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Cornell University: Annual Report of the New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University and the Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station (partial serial archives)
Cornell University: Report Submitted to the Trustees of Cornell University, In Behalf of a Majority of the Committee on Mr. Sage's Proposal to Endow a College for Women (page images at MOA)
Corner, Miss (Julia), 1798-1875, contrib.: The Grateful Indian, and Other Stories, by William Henry Giles Kingston, also contrib. by Frances M. Wilbraham (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Corner, Miss (Julia), 1798-1875: An Interesting Account of the Norman Conquest, and the Manner in Which the People of England Lived During the Reign of William the Conqueror, in Easy Language, for Young Children (London: T. Dean and Son, ca. 1850) (multiple formats at
Corner, Miss (Julia), 1798-1875: An Interesting Narrative of the Conquest of the Romans and Britons by the Saxons, And an Account of the Heptarchy of Seven Saxon Kingdoms in England (London: T. Dean and Son, ca. 1850) (multiple formats at
Corner, Miss (Julia), 1798-1875: More Seeds of Knowledge: or, Another Peep at Charles (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Corner, Miss (Julia), 1798-1875: Seeds of Knowledge (London: Dean and Munday, n.d.) (multiple formats at
Cornette, James L.: Calculus for the Life Sciences: A Modeling Approach (2 volumes, intended for different audiences; c2011-2013), also by Ralph A. Ackerman (PDF files with commentary at Iowa States)
Corney, Bolton, 1784-1870, ed.: The Seasons (based on the 1847 edition, with added material from other editions), by James Thomson, contrib. by Patrick Murdoch, John Aikin, and William Collins, illust. by John Bell, Charles West Cope, Thomas Creswick, John Callcott Horsley, John Prescott Knight, Richard Redgrave, Frank Stone, Charles Stonhouse, Frederick Tayler, Henry James Townsend, Thomas Webster, William Kent, and Thomas Stothard (illustrated HTML with commentary at
Corney, Bolton, 1784-1870, ed.: The Seasons (third edition; London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1852), by James Thomson, contrib. by Patrick Murdoch, illust. by John Bell, Charles West Cope, Thomas Creswick, John Callcott Horsley, John Prescott Knight, Richard Redgrave, Frank Stone, Charles Stonhouse, Frederick Tayler, Henry James Townsend, and Thomas Webster (page images at HathiTrust)
Cornford, Daniel A., 1947-, ed.: Working People of California (Berkeley: University of California Press, c1995) (HTML at UC Press)
Cornford, Francis Macdonald, 1874-1943: Microcosmographia Academica: Being a Guide for the Young Academic Politician (c1908) (HTML at Murray State)
Cornford, Francis Macdonald, 1874-1943: Thucydides Mythistoricus (HTML at Perseus)
Cornford, L. Cope (Leslie Cope), 1867-1927: The Canker at the Heart: Being Studies From the Life of the Poor in the Year of Grace 1905 (London: E. Grant Richards, 1905)
Cornford, L. Cope (Leslie Cope), 1867-1927: A Century of Sea Trading, 1824-1924: The General Steam Navigation Company, Limited (London: A. and C. Black Ltd., 1924), illust. by W. L. Wyllie and J. Spurling
Cornford, L. Cope (Leslie Cope), 1867-1927: The Price of Home Rule (London: P. S. King, 1910)
Corngold, Stanley, contrib.: Franz Kafka: Narration, Rhetoric, and Reading (Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press, c2011), ed. by Jakob Lothe, Beatrice Sandberg, and Ronald Speirs, also contrib. by James Phelan, Anni Greve, Benno Wagner, Gerhard Neumann, Gerhard Kurz, and J. Hillis Miller (PDF at Ohio State)
Corngold, Stanley: Franz Kafka: The Necessity of Form (Ithaca, NY and London: Cornell University Press, c1988) (PDF and EPub with commentary at Cornell Open)
Cornick, Martyn, ed.: A History of the French in London: Liberty, Equality, Opportunity (London: Institute of Historical Research, c2013), also ed. by Debra Kelly (PDF with commentary at Humanities Digital Library)
Cornificius, rhetor, contrib.: Incerti Auctoris De Ratione Dicendi ad C. Herennium Libri IV (M. Tulli Ciceronis Ad Herennium Libri VI) (traditionally attributed to Cicero, but sometimes to Cornificius; in Latin; Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1894), ed. by Friedrich Marx, also contrib. by Marcus Tullius Cicero (page images at HathiTrust)
Cornill, Carl Heinrich, 1854-1920: Mashafa Falâsfâ Tabîbân: Das Buch der Weisen Philosophen Nach dem Aethiopischen Untersucht (in German; Leipzig: Druck von F. A. Brockhaus, 1875)
Corning, Mrs. W. H., contrib.: A Budget of Christmas Tales, by Charles Dickens and Others (New York: Christian Herald, c1895), also contrib. by Charles Dickens, Margaret E. Sangster, Irving Bacheller, Julia Schayer, Hezekiah Butterworth, Cornelia Redmond, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Mrs. Molesworth, Ella Wheeler Wilcox, C. H. Mead, Herbert W. Collingwood, and Juliana Horatia Ewing (Gutenberg text, illustrated HTML, and page images)
Cornish, C. J. (Charles John), 1858-1906: The Naturalist on the Thames (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
Cornish, John J.: Into the Latter-day Light: An Autobiography (Independence, MO: Herald Publishing House, 1929) (page images at HathiTrust)
Cornish, Sandie: The Catholic Human Rights Tradition and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (ACSJC occasional paper #21; North Blackburn, Vic.: Collins Dove, 1994) (PDF in Australia)
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