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Bazett, L. Margery: After-Death Communications (1920) (PDF at
Bazett, L. Margery: After-Death Communications (New York: H. Holt and Co., 1920) (multiple formats at Google)
Bazin, François, 1816-1878: Cours de Contre-Point Théorique et Pratique (in French; Paris: H. Le Moine, ca. 1881) (page images at HathiTrust)
Bazin, François, 1816-1878: Cours d'Harmonie Théorique et Pratique (4th edition, in French; Paris: L. Escudier, ca. 1857) (multiple formats at
Bazin, Germain: Théodore Géricault: Étude Critique, Documents et Catalogue Raisonné (7 volumes in French; Paris: Wildenstein Institute, La Bibliothèque des Arts, c1987-1997) (page images with commentary at
Bazin, René, 1853-1932: The Ink-Stain (Tache d'Encre) (Gutenberg text)
Baziotes, William, 1912-1963, contrib.: William Baziotes: A Memorial Exhibition (New York: Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, c1965), by Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, also contrib. by Lawrence Alloway (multiple formats at
Bazzichelli, Tatiana, ed.: Disrupting Business: Art and Activism in Times of Financial Crisis (Brooklyn, NY: Autonomedia, c2013), also ed. by Geoff Cox (PDF with commentary at
BBVA New Headquarters Team, contrib.: Reinventing the Company in the Digital Age (Madrid: BBVA, c2014), also contrib. by Francisco González Rodríguez, Philip Evans, Kenneth Cukier, Geoffrey A. Moore, Haim Mendelson, George S. Day, Esteban García-Canal, Mauro F. Guillén, Joan E. Ricart i Costa, Christopher Warhurst, Sally Wright, Celia de Anca, Salvador Aragón, Alison Maitland, Stewart D. Friedman, Peter Thomson, Herzog & de Meuron, William M. Klepper, John P. Kotter, Henry William Chesbrough, and Carol A. Adams (multiple formats with commentary at
Beach, Charles Amory: Air Service Boys Flying for Victory: or, Bombing the Last German Stronghold (Cleveland and New York: World Syndicate Pub. Co., c1920) (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images)
Beach, Charles Amory: Air Service Boys in the Big Battle: or, Silencing the Big Guns (Gutenberg text)
Beach, Charles Amory: Air Service Boys Over the Atlantic: or, The Longest Flight on Record (Gutenberg text)
Beach, Charles Amory: Air Service Boys Over the Enemy's Lines: or, The German Spy's Secret (Cleveland and New York: World Syndicate Pub. Co., 1919), illust. by Robert Gaston Herbert (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Beach, Charles Amory: Air Service Boys Over the Rhine: or, Fighting Above the Clouds (Akron and New York: Saalfield Pub. Co., c1919), illust. by Robert Gaston Herbert (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Beach, Christopher: ABC of Influence: Ezra Pound and the Remaking of American Poetic Tradition (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992) (HTML at UC Press)
Beach, Ingrid: Swedish: Basic Course (1982, with supplementary audio material), also by Anne-Marie Carnemark, Margareta Feller, and Margareta Weyl (PDF and audio files at
Beach, Lewis, 1891-: Washington Square Plays, also by Edward Goodman, Alice Gerstenberg, and Philip Moeller, contrib. by Walter Prichard Eaton (Gutenberg text)
Beach, Milton: Autobiography of a Common Man (HTML at
Beach, Moses Yale, 1800-1868: The Wealth and Biography of the Wealthy Citizens of the City of New York (12th edition, 1855) (searchable page images at Google)
Beach, Rex, 1877-1949: The Auction Block (Gutenberg text)
Beach, Rex, 1877-1949: The Barrier (Gutenberg text)
Beach, Rex, 1877-1949: The Crimson Gardenia, and Other Tales of Adventure (New York and London: Harper and Bros, 1916)
Beach, Rex, 1877-1949: Flowing Gold (Gutenberg text)
Beach, Rex, 1877-1949: Going Some: A Romance of Strenuous Affection (Gutenberg text)
Beach, Rex, 1877-1949: Heart of the Sunset (Gutenberg text)
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