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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "DJ1 .B47" to "DJK51 .V35 2000" (Overview; Exclude extended shelves)

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Call number Item
D History: General, and Regions Outside the Americas (Go to start of category)
DH-DJ Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands (Go to start of category)
DJ The Netherlands (Go to start of category)
DJ1 .B47 [Info] Bijdragen voor de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden (in Dutch) (full serial archives)
DJ1 .C86 [Info] Bulletin KNOB (in Dutch) (partial serial archives)
DJ1 .H65 [Info] Bijdragen en Mededelingen van het Historisch Genootschap (in Dutch) (partial serial archives)
DJ1 .O9 [Info] Oud Holland (partial serial archives)
DJ21 .A52 1951 [Info] Political and Economic Life in the Netherlands (fifth revised edition, 1951), by Netherlands Regeeringsvoorlichtingsdienst (multiple formats at
DJ39 .L8 1905 [Info] A Wanderer in Holland (New York: Macmillan, 1905), by E. V. Lucas, illust. by Herbert Marshall
DJ39 .L8 1908 [Info] A Wanderer in Holland (New York: Macmillan, 1908), by E. V. Lucas, illust. by Herbert Marshall (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
DJ39 .W27 [Info] Through the Gates of the Netherlands (Boston: Little, Brown, and Co., 1907), by Mary E. Waller, illust. by A. Montferrand
DJ40 .H8 [Info] The Dutch Today (The Hague: Govt. Pub. Office, 1973), by Frank Edward Huggett, illust. by Jenny Dalenoord (multiple formats at
DJ51 .K2 [Info] Nederlands-Oudheden: Verzameling van Afbeeldingen der Voor Wetenschap, Kunst en Nijverheid Meest Belangrijke Voorwerpen Uit Vroegere Tijden (text in Dutch and French; Amsterdam: F. Buffa en zonen, 1861), by David van der Kellen (page images at HathiTrust)
DJ71 .H8 [Info] Dutch Life in Town and Country (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, c1901), by P. M. Hough (multiple formats at archive.oreg)
DJ71 .J27 [Info] Temptation in the Archives: Essays in Golden Age Dutch Culture (London: University College London Press, 2015), by Lisa Jardine (PDF with commentary at UCL Press)
DJ111 .G77 [Info] Holland: The History of the Netherlands, by Thomas Colley Grattan, contrib. by Julian Hawthorne (Gutenberg text)
DJ111 .G77 1855 [Info] The History of the Netherlands (New York: Harper and Bros., 1855), by Thomas Colley Grattan
DJ202 .D87 [Info] The Dutch Republic in the Days of John Adams (1976) (multiple formats at
DJ219 .H7 A3 [Info] Mémoires du Général Dirk Van Hogendorp, Comte de l'empire, etc. (in French; La Haye, M. Nijhoff, 1887), by Dirk Hogendorp, ed. by Dirk Carel August van Hogendorp
DJ283 .T8 1948 [Info] Two Queens: Wilhelmina, Juliana, 1898-1948 (New York: Netherlands Information Bureau, 1948), by Netherlands Regeeringsvoorlichtingsdienst (multiple formats at
DJ285 .K55 1943 [Info] The Foreign Policy of the Netherlands: Text of a Broadcast (1943), by Eelco Nicolaas van Kleffens (multiple formats at
DJ401 .F55 J3 [Info] Die Grafen von Mittelfriesland aus dem Geschlechte König Ratbods (in German; Gotha: F. A. Perthes, 1895), by Hugo Jaekel
DJ401.H64 T73 1990 [Info] Holland Under Habsburg Rule, 1506-1566: The Formation of a Body Politic (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990), by James D. Tracy (HTML at UC Press)
DJ401 .U65 H37 1853 [Info] Het Eiland Urk: Zijn Bodem, Voortbrengselen en Bewoners (in Dutch; Utrecht: Van Paddenburg and Co., 1853), by P. Harting (Gutenberg text)
DJK Eastern Europe (Go to start of category)
DJK28 .H86 K62 1995 [Info] Hungarian Minorities in the Carpathian Basin: A Study in Ethnic Geography, by Karoly Kocsis and Eszter Kocsis-Hodosi (HTML at Corvinus Library)
DJK38 .B6313 [Info] From Warsaw to Sofia: A History of Eastern Europe, by Henry Bogdan, ed. by Istvan Fehervary, trans. by Jean P. Fleming (HTML at Corvinus Library)
DJK45.G3 C58 1989 [Info] Reluctant Realists: The Christian Democrats and West German Ostpolitik (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1989), by Clay Clemens (page images at HathiTrust)
DJK51 .V35 2000 [Info] After the Rain: How the West Lost the East, by Samuel Vaknin (Gutenberg text)

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