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Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1908

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Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1908
  • [Info] Official Report of the Proceedings of the Fourteenth Republican National Convention, Held in Chicago, Illinois, June 16, 17, 18 and 19, 1908, Resulting in the Nomination of William Howard Taft, of Ohio, for President, and the Nomination of James Schoolcraft Sherman, of New York, for Vice-President (Columbus, OH: Press of F. J. Heer, 1908), by Republican National Convention, contrib. by Milton W. Blumenberg

Items below (if any) are from related and broader terms.

Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1800 Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1828
  • [Info] Address of the Central Committee Appointed by a Convention of Both Branches of the Legislature Friendly to the Election of John Q. Adams as President and Richard Rush as Vice-president of the U. States, Held at the State-House in Boston, June 10, 1828, to Their Fellow-Citizens (1828), by National Republican Party (Mass.) Central Committee
  • [Info] An Address to the People of the United States on the Subject of the Presidential Election, With a Special Reference to the Nomination of Andrew Jackson, Containing Sketches of His Public and Private Character (copyright registered to Colwell; 1828), contrib. by Joseph Colwell
Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1832 Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1844 Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1856 Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1860 Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1864 Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1872
  • [Info] Presidential Election, 1872: Proceedings of the National Union Republican Convention Held at Philadelphia, June 5 and 6, 1872, Which Nominated for President and Vice-President Ulysses S. Grant and Henry Wilson, by Republican National Convention, contrib. by F. H. Smith
  • [Info] An Account of the Proceedings on the Trial of Susan B. Anthony on the Charge of Illegal Voting at the Presidential Election in Nov., 1872, and on the Trial of Beverly W. Jones, Edwin T. Marsh and William B. Hall, the Inspectors of Election by Whom Her Vote Was Received (Rochester, NY: Daily Democrat and chronicle book print, 1874), contrib. by Susan B. Anthony
Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1876Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1880Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1888Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1892
  • [Info] Proceedings of the Tenth Republican National Convention, Held in the City of Minneapolis, Minn., June 7, 8, 9 and 10, 1892, Resulting in the Nomination of Benjamin Harrison, of Indiana, for President, and Whitelaw Reid, of New York, for Vice-President, by Republican National Convention, contrib. by Theodore C. Rose and James Francis Burke
Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1896Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1912Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1920Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1928Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1940Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1972Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1980Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1992Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 2000Filed under: Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 2004

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