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: "Bird, Mary Atherstone" to "Birky, C. William" (Show titles; Include extended shelves)
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- Bird, Mary Atherstone (3 titles)
- Bird, Mary R. S. (Mary Rebecca Stewart), 1859-1914 (1 title)
- Bird, Richard M. (Richard Miller), 1938- (1 title)
- Bird, Robert Montgomery, 1806-1854 (5 titles)
- Bird, Steven (1 title)
- Birdsall, Nancy (1 title)
- Birdsall, Stephen S. (1 title)
- Birdsell, Dale (1 title)
- Birdwhistell, Ray L., 1918-1994 (1 title)
- Birdwood, George C. M. (George Christopher Molesworth), 1832-1917 (4 titles)
- Birge, John Kingsley, 1888-1952 (1 title)
- Birge, William S. (William Spoford), 1857-1925 (1 title)
- Biriukov, Pavel (1 title)
- Birkenmajer, Aleksander, 1890-1967 (1 title)
- Birkenruth, Adolph (1 title)
- Birket, M. (Mary) (1 title)
- Birkett, Edmund Lloyd (1 title)
- Birkhead, Edith (1 title)
- Birkhead, L. M. (Leon Milton), 1885-1954 (1 title)
- Birkhoff, Garrett, 1911-1996 (2 titles)
- Birkhoff, George David, 1884-1944 (1 title)
- Birkmaier, Elizabeth G. (1 title)
- Birkner, Michael J., 1950- (1 title)
- Birks, T. R. (Thomas Rawson), 1810-1883 (1 title)
- Birky, C. William (1 title)
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