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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "N6490 .D44 1991" to "N6750 .F5" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
N Fine Arts (Go to start of category)
N6490 .D44 1991 [Info] Out of Eden: Essays on Modern Art (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1991), by W. S. Di Piero (HTML at UC Press)
N6494.F55 F585 1998 [Info] The Fluxus Reader (Chicester, UK and New York: Academy Editions, 1998), ed. by Ken Friedman (PDF files at Swinburne Research Bank)
N6494 .F8 S64 1973 [Info] Futurism, a Modern Focus: the Lydia and Harry Lewis Winston Collection, Dr. and Mrs. Barnett Malbin (New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, c1973), by Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, contrib. by Marianne W. Martin and Linda Shearer (multiple formats at
N6494 .I565 A78 2009 [Info] Art and Contemporary Critical Practice: Reinventing Institutional Critique (London: MayFly Books, 2009), ed. by Gerald Raunig and Gene Ray (PDF and HTML with commentary at MayFlyBooks)
N6503 .S8 [Info] Thème Décoratif de la Double Courbe Dans l'Art des Algonquins du Nord-Est (in French; Ottawa: Ministère des Mines, Commission Géologique, 1915), by Frank G. Speck (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
N6505 .M44 1987 [Info] The American Wing at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York: Harrison House, 1987), by Marshall B. Davidson and Elizabeth Stillinger (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google)
N6510.5 .E25 I5 1986 [Info] In Pursuit of Beauty: Americans and the Aesthetic Movement (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1986), by Doreen Bolger (page images and PDF with commentary at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Google)
N6512 .A678 2020 [Info] Complementary Modernisms in China and the United States: Art as Life/Art as Idea (Punctum Books, c2020), by Zhang Jian and Bruce Robertson (PDF at
N6512 .D38 1985 [Info] New Horizons in American Art; 1985 Exxon National Exhibition (New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 1985), by Lisa Dennison (multiple formats at
N6512 .S65 [Info] Ten Young Artists: Theodoron Awards (New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1971), by Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, contrib. by Thomas M. Messer, Linda Shearer, and Diane Waldman (multiple formats at
N6512 .Y68 [Info] Young American Artists: 1978 Exxon National Exhibition (New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1978), by Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, contrib. by Linda Shearer (multiple formats at
N6512.7 .A784 2004 [Info] Art on the Edge: 17 Contemporary American Artists (2004), contrib. by Virginia Shore (PDF at
N6535 .H68 [Info] Houston Reflections: Art in the City, 1950s, 60s, and 70s (2007), by Sarah C. Reynolds (without front matter: multiple formats at
N6535 .N5 A28 2000 [Info] Art and the Empire City: New York, 1825-1861 (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art; New Haven and London: Yale University Press, c2000), ed. by Catherine Hoover Voorsanger and John K. Howat (page images and PDF with commentary at and Google)
N6535 .W3 H4 [Info] The Art Treasures of Washington: An Account of the Corcoran Gallery of Art and of the National Gallery and Museum, With Descriptions and Criticisms of Their Contents; Including, Also, An Account of the Works of Art in the Capitol, and in the Library of Congress, and of the Most Important Statuary in the City (Boston: L. C. Page and Co., 1912), by Helen W. Henderson
N6537 .B2264 A4 1990 [Info] The Haciendas of Mexico: An Artist's Record (c1990), by Paul Alexander Bartlett, contrib. by James A. Michener and Gisela von Wobeser (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and PDF)
N6537 .C6579 A4 1995 [Info] John Singleton Copley in America (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, c1995), by Carrie Rebora Barratt, Paul J. Staiti, Erica E. Hirshler, Theodore E. Stebbins, and Carol Troyen, contrib. by Morrison H. Heckscher, Aileen Ribeiro, and Marjorie Shelley (page images and PDF at Metropolitan Museum of Art and Google)
N6537 .D43 A4 1978 [Info] Willem de Kooning in East Hampton (New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, ca. 1978), by Diane Waldman, illust. by Willem De Kooning (multiple formats at
N6537.H364 A2 1985 [Info] A Basket of Chips: An Autobiography, by James Taylor Harwood, ed. by Robert S. Olpin (frame-dependent HTML and page images at Utah)
N6538 .H58 P36 [Info] Archivos Virtuales: Papers of Latino and Latin American Artists, by Archives of American Art (HTML at the Smithsonian)
N6538 .N5 C35 2007 [Info] Distinction and Denial: Race, Nation, and the Critical Construction of the African American Artist, 1920-40 (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2007), by Mary Ann Calo (page images at HathiTrust)
N6538 .N5 P214 [Info] Guide to the Papers of African American Artists, by Archives of American Art (illustrated HTML at Smithsonian)
N6549 .N53 A4 2013 [Info] Marion Nicoll: Silence and Alchemy (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2013), by Ann Davis and Elizabeth Herbert, contrib. by Jennifer E. Salahub and Christine Sowiak (PDF at University of Calgary)
N6549.5 .A54 T73 2004 [Info] Coded Territories: Tracing Indigenous Pathways in New Media Art (Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 2014), ed. by Steve Loft and Kerry Swanson, contrib. by Archer Pechawis, Jackson 2bears, Jason Edward Lewis, Steven Foster, Candice Hopkins, and Cheryl L'Hirondelle (PDF at University of Calgary)
N6750 .F5 [Info] Geschichte der Zeichnenden Künste in Deutschland und den Vereinigten Niederlanden (4 volumes, in German; Hannover: Brüdern Hahn, 1815-1820), by Johann Dominik Fiorillo (page images at HathiTrust)

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