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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PR5708 .W1569 C5" to "PR5714 .M3" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PR Literature: English (non-American) (Go to start of category)
PR5708 .W1569 C5 [Info] Cedar Creek, From the Shanty to the Settlement: A Tale of Canadian Life (London: Religious Tract Society, ca. 1863), by Elizabeth H. Walshe
PR5708 .W1569 F6 [Info] From Dawn to Dark in Italy: A Tale of the Reformation in the Sixteenth Century (Boston: American Tract Society, ca. 1865), by Elizabeth H. Walshe (multiple formats at
PR5708 .W48 M63 1866 [Info] Modus Operandi, or, The Automaton Chess-Player: A Play in Three Acts, With Prefatory Remarks, and Extracts From Original Letters on De Kempelin's Automaton Chess-Player, Published in 1784 (London: T. H. Lacy, 1866), by J. Walker, contrib. by Karl Gottlieb Windisch (page images at HathiTrust)
PR5708 .W53 C5 [Info] Christie's Old Organ, 0r, "Home, Sweet Home" (Toronto: Upper Canada Tract Society, 1890?), by Mrs. O. F. Walton (multiple formats at
PR5708 .W53 C51 [Info] Christie, the King's Servant, by Mrs. O. F. Walton (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PR5708 .W53 P4 [Info] A Peep Behind the Scenes, by Mrs. O. F. Walton (Gutenberg text)
PR5708 .W53 S218 [Info] Saved at Sea: A Lighthouse Story, by Mrs. O. F. Walton (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PR5714 .C3 [Info] The Case of Richard Meynell, by Mrs. Humphry Ward (Gutenberg text)
PR5714 .C6 [Info] The Coryston Family, by Mrs. Humphry Ward, illust. by Elizabeth Shippen Green Elliott (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
PR5714 .D4 [Info] Delia Blanchflower, by Mrs. Humphry Ward (Gutenberg text)
PR5714 .E38 [Info] Eleanor, by Mrs. Humphry Ward (Gutenberg text)
PR5714 .E42 [Info] Elizabeth's Campaign, by Mrs. Humphry Ward (Gutenberg text)
PR5714 .E46 [Info] Eltham House (New York: Hearst's International Library Co., 1915), by Mrs. Humphry Ward, illust. by Frank Craig (multiple formats at
PR5714 .F46 [Info] Fenwick's Career, by Mrs. Humphry Ward (Gutenberg text)
PR5714 .G7 [Info] A Great Success, by Mrs. Humphry Ward (Gutenberg text)
PR5714 .H3 [Info] Harvest, by Mrs. Humphry Ward (Gutenberg text)
PR5714 .H4 [Info] Helbeck of Bannisdale, by Mrs. Humphry Ward
PR5714 .H45 [Info] Helena, by Mrs. Humphry Ward (Gutenberg text)
PR5714 .H5 [Info] The History of David Grieve, by Mrs. Humphry Ward (Gutenberg text)
PR5714 .L11 [Info] Lady Connie, by Mrs. Humphry Ward, illust. by Albert Sterner (Gutenberg text)
PR5714 .L34 [Info] Lady Merton, Colonist, by Mrs. Humphry Ward, illust. by Albert Sterner (Gutenberg text)
PR5714 .L36 [Info] Lady Rose's Daughter, by Mrs. Humphry Ward, illust. by Howard Chandler Christy (Gutenberg text)
PR5714 .M27 [Info] Daphne, or "Marriage à la Mode", by Mrs. Humphry Ward (HTML at Indiana)
PR5714 .M28 [Info] Marcella, by Mrs. Humphry Ward
PR5714 .M3 [Info] Marriage à la Mode, by Mrs. Humphry Ward, illust. by Fred Pegram (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)

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