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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "AP4 .M875" to "AP4 .R5" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
A General Works (Go to start of category)
AP General Periodicals (Go to start of category)
AP4 .M875 [Info] The Monthly Repository (early 19th century British periodical) (partial serial archives)
AP4 .M88 [Info] The Monthly Review (London, 1749-1845) (partial serial archives)
AP4 .M88 1900 [Info] The Monthly Review (1900-1907) (full serial archives)
AP4 .N15 [Info] The Nation and the Athenaeum (partial serial archives)
AP4 .N17 [Info] The National Review (British periodical, 1883-1950) (partial serial archives)
AP4 .N3 [Info] The Neolith (US access only, 1907-1908), ed. by E. Nesbit, Graily Hewitt, F. Ernest Jackson, and Gerald Spencer Pryse (partial serial archives)
AP4 .N32 [Info] The New Age (London magazine, 1894-1938) (partial serial archives)
AP4 .N6 1843 [Info] The Foreign and Colonial Quarterly Review (full serial archives)
AP4 .N6 1844 [Info] The New Quarterly Review (1844-1847) (partial serial archives)
AP4 .N622 [Info] The New Review (British periodical, 1889-1897; US access only) (full serial archives)
AP4 .N642 [Info] New Statesman (partial serial archives)
AP4 .N645 [Info] The New Witness (British periodical, 1912-1923), ed. by G. K. Chesterton and Cecil Chesterton (partial serial archives)
AP4 .N7 1877 [Info] The Nineteenth Century (British review, 1877-1900) (full serial archives)
AP4 .N7 1900 [Info] The Nineteenth Century and After (partial serial archives)
AP4 .O4 [Info] Once a Week (British "illustrated miscellany" of popular literature, art, and science; London: Bradbury and Evans, 1859-1879) (partial serial archives)
AP4 .O8 [Info] The Outlook (London periodical, 1898-1928) (partial serial archives)
AP4 .O82 [Info] The Oxford and Cambridge Review (1907-1912) (full serial archives)
AP4 .P17 [Info] The Pall Mall Magazine (1893-1914) (full serial archives)
AP4 .P35 [Info] Pearson's Magazine (UK version, 1896-1939) (partial serial archives)
AP4 .P35 [Info] Pearson's Magazine (US version, 1899-1925) (partial serial archives)
AP4 .Q2 [Info] The Quarterly Review (UK, 1809-1967) (partial serial archives)
AP4 .Q31 [Info] The Queen's Messenger: A Weekly Gazette of Politics and Literature, contrib. by Eustace Clare Grenville Murray (partial serial archives)
AP4 .Q85 [Info] The Quiver (partial serial archives)
AP4 .R24 [Info] The Red Dragon: The National Magazine of Wales (1882-1887) (full serial archives)
AP4 .R5 [Info] Reynolds's Miscellany of Romance, General Literature, Science, and Art, ed. by George W. M. Reynolds (partial serial archives)

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