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: "Golob, Eugene O. (Eugene Owen), 1915-" to "Goncalves, Wande Knox" (Show titles; Include extended shelves)
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- Golob, Eugene O. (Eugene Owen), 1915- (1 title)
- Golovina, V. N. (Varvara Nikolaevna), grafini︠a︡, 1766-1821 (1 title)
- Goltz, Colmar, Freiherr von der, 1843-1916 (4 titles)
- Goltzius, Hendrik, 1558-1617 (1 title)
- Golub, Jennifer L. (1 title)
- Golub, Koraljka (1 title)
- Golubiewski, Mikołaj, 1985- (1 title)
- Golubovic, Zagorka (1 title)
- Golubovich, Girolamo, 1865-1941 (1 title)
- Gölz, Sabine I., 1956- (1 title)
- Gomard, Carsten K. (1 title)
- Gomes, Alan W., 1955- (1 title)
- Gomes, Francisco Luis, 1829-1869 (1 title)
- Gomez, Madame de, 1684-1770 (1 title)
- Gomez, Manuel, 1895-1989 (1 title)
- Gómez de la Serna, Ramón, 1888-1963 (1 title)
- Gómez-Moreno, Carmen (1 title)
- Gómez Ortega, Casimiro, 1740-1818 (1 title)
- Gómez Platero y Fernandez Portillo, Eusebio (1 title)
- Gómez Soler, Francesc (1 title)
- Gomme, George Laurence, 1853-1916 (3 titles)
- Gompers, Samuel, 1850-1924 (4 titles)
- Gompert, David C. (1 title)
- Gompertz, Martin Louis Alan, 1886- (2 titles)
- Goncalves, Wande Knox (1 title)
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