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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "JL5 .A3" to "JL2492 .M47 1995" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
J Political Science (Go to start of category)
JF-JQ Political Institutions and Public Administration (Go to start of category)
JL Political Institutions and Public Administration (Americas outside the US) (Go to start of category)
JL5 .A3 [Info] The Canadian Parliamentary Companion, ed. by Henry J. Morgan, Charles Herbert Mackintosh, and John Alexander Gemmill (partial serial archives)
JL5 .A4 [Info] The Canadian Parliamentary Guide (partial serial archives)
JL15 .V471 1986 [Info] Three Civilizations, Two Cultures, One State: Canada's Political Traditions (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, c1986), by Douglas V. Verney (page images at HathiTrust)
JL25 .L48 1987 [Info] DND Language Reform: Staffing the Bilingualism Programs, 1967-1977, by Armand Letellier (PDF in Canada)
JL108 .J85 2008 [Info] Defending a Contested Ideal: Merit and the Public Service Commission, 1908-2008 (c2008), by Luc Juillet and Kenneth A. Rasmussen (PDF with commentary at Ottawa)
JL141 .T24 [Info] Are Legislatures Parliaments? A Study and Review (Montreal: J. Lovell; et al., 1879), by Fennings Taylor (HTML at Gutenberg Canada)
JL193 .A54 1989 [Info] Canada Votes, 1935-1988 (Durham, NC and London: Duke University Press, 1989), by Frank B. Feigert (page images at HathiTrust)
JL627.5 .A78 [Info] Standing Orders of the Honourable the House of Assembly of Barbados Made Under the Constitution of Barbados (Section 50 (1)) (with amendments up to 2019), by Barbados House of Assembly (PDF at Barbados Parliament)
JL956.C58 R6813 1987 [Info] The Military and the State in Latin America (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987), by Alain Rouquie (HTML at UC Press)
JL958 .A9 [Info] Authoritarianism and Corporatism in Latin America (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c1977), ed. by James M. Malloy (page images with commentary at Pitt)
JL959.5 .D42 C35 2003 [Info] The Quiet Revolution: Decentralization and the Rise of Political Participation in Latin American Cities (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c2003), by Tim Campbell (page images at Pitt)
JL960 .D44 1998 [Info] Deepening Democracy in Latin America (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c1998), ed. by Kurt von Mettenheim and James M. Malloy (page images at Pitt)
JL1043 1953 .C6 [Info] The Case of Puerto Rico: Memorandum to the United Nations (New York: New Century Publishers, 1953), by Communist Party of Puerto Rico, contrib. by William Z. Foster
JL1081 .A2 [Info] Les Constitutions d'Haïti (1801-1885) (in French; Paris: C. Marpon et E. Flammarion, 1886), by Louis Joseph Janvier
JL1281 .C58 2001 [Info] Citizen Views of Democracy in Latin America (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c2001), ed. by Roderic A. Camp, contrib. by Alejandro Moreno, Timothy J. Power, Mary A. Clark, Mitchell A. Seligson, Matthew T. Kenney, Joseph L. Klesner, Miguel Basáñ̃ez, Pablo Parás, Frederick C. Turner, Carlos E. Cué, Kenneth M. Coleman, Louis Wolf Goodman, and Alan Knight (page images at Pitt)
JL1298 .P26 1921 [Info] Constitución del Partido Comunista Revolucionario Mexicano (in Spanish; 1921), by Partido Comunista Mexicano (page images at HathiTrust)
JL1566 .C58 W54 1997 [Info] Militarization and Demilitarization in El Salvador's Transition to Democracy (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c1997), by Philip J. Williams and Knut Walter (page images at Pitt)
JL2020.C58 H88 2002 [Info] Argentine Civil-Military Relations: From Alfonsín to Menem, by Herbert C. Huser (PDF at
JL2031 .O35131 1988 [Info] Bureaucratic Authoritarianism: Argentina, 1966-1973, in Comparative Perspective (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988), by Guillermo A. O'Donnell (HTML at UC Press)
JL2081 .P69 2001 [Info] Grassroots Expectations of Democracy and Economy: Argentina in Comparative Perspective (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2001), by Nancy R. Powers (page images at Pitt)
JL2215 1826 .A22 [Info] Redactor de la Asamblea Constituyente del Año 1826 (in Spanish; La Paz: H. Heitmann, 1917), by Bolivia (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
JL2281 .V37 2000 [Info] The Friendly Liquidation of the Past: The Politics of Diversity in Latin America (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, c2000), by Donna Lee Van Cott (page images at Pitt)
JL2415 1924 .N8 [Info] A Jornada Revisionista: Os Rumos, as Idéas, o Ambiente (Estudo Critico da Constituição), em Torno da These "Da Necessidade ou Conveniencia da Revisão ou Emenda da Constituição Federal" (in Portuguese; Rio de Janeiro: Pap. Almeida Marques, 1924), by Castro Nunes
JL2431 .J3 [Info] The Constitutional System of Brazil (Carnegie Institution of Washington publication #334, 1923), by Herman G. James (multiple formats at
JL2492 .M47 1995 [Info] The Brazilian Voter: Mass Politics in Democratic Transition, 1974-1986 (Pittsburgh and London: University of Pittsburgh Press, c1995), ed. by Kurt von Mettenheim (page images at Pitt)

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