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: "Bishop, David, 1966-" to "Bissonnette, Georges" (Show titles; Include extended shelves)
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- Bishop, David, 1966- (1 title)
- Bishop, Edmund, 1846-1917 (1 title)
- Bishop, George, -1668 (2 titles)
- Bishop, Harriet E., 1817-1883 (2 titles)
- Bishop, J. Leander (John Leander), 1820-1868 (2 titles)
- Bishop, John, active 17th century (1 title)
- Bishop, John Guy (1 title)
- Bishop, John H. (1 title)
- Bishop, Joseph Bucklin, 1847-1928 (2 titles)
- Bishop, Morris, 1893-1973 (1 title)
- Bishop, Nathaniel H. (Nathaniel Holmes), 1837-1902 (4 titles)
- Bishop, Suzette (1 title)
- Bishop, Wendy, 1953-2003 (1 title)
- Bishop, William Avery, 1894-1956 (1 title)
- Bishop, William Henry, 1847-1928 (1 title)
- Bishop, William Warner, 1871-1955 (1 title)
- Bisla, Sundeep, 1968- (1 title)
- Bisland, Elizabeth, 1861-1929 (7 titles)
- Bismarck, Otto, Fürst von, 1815-1898 (7 titles)
- Bispham, George Tucker, 1838-1906 (1 title)
- Biss, Gerald (3 titles)
- Bisschop, W. R., 1866-1944 (1 title)
- Bissell, Richard E. (1 title)
- Bisson, T. A. (Thomas Arthur), 1900-1979 (7 titles)
- Bissonnette, Georges (1 title)
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