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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "PS3562 .A253 F5" to "PS3563.A26627 O52 1903" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
P Language and literature (Go to start of category)
PS Literature: American (Go to start of category)
PS3562 .A253 F5 [Info] Fiddler Fair, by Mercedes Lackey (multiple formats at
PS3562 .A253 F68 [Info] Four and Twenty Blackbirds (included on a Baen CD image), by Mercedes Lackey
PS3562 .A253 I45 [Info] Ill Met by Moonlight (included on a Baen CD image), by Mercedes Lackey and Roberta Gellis (zipped CD ISO at; 346 MB)
PS3562 .A253 I7 [Info] Invasion (included on a Baen CD image), by Mercedes Lackey, Steve Libby, Cody Martin, and Dennis Lee (zipped CD ISO at; 346 MB)
PS3562 .A253 K65 [Info] Knight of Ghosts and Shadows (included on a Baen CD image), by Mercedes Lackey and Ellen Guon (zipped CD ISO at; 346 MB)
PS3562 .A253 L37 [Info] The Lark and the Wren, by Mercedes Lackey (multiple formats at
PS3562 .A253 M33 [Info] Mad Maudlin (included on a Baen CD image), by Mercedes Lackey and Rosemary Edghill
PS3562 .A253 R63 [Info] The Robin and the Kestrel (included on a Baen CD), by Mercedes Lackey (zipped CD ISO at; 346 MB)
PS3562 .A253 S53 [Info] The Shadow of the Lion, by Mercedes Lackey, Eric Flint, and Dave Freer (multiple formats at
PS3562 .A253 S65 [Info] Spirits White as Lightning (on a Baen CD image), by Mercedes Lackey and Rosemary Edghill
PS3562 .A253 W3 [Info] Werehunter, by Mercedes Lackey (multiple formats at
PS3562 .A253 W56 [Info] The Wizard of Karres (included on a Baen CD image; c2004), by Mercedes Lackey, Eric Flint, and Dave Freer
PS3562 .A315 L4433 2004 [Info] Concerning the Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ and Our Being Gathered to Him (2 Thess. 2:1): A Lutheran Response to the "Left Behind" Series (St. Louis, MO: Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, 2004), by Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Commission on Theology and Church Relations (PDF at
PS3562 .A84 I47 2005 [Info] Imperium (included on a Baen CD image; c2005), by Keith Laumer, ed. by Eric Flint
PS3562 .A84 L44 [Info] Legions of Space, by Keith Laumer, ed. by Eric Flint, contrib. by Gordon R. Dickson (multiple formats at
PS3562 .A84 P56 2003 [Info] A Plague of Demons, and Other Stories (included on a Baen CD image), by Keith Laumer, ed. by Eric Flint
PS3562 .E177 H54 [Info] Highland Ballad, by Christopher Leadem (Gutenberg text)
PS3562 .E3629 A4 [Info] Agent of Change (2007), by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller (multiple formats with commentary at Baen Free Library)
PS3562 .E3629 F54 2009 [Info] Fledgling (2009), by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller (multiple formats with commentary at Baen Free Library)
PS3562 .E42 [Info] Coyote's Song: The Teaching Stories of Ursula K. Le Guin (c2000), by Richard D. Erlich (HTML at Wayback Machine)
PS3562 .I775 F57 [Info] Fire in the Mist, by Holly Lisle (HTML at Baen EBooks)
PS3562 .U258 E4 [Info] Charles Ludlam Lives! Charles Busch, Bradford Louryk, Taylor Mac, and the Queer Legacy of the Ridiculous Theatrical Company (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, c2017), by Sean F. Edgecomb (multiple formats with commentary at
PS3562 .U4685 E9 1987 [Info] Expounding the Doubtful Points (published as Bamboo Ridge issue #34-35; Honolulu: Bamboo Ridge Press, 1987), by Wing Tek Lum (PDF and Epub at Hawaii)
PS3563 .A123 B73 [Info] Brain Ships (includes "The Ship Who Searched" and "Partnership"; part of a CD image), by Anne McCaffrey, Mercedes Lackey, and Margaret Ball
PS3563.A26627 O52 1903 [Info] Old Time Stories of the Old North State (Boston: D.C. Heath and Co., 1903), by Lutie Andrews McCorkle (HTML and page images at

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