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Alaska Packers Association: Canned Salmon Recipes (St. Louis World's Fair edition; ca. 1904) (page images at HathiTrust)
Alastair, 1887-1969: Forty-Three Drawings (London et al.: J. Lane, 1914), contrib. by Robert Baldwin Ross (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Alastair, 1887-1969, illust.: The Sphinx (London and New York: J. Lane, 1920), by Oscar Wilde (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Applied Linguistics and the Preparation of Second Language Teachers: Toward a Rationale (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1982; Washington: Georgetown University Press, c1983), also ed. by H. H. Stern and Peter Strevens (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Bilingualism and Language Contact (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1970; Washington: Georgetown University Press, c1970) (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Current Issues in Bilingual Education (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1980; Washington: Georgetown University Press, c1980) (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Educational Linguistics, Crosscultural Communication, and Global Interdependence (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1994; Washington: Georgetown University Press, c1994) (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: International Dimensions of Bilingual Education (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1978; Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1978), contrib. by E. Glyn Lewis, William Francis Mackey, Einar Haugen, Joshua A. Fishman, Shirley Brice Heath, José Andrés Vázquez, Robert L. Cooper, Sarita G. Schotta, Henry Kahane, Renée Kahane, Braj B. Kachru, Muriel Saville-Troike, Maria Medina Swanson, Merrill Swain, Eric P. Hamp, H. H. Stern, Joan Rubin, Yolanda Lastra, Wallace E. Lambert, Christina Bratt Paulston, Bernard Spolsky, Gilbert Ansre, Bonifacio P. Sibayan, Adebisi Afolayan, Beatriz R. Lavandera, John W. Oller, G. Richard Tucker, Gary A. Cziko, Gilbert Narro Garcia, Charles H. Blatchford, Robert Lado, J. Donald Bowen, Robert J. Di Pietro, Mary Finocchiaro, Eduardo Hernandez-Chavez, Heidi C. Dulay, Marina K. Burt, John B. Carroll, Charles A. Ferguson, Roger W. Shuy, Dennis R. Craig, Frederic G. Cassidy, Alan R. Thomas, Nancy C. Dorian, William Leap, and Noel Epstein (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Language, Communication, and Social Meaning (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1992; Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1992) (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Language in Our Time: Bilingual Education and Official English, Ebonics and Standard English, Immigration and the Unz Initiative (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1999; Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1999), also ed. by Ai-Hui Tan (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Language in Public Life (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1979; Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1979), also ed. by G. Richard Tucker (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Language Teaching, Testing, and Technology: Lessons from the Past with a View Toward the Future (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1989; Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1989) (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Linguistics and Language Pedagogy: The State of the Art (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1991; Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1991) (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Linguistics and the Education of Language Teachers: Ethnolinguistic, Psycholinguistic, and Sociolinguistic Aspects (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1995; Washington: Georgetown University Press, c1995), also ed. by Carolyn A. Straehle, Brent Gallenberger, and Maggie Ronkin (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Linguistics, Language Acquisition, and Language Variation: Current Trends and Future Prospects (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1996; Washington: Georgetown University Press, 1996), also ed. by Carolyn A. Straehle, Maggie Ronkin, and Brent Gallenberger (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Linguistics, Language, and the Professions: Education, Journalism, Law, Medicine, and Technology (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 2000; Washington: Georgetown University Press, c2002), also ed. by Heidi Ehernberger Hamilton and Ai-Hui Tan (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Linguistics, Language, and the Real World: Discourse and Beyond (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 2001; Washington: Georgetown University Press, c2003), also ed. by Deborah Tannen (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Linguistics, Language Teaching and Language Acquisition: The Interdependence of Theory, Practice and Research (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1990; Washington: Georgetown University Press, c1990) (PDF at Georgetown)
Alatis, James E., ed.: Strategic Interaction and Language Acquisition: Theory, Practice, and Research (Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1993; Washington: Georgetown University Press, c1993), contrib. by Stephen D. Krashen, Catherine Snow, Anna Uhl Chamot, J. Michael O'Malley, Cecily O'Neill, Deryn P. Verity, Shōkō Okazaki, Catherine Doughty, Ruth M. Jackson, Joan Morley, Karin C. Ryding, Suzanne Flynn, Elahe Mir-Djalali, James P. Lantolf, Ahmed Mouakket, Traute Taeschner, Jo Ann Crandall, Ikuo Koike, Louis A. Arena, Irene Thompson, Frederick J. Bosco, William Frawley, Madeline Elizabeth Ehrman, Virginia Mayer, Earl W. Stevick, Christina Kakava, Nadine O'Connor Di Vito, Reinhold Freudenstein, Aoi Tsuda, Josep Maria Artigal, Phyllis J. Dragonas, Marcel Danesi, Frederick H. Jackson, H. Douglas Brown, Dieter Kastovsky, Masaki Oda, Rebecca L. Oxford, Jeanette S. DeCarrico, James R. Nattinger, Anita Wenden, Linda S. Rutledge, and Jill Robbins (PDF at Georgetown)
Alaux, Gustave d', 1816-1885: L'Empereur Soulouque et Son Empire (in French; Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, 1856) (page images at HathiTrust)
Alaux, Gustave d', 1816-1885: L'Empereur Soulouque et Son Empire (second edition, in French; Paris: Michel Lévy Frères, 1860) (page images at HathiTrust)
Alaux, Gustave d', 1816-1885: Soulouque and His Empire (English translation with added introduction; Richmond, VA: J. W. Randolph, 1861), ed. by John H. Parkhill
Alban, Francis: Fatima Priest (electronic edition, ca. 2000), contrib. by Christopher A. Ferrara and Malachi Martin (HTML with commentary at
Albani, Emma, Dame: Forty Years of Song (London: Mills and Boon, 1911) (illustrated HTML at Gutenberg Canada)
Albanzani, Donato, approximately 1326-approximately 1411, trans.: Delle Donne Famose (third edition; Bologna: Presso Gaetano Ramagnoli, 1881), by Giovanni Boccaccio, ed. by Giacomo Manzoni
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