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Costume -- England -- 15th century

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Filed under: Costume -- England -- 15th century

Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.

Filed under: Clothing and dress -- England -- 15th century Filed under: America -- Discovery and exploration -- Spanish -- History -- 15th century -- SourcesFiled under: Art, Egyptian -- 15th century Filed under: Art, Italian -- 15th century -- Exhibitions Filed under: Drawing -- 15th century -- Exhibitions Filed under: Drawing, Italian -- 15th century -- Catalogs Filed under: Drawing -- Italy -- 15th century -- Catalogs Filed under: Engraving, Renaissance -- France
  • [Info] Le Tableau des Riches Inventions, Couvertes du Voile des Feintes Amoureuses, Qui Sont Représentées dans le Songe de Poliphile: Desvoilées des Ombres du Songe et Subtilement Exposées (in French; Paris: M. Guillemot, 1600), by Francesco Colonna, contrib. by Béroalde de Verville
Filed under: France -- History -- 15th century -- FictionFiled under: France -- History -- 15th century -- Sources
  • [Info] The Book of Peace, by Christine de Pisan, ed. by Karen Green, C. J. Mews, and Janice M. Pinder (PDF at PSU)
Filed under: Interior decoration -- Italy -- Gubbio -- History -- 15th centuryFiled under: Interior decoration -- Italy -- Urbino -- History -- 15th century Filed under: Italian literature -- 15th century -- BibliographyFiled under: Medicine -- History -- 15th century

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