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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "DP269.47 .R8 G36 1936" to "DP302 .C61 W44 2013" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
D History: General, and Regions Outside the Americas (Go to start of category)
DP Spain, Portugal (Go to start of category)
DP269.47 .R8 G36 1936 [Info] How the Soviet Union Helps Spain (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1936), by Harry Gannes
DP269.47 .U6 B7 1938 [Info] Next Steps to Win the War in Spain (with Democracy's Stake in Spain; New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1938), by Earl Browder and Bill Lawrence (multiple formats at
DP269.47 .U6 .P73 1941 [Info] We Fought Hitler (New York: Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 1941), by Albert Prago (multiple formats at
DP269.7 .F76 [Info] From a Hospital in Spain: American Nurses Write (ca. 1937), ed. by Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish Democracy (multiple formats at
DP269.8 C4 C35 1939 [Info] Children's Cities in Spain (ca. 1939), by Medical Bureau and North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy (multiple formats at
DP269.8 .P8 N67 1939 [Info] Why Spain Can Win (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1939), by Joseph North (multiple formats at
DP269.8 .R3 B3 1937 [Info] The Crime on the Road Malaga-Almeria: Narrative With Graphic Documents Revealing Fascist Cruelty (1937), by Norman Bethune (multiple formats at
DP269.8 .R4 G74 1937 [Info] The Spanish Conflict (Paterson, NJ: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1937), by Bernard Grimley
DP269.9 .D34 1938 [Info] Letters From Spain (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1938), by Joe Dallet
DP269.9 .F76 1938 [Info] From the Cradle of Liberty to the Tomb of Fascism (Philadelphia: Communist Party of Eastern Pennsylvania, ca. 1938) (multiple formats at
DP269.9 .O69 1939 [Info] Captured by Franco (New York: Friends of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 1939), by Lou Ornitz (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
DP270 .C38 [Info] The Case for the Recognition of the Spanish Republic: Memorandum Submitted to the President of the United States, February 26, 1946 (New York: Nation Associates, ca. 1946), by Freda Kirchwey, Henry A. Atkinson, Reinhold Niebuhr, William L. Shirer, Jo Davidson, Philip Murray, Raymond Swing, Frank Porter Graham, and Elmer A. Benson (multiple formats at
DP270 .F334 1952 [Info] Spain and Peace (second edition; New York: Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee, 1952), by Howard Fast, illust. by Pablo Picasso
DP270 .J4 [Info] Wheels Within Wheels: How Russia Uses United Nations Against Spain (Washington, DC: Spanish Embassy, 1947), by Manuel Jiménez Quilez
DP270 .U58 [Info] The New Spanish Inquisition (1940), by United American Spanish Aid Committee (multiple formats at
DP270 .W64 [Info] Fascist Spain: Menace to World Peace (New York: Veterans of Abraham Lincoln Brigade, 1947), by Milton Wolff
DP302 .A46 M3 [Info] The Land of the Blessed Virgin: Sketches and Impressions in Andalusia (London: W. Heinemann, 1905), by W. Somerset Maugham (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
DP302 .A46 M3 1920 [Info] Andalusia: Sketches and Impressions (New York: A. A. Knopf, 1920), by W. Somerset Maugham
DP302 .B27 E5 [Info] Historia de la Baronía de los Señores Obispos de Barcelona en Mallorca: Comprende los Pueblos de Andraig y S'Arracó, Calviá, Capdellá, Puigpunyent, Estallenchs, Marratxí, el Llano de San Jorge y la Parroquia de Santa Cruz de Palma (2 volumes in Spanish; Palma: Escuela-Tip. Provincial, 1919-1920), by Juan Bautista Ensenyat y Pujol (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
DP302 .C12 [Info] Alcántara (partial serial archives)
DP302 .C39 M9 [Info] Sixteen Years of an Artist's Life in Morocco, Spain and the Canary Islands, by Elizabeth Murray
DP302 .C39 S8 1889 [Info] Tenerife and Its Six Satellites: or, The Canary Islands Past and Present (new and revised edition; London et al.: M. Ward and Co., 1889), by Olivia M. Stone
DP302 .C45 W4 [Info] Andamana, the First Queen of Canary, Ancestress of the Family of Eugenie, the Late Empress of the French, and Her Remarkable and Successful Coup d'État (New York: Printed by E. O. Jenkins, 1875), by William B. Whiting
DP302 .C57 B82 [Info] Butlletí de la Societat Catalana d'Estudis Històrics (in Catalan) (full serial archives)
DP302 .C61 W44 2013 [Info] What's Up With Catalonia? The Causes Which Impel Them to the Separation (Ashfield, MA: Catalonia Press, c2013), ed. by Elizabeth Castro, contrib. by Artur Mas (multiple formats at

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