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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "DT652 .M8517" to "DT658.26 .C47 2003" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
D History: General, and Regions Outside the Americas (Go to start of category)
DT Africa (Go to start of category)
DT652 .M8517 [Info] A Memorial on Native Rights in the Land and its Fruits in the Congo Territories Annexed by Belgium (Subject to International Recognition) in August, 1908, by E. D. Morel (multiple formats at
DT652 .N9 [Info] The Independent State of the Congo and International Law (ca. 1903), by Ernest Nys (multiple formats at
DT652 .P72 [Info] The Present State of the Congo Question: Official Correspondence Between the Foreign Office and the Congo Reform Association (1912), contrib. by E. D. Morel (multiple formats at
DT652 .R33 [Info] The International Beginnings of the Congo Free State (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1894), by Jesse Siddall Reeves
DT652 .U6 1884 [Info] Report, To Accompany S. Res. 68 and Mis. Doc. 59 (on the occupation of the Congo country in Africa; Washington: GPO, 1884), by United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
DT652 .U6 1885 [Info] Congo Conference: Message From the President of the United States, Transmitting a Communication From the Secretary of State in Relation to the Congo Conference (Washington: GPO, 1885), by United States Department of State (page images at HathiTrust)
DT652 .U6 1886 [Info] Congo Conference: Report of the Secretary of State, and Correspondence in Relations to the Affairs of the Independent State of the Congo (Washington: GPO, 1886), by United States Department of State (page images at HathiTrust)
DT654 .M69 1883 [Info] La Question du Congo devant l'Institut de Droit International (in French; Geneva: Imp. C. Schuchardt, 1883), by Gustave Moynier
DT655 .B66 1910 [Info] Bokwala: The Story of a Congo Victim (London: Religious Tract Society, 1910), by A Congo Resident, contrib. by H. Grattan Guinness (multiple formats at
DT655 .C62 [Info] King Leopold's Soliloquy: A Defense of His Congo Rule (second edition; Boston; P. R. Warren Co., 1905), by Mark Twain (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
DT655 .C66 [Info] Evidence Laid Before the Congo Commission of Inquiry at Bwembu, Bolobo, Lulanga, Baringa, Bongandanga, Ikau, Bonginda, and Monsembe (1905), by Congo Reform Association (Great Britain) (multiple formats at
DT655 .G789 [Info] Further Correspondence Respecting the Independent State of the Congo (including correspondence on taxation of natives; ca. 1909), by Great Britain Foreign Office (multiple formats at
DT655 .H5 [Info] The Fall of the Congo Arabs (London: Methuen and Co., 1897), by Sidney Langford Hinde (multiple formats at
DT655 .K4 [Info] The Belgian Congo and the Berlin Act (Oxford: At the Clarendon Press, 1919), by Arthur Berriedale Keith (multiple formats at
DT655 .L873 1597 [Info] A Report of the Kingdome of Congo, a Region of Africa, and of the Countries That Border Rounde About the Same (London: Printed by Iohn Wolfe, 1597), by Duarte Lopes and Filippo Pigafetta, trans. by Abraham Hartwell (HTML at EEBO TCP)
DT655 .L873 1881 [Info] A Report of the Kingdom of Congo, and of the Surrounding Countries, Drawn Out of the Writings and Discourses of the Portuguese, Duarte Lopez (London: J. Murray, 1881), by Duarte Lopes and Filippo Pigafetta, ed. by Margarite Hutchinson
DT655 .M595 1904 [Info] King Leopold's Rule in Africa (London: W. Heinemann, 1904), by E. D. Morel (multiple formats at
DT655 .M6 1920 [Info] Red Rubber: The Story of the Rubber Slave Trade Which Flourished on the Congo for Twenty Years, 1890-1910 (revised edition; Manchester, UK: National Labour Press, 1920), by E. D. Morel (multiple formats at
DT655 .W2 [Info] The Story of the Congo Free State: Social, Political, and Economic Aspects of the Belgian System of Government in Central Africa (New York and London: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1905), by Henry Wellington Wack
DT657 .P45 [Info] Belgium's Policy in the Belgian Congo (1956), by L. Pétillon (multiple formats at
DT657 .T2 1960 [Info] The Historic Days of February, 1960: February 20 Closing Session of the Belgo-Congolese Round Table Conference; February 21 Speech by His Majesty King Baudouin to the Belgian and Congolese Delegations at the Round Table (multiple formats at
DT658 .A53 [Info] A Preliminary Report on the Atrocities Committed by the Congolese Army Against the White Population of the Population of the Republic of the Congo Before the Intervention of the Belgian Forces (New York: Belgian Government Information Center, 1960), by L. Merchiers
DT658 .O44 1959 [Info] The Political Future of the Belgian Congo: The Royal Message and the Government's Declaration of January 13, 1959 (1959), by Office de l'information et des relations publiques pour le Congo belge et le Ruanda-Urundi (multiple formats at
DT658.22 C74 [Info] The Congo Rebellion (1964), by Congo (Democratic Republic) (multiple formats at
DT658.26 .C47 2003 [Info] Challenges of Peace Implementation: The UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2003), ed. by Mark Malan and João Gomes Porto (PDF files at

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