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: "Goldstein, Joshua" to "Gol'mstrem, Vladimir" (Show titles; Include extended shelves)
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- Goldstein, Joshua (1 title)
- Goldstein, Melvyn C. (1 title)
- Goldstein, Naomi Friedman (1 title)
- Goldstein, Sanford (2 titles)
- Goldstein, Sidney E. (1 title)
- Goldstein-Sabbah, S. R. (1 title)
- Goldstine, Adele K., 1920-1964 (1 title)
- Goldston, E. F. (Eugene Frizzelle), 1905-1980 (1 title)
- Goldston, Will, 1877-1948 (2 titles)
- Goldthorpe, Caroline (1 title)
- Goldthwait, Richard P. (Richard Parker), 1911-1992 (1 title)
- Goldtooth, Frank (1 title)
- Goldwater, Barry M. (Barry Morris), 1909-1998 (3 titles)
- Goldwater, Robert, 1907-1973 (1 title)
- Goldwert, Marvin (1 title)
- Goldwyn, Samuel, 1879-1974 (1 title)
- Golino, Fabio (1 title)
- Gollagher, Robert (3 titles)
- Gollancz, Hermann, 1852-1930 (4 titles)
- Gollancz, Israel, 1864-1930 (4 titles)
- Gollapudi, Devika (1 title)
- Golley, Jane, 1971- (2 titles)
- Gollmann, Wilhelm (1 title)
- Gollop, James Bernard (1 title)
- Gol'mstrem, Vladimir (1 title)
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