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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "CS71 .P613 1928" to "CS71 .R613 1896" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
C History: Auxiliary sciences (Go to start of category)
CS Genealogy (Go to start of category)
  (see also CT (General Biography) and D-F (History) for more genealogy-related titles)
CS71 .P613 1928 [Info] The Diary and Letters of Benjamin Pickman (1740-1819) of Salem, Massachusetts, With a Biographical Sketch and Genealogy of the Pickman Family (1928), by Benjamin Pickman, ed. by George Francis Dow
CS71 .P656 1924 [Info] Genealogy of the Pinney Family in America (San Francisco: Harr Wagner Pub. Co., 1924), by Laura Young Pinney (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .P732 W447 1957 [Info] Eight Lines of Descent of John Prescott, Founder of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1645, From Alfred the Great, King of England, 871-901 (1957), by Frederick Lewis Weis (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .P732 W448 1959 [Info] The Parentage of John Prescott of Lancaster, Massachusetts, 1645, and of James Prescott of Hampton and Kingston, New Hampshire (1959), by Frederick Lewis Weis (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .P74 1954 [Info] The Descendants of Robert and John Poage (Pioneer Settlers in Augusta County, Va.): A Genealogy Based on the Manuscript Collections of Prof. Andrew Woods Williamson, Henry Martyn Williamson, and John Guy Bishop (2 volumes; Staunton, VA: McClure Print. Co., 1954), ed. by Robert Bell Woodworth, contrib. by Andrew Woods Williamson, Henry Martyn Williamson, and John Guy Bishop (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .P84 1947 [Info] The Porterfields (Roanoke, VA: Southeastern Press, 1948), by Frank B. Porterfield (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .P868 [Info] A Genealogy of the Potter Family, Originating in Rhode Island (Phenix, RI: J. H. Campbell, 1881), by Jeremiah Potter (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .P946 1926 [Info] A Genealogy of the Descendants of Rev. Jacob Price, Evangelist, Pioneer (Harrisburg: Evangelical Press, 1926), by George Fremont Price Wanger (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .P946 1926 [Info] Thomas Price (A Pioneer in Posey County, Indiana) and His Descendants: A History and Genealogy (Owensville, IN: Printed in the Messenger Office, 1926), by John E. Cox (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .P973 1958 [Info] The Roots and Some of the Branches of the Puckett Family Tree (1958), by Christine South Gee (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .P979 1941 [Info] Reading Backward (Macon, GA: J. W. Burke Co., 1941), by Luella Knott (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .P99 1891 [Info] A History of the Putnam Family in England and America: Recording the Ancestry and Descendants of John Putnam of Danvers, Mass., Jan Poutman of Albany, N. Y., Thomas Putnam of Hartford, Conn. (2 volumes; Salem, MA: Salem Press Publishing and Printing Co., 1891-1908), by Eben Putnam (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .P99 1907 [Info] The Putnam Lineage: Historical-Genealogical Notes Concerning the Puttenham Family in England, Together With Lines of Royal Descent, and Showing the Ancestors of John Putnam of Salem and His Descendants Through Five Generations, Together With Some Account of Other Families of the Name and of the Putmans of the Mohawk Valley (Salem, MA: Salem Press Co., 1907), by Eben Putnam
CS71 .Q4 1942 [Info] A Genealogy of the Quick Family in America (1625-1942): 317 Years (South Haven and Palisades Park, MI: Priv. pub. by A. C. Quick, ca. 1942), by Arthur Craig Quick (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .R125 [Info] Richard Ratcliff of Lancashire, England and Talbot County, Maryland and His Ancestors and Descendants, 1066-1988 (electronic edition, with supplements), by Clarence E. Ratcliff (PDF files with commentary at Wayback Machine)
CS71 .R193 1952 [Info] Henry Randolph I (1623-1773) of Henrico County, Virginia, and His Descendants (Memphis: Distributed by Cossitt Library, 1952), by Wassell Randolph (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .R211 1931 [Info] The Rankin and Wharton Families and Their Genealogy (limited edition, ca. 1931), by Samuel Meek Rankin (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .R284 1901 [Info] A Royal Lineage: Alfred the Great, 901-1901 (Richmond: Whittet and Shepperson, printers, 1901), by Annah Robinson Watson (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .R284 1909 [Info] Reed-Read Lineage: Captain John Reed of Providence, R. I., and Norwalk, Conn., and His Descendants Through His Sons, John and Thomas, 1660-1909 (Waterbury, CT: Mattatuck Press, 1909), by Ella Reed-Wright
CS71 .R284 1939 [Info] "The Brotherhood of Man" in Some of the Families of: IV.--Reid; V.--Gaston and VI.--Simonton, in America (with Harvey and Tomlinson family histories as well, in a reproduced typscript, ca. 1939), by Lewin Dwinell McPherson, contrib. by Elizabeth Weir McPherson (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .R496 1938 [Info] Edmund Rice and His Family (written for the Edmund Rice (1638) association, 1938), by Elsie Hawes Smith
CS71 .R52 1876 [Info] The Richardson Memorial, Comprising a Full History and Genealogy of the Posterity of the Three Brothers, Ezekiel, Samuel, and Thomas Richardson (Portland, ME: Printed for the subscribers by B. Thurston and Co., 1876), by John Adams Vinton (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .R5252 1861 [Info] A Genealogical Register of the Descendants of Several Ancient Puritans [by the Name of Richards] (labeled "volume III" of an irregular set of Puritan genealogies; Boston: Press of H. W. Dutton and Son, 1861), by Abner Morse (multiple formats at Google)
CS71 .R56 1959 [Info] Preliminary Materials for a Genealogy of the Rider (Ryder) Families in the United States, Arranged According to the "Rider Trace" System of Presentation (3 volumes; Middletown, CT: Godfrey Memorial Library, 1959), by Fremont Rider (page images at HathiTrust)
CS71 .R613 1896 [Info] The Family Record of David Rittenhouse: Including His Sisters Esther, Anne and Eleanor (Norristown, PA: Herald printing and binding rooms, 1896), by Daniel Kolb Cassel (page images at HathiTrust)

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