So Arranged as Greatly to Facilitate in Acquiring a Knowledge of the Rites and Ceremonies of the Several Degrees, From Entered Apprentice to That of Select Master (15th standard edition; Cincinnati: J. Ernst and Co., 1859), by Cornelius Moore (page images at HathiTrust)
HS457 .R52 [Info] Richardson's Monitor of Free-Masonry: Being a Practical Guide to the Ceremonies In All the Degrees Conferred in Masonic Lodges, Chapters, Encampments, &c. (published under "Jabez Richardson" pseudonym; New York: L. Fitzgerald, c1860), by Benjamin Henry Day (page images at HathiTrust)
HS457 .S56 [Info] The General Ahiman Rezon and Freemason's Guide (New York: Masonic Publishing and Manufacturing Co., 1868), by Daniel Sickels (HTML with commentary at
HS457 .S622 [Info] Standard Masonic Monitor of The Degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craft and Master Mason, As Exemplified Under Sanction of the Grand Lodges of the United States (New York: Macoy Pub. and Masonic Supply Co., 1901), by George E. Simons, contrib. by Robert Macoy (page images at HathiTrust)
HS457 .W37 1865 [Info] Webb's Freemason's Monitor: Including the First Three Degrees, with the Funeral Service and Other Public Ceremonies; Together with Many Useful Forms (Cincinnati: C. Moore, 1865), by Thomas Smith Webb, ed. by James Fenton

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