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Baptists -- Southern States -- Congresses

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Filed under: Baptists -- Southern States -- Congresses

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Filed under: Baptists -- Southern States -- BiographyFiled under: Baptists -- Southern States -- MissionsFiled under: Baptists -- Southern States -- Periodicals Filed under: Mennonites -- Southern States -- History
  • [Info] The Olive Branch of Peace and Good Will to Men: Anti-War History of the Brethren and Mennonites, the Peace People of the South, During the Civil War, 1861-1865 (Elgin, IL: Brethren Pub. House, 1907), by Samuel F. Sanger and Daniel Hays
Filed under: Baptists -- Congresses Filed under: Seventh-day Baptists -- Congresses Filed under: Baptists -- Alabama -- Congresses Filed under: Baptists -- California -- Congresses Filed under: Baptists -- Canada, Western -- Congresses Filed under: Baptists -- Education -- Congresses Filed under: Baptists -- Georgia -- Congresses Filed under: Baptists -- Idaho -- Congresses Filed under: Baptists -- Illinois -- Congresses Filed under: Baptists -- Louisiana -- Congresses Filed under: Baptists -- Michigan -- Congresses Filed under: Baptists -- Missions -- Congresses Filed under: Baptists -- Mississippi -- CongressesFiled under: Baptists -- Missouri -- CongressesFiled under: Baptists -- New Brunswick -- CongressesFiled under: Baptists -- New York (State) -- CongressesFiled under: Baptists -- North Carolina -- CongressesFiled under: Baptists -- Nova Scotia -- Congresses

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