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Operas -- France -- Librettos

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Filed under: Operas -- France -- Librettos -- 19th century

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Filed under: Operas -- France -- 19th century Filed under: Opera -- France -- 19th century
  • [X-Info] Souvenirs de théatre, d'art et de critique (G. Charpentier, 1883), by Théophile Gautier and Edwin Binney 3rd Collection (Harvard Theatre Collection) (page images at HathiTrust)
  • [X-Info] Oeuvres complètes. IV : Opéras comiques (E. Dentu :, 1877), by Eugène Scribe, M. Xavier, Gustave Vaëz, A. Thys, Henri Saint-Georges, Hippolyte Romand, Henri Reber, Loïsa Puget, Eugène de Planard, Alexandre Piccinni, Ferdinando Paër, Jacques Offenbach, Émile de Najac, Alexandre Montfort, Hippolyte Monpou, Giacomo Meyerbeer, M. Mélesville, M. Mazères, F. Mazas, Victor Massé, Bernard Lopez, M. Limnander, Adolphe de Leuven, Gustave Lemoine, Théodore Labarre, Conradin Kreutzer, Charles-Frédéric Kreubé, Aristide Hignard, Ferdinand Hérold, F. Halévy, Luc Guenée, Albert Grisar, J. M. Gomis, Manuel García, M. Gabriel, François-Joseph Fétis, A. de Feltre, Charles Duveyrier, Gilbert-Louis Duprez, Paul Duport, M. Dupin, C.-G. Delestre-Poirson, Germain Delavigne, L. Deffès, F. de Courcy, L. Clapisson, Luigi Cherubini, Castil-Blaze, Michele Carafa, Ernest Boulanger, Jean Nicolas Bouilly, Luigi Bordèse, X. Boisselot, Henry Boisseaux, François Adrien Boieldieu, Felice Blangini, H. Berton, Louise Angelique Bertin, François Bazin, M. Bayard, D. A. Batton, M. W. Balfe, D. F. E. Auber, G. Alary, and Adolphe Adam (page images at HathiTrust)
Filed under: Operas -- France -- Paris -- 19th centuryFiled under: Operas -- France -- ParisFiled under: Opera -- France

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