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: "Cordley, Richard" to "Cornell, Tricia" (Show titles; Include extended shelves)
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- Cordley, Richard (3 titles)
- Corelli, Marie, 1855-1924 (30 titles)
- Corey, Lewis (3 titles)
- Coriat, Isador H. (Isador Henry), 1875-1943 (1 title)
- Cork and Orrery, Countess of (1 title)
- Corkey, Alexander, 1871-1914 (1 title)
- Corliss, Carlton J. (Carlton Jonathan), 1888-1978 (1 title)
- Corliss, Lloyd D. (1 title)
- Corliss, William R. (2 titles)
- Cormack, Maribelle, 1902-1984 (3 titles)
- Cormack, W. E. (William Eppes), 1796-1868 (1 title)
- Cornaro, Luigi, 1475-1566 (1 title)
- Corneille, Pierre, 1606-1684 (2 titles)
- Cornelia, Nonna (1 title)
- Cornelis, Jan (1 title)
- Cornelius, A. (Auguste), 1841-1890 (1 title)
- Cornelius, Elias, 1794-1832 (1 title)
- Cornelius, Mrs. (Mary Hooker), 1796-1880 (3 titles)
- Cornell, A. (1 title)
- Cornell, C. Allin (1 title)
- Cornell, Frederick Carruthers (1 title)
- Cornell, Joseph (1 title)
- Cornell, Louis (1 title)
- Cornell, Thomas C. (1 title)
- Cornell, Tricia (1 title)
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