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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "F127 .C7 Y6" to "F127 .N5 H6" (Overview; Exclude extended shelves)

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Call number Item
F History: United States (Regional), and the Americas (Go to start of category)
F127 .C7 Y6 [Info] History of Chautauqua County, New York, From its First Settlement to the Present Time; With Numerous Biographical and Family Sketches (Buffalo, NY: Printing house of Matthews and Warren, 1875), by Andrew W. Young (page images at HathiTrust)
F127 .C77 H9 [Info] History of Clinton and Franklin Counties, New York; With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of its Prominent Men and Pioneers (Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis and Co., 1880), ed. by D. Hamilton Hurd (page images at HathiTrust)
F127 .D3 G7 [Info] History of Delaware County, and Border Wars of New York, by Jay Gould (HTML at
F127 .D3 H6 [Info] The History of Delaware County (New York: W. W. Munsell, 1880) (HTML at
F127 .D3 M6 [Info] Chapters in the History of Delaware County, New York (1949), by John D. Monroe (PDF files at
F127 .D3 M8 [Info] Delaware County, New York: History of the Century, 1797-1897; Centennial Celebration, June 9 and 10, 1897, by David Murray (HTML at
F127 .D8 D92 [Info] Records of Crum Elbow Precinct, Dutchess County, New York, 1738-1761, Together With Records of Charlotte Precinct, 1762-1785, Records of Clinton Precinct, 1786-1788, and Records of the Town of Clinton, 1789-1799 (Collections of the Dutchess County Historical Society v7; 1940), ed. by Franklin D. Roosevelt (page images at HathiTrust)
F127 .E6 S6 [Info] History of the City of Buffalo and Erie County, With Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of its Prominent Men and Pioneers (Syracuse, NY: D. Mason and Co., 1884), by H. P. Smith (PDF files at
F127 .G19 C6 [Info] Tombstone Inscriptions from the Abandoned Cemeteries and Farm Burials of Genesee County (1952), by LaVerne C. Cooley (page images at HathiTrust)
F127.G3 P67 1885 [Info] The Attractions of Lake George and Vicinity: Hotels, Mountain Peaks, Views, Drives, Places of Interest and General Information; Lake Luzerne, Schroon Lake, and Blue Mountain Lake (edition for 1885) (at
F127 .H5 B4 [Info] A History of Herkimer County, Including the Upper Mohawk Valley, From the Earliest Period to the Present Time (Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1856), by Nathaniel Soley Benton (HTML at
F127 .H8 K4 [Info] Stubborn for Liberty: The Dutch in New York (Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, c1975), by Alice P. Kenney (Epub with commentary at Syracuse)
F127 .H8 L36 2006 [Info] The River of Dreams: The Hudson Valley in Historic Postcards (postcard plates omitted; New York: Fordham University Press, 2006), by George J. Lankevich (PDF with commentary at
F127 .H8 L78 [Info] The Hudson, From the Wilderness to the Sea (Troy, NY: H. B. Nims and Co., n.d.), by Benson J. Lossing (multiple formats at
F127 .H8 W72 [Info] Wilson's Illustrated Guide to the Hudson River (page images at MOA)
F127 .L8 B15 [Info] Colonial Long Island (Amityville, NY: Long Island Forum, c1958), by Paul Bailey (page images at HathiTrust)
F127 .L8 H26 1935 [Info] Sketches From Local History (Bridgehampton, NY, 1935), by William Donaldson Halsey (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
F127 .L8 S4 [Info] Colonel John Scott of Long Island, 1634(?)-1696 (New Haven et al.: Yale University Press, 1918), by Wilbur Cortez Abbott (HTML at Indiana)
F127 .L8 T6 1911 [Info] The Indian Place-Names on Long Island and Islands Adjacent, With Their Probable Significations (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1911), by William Wallace Tooker, ed. by Alexander Francis Chamberlain
F127 .M55 D5 [Info] The Historic Mohawk (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1910), by Mary Riggs Diefendorf (page images at HathiTrust)
F127 .M55 H6 [Info] History of the Mohawk Valley, Gateway to the West, 1614-1925: Covering the Six Counties of Schenectady, Schoharie, Montgomery, Fulton, Herkimer, and Oneida (4 volumes; Chicago: S. J. Clarke, 1925), ed. by Nelson Greene
F127 .M55 R3 [Info] The Mohawk Valley, Its Legends and Its History, by William Max Reid (illustrated HTML at
F127 .M55 V7 1943 [Info] Forts and Firesides of the Mohawk Country, New York: The Stories and Pictures of Landmarks of the Pre-Revolutionary War Period Throughout the Mohawk Valley and the Surrounding Country Side, Including Some Historic and Genealogical Mention During the Post-War Period (Philadelphia: E. E. Brownell, 1943), by John J. Vrooman, ed. by Elijah Ellsworth Brownell (page images at HathiTrust)
F127 .M6 H2 [Info] On the Origin of the Names of Places in Monroe County, New York (Scottsville, NY: I. Van Hooser, printer, 1911), by Franklin Hanford (multiple formats at
F127 .N5 H6 [Info] History of Niagara County, N. Y.: With Illustrations Descriptive of its Scenery, Private Residences, Public Buildings, Fine Blocks, and Important Manufactories, and Portraits of Old Pioneers and Prominent Residents (New York: Sanford and Co., 1878) (page images at New York Heritage)

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