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: "F. A." to "Fabresse, Luc" (Show titles; Include extended shelves)
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- F. A. (1 title)
- F. E. Jackson and Son (1 title)
- F. G., Gent. (1 title)
- F. H. (1 title)
- F. J. (1 title)
- F. S. J. E. (1 title)
- Fa-Hsien, aka Faxian, approximately 337-approximately 422 (1 title)
- Faanes, Craig A. (2 titles)
- Fabbri, Lorenzo, 1978- (1 title)
- Fabbroni, Giovanni Valentino Mattia, 1752-1822 (1 title)
- Fabens, Joseph Warren, 1821-1875 (2 titles)
- Faber, Colin (1 title)
- Faber, Ernst (1 title)
- Faber, Frederick William, 1814-1863 (2 titles)
- Faber, George Stanley, 1773-1854 (3 titles)
- Faber, Petrus, Saint, 1506-1546 (1 title)
- Faber, Wilhelm, 1845-1916 (1 title)
- Fabi, Massimo, 1819-1866 (1 title)
- Fabian, Dorottya (1 title)
- Fabian Society (Great Britain) (3 titles)
- Fabre, Jean-Henri, 1823-1915 (11 titles)
- Fabre d'Olivet, Antoine, 1767-1825 (2 titles)
- Fabrega, Horacio (1 title)
- Fabregas del Pilar, Francisco (1 title)
- Fabresse, Luc (1 title)
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