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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "E99.S9 C3" to "E99 .Y94 B79 2013" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
E History: United States (General) (Go to start of category)
E99.S9 C3 [Info] Archaeological Studies of the Susquehannock Indians of Pennsylvania (Safe Harbor report #2; Harrisburg: Pennsylvania Historical Commission, 1936), by Donald A. Cadzow (page images at HathiTrust)
E99 .T17 O3 1928 [Info] Father Morice (Toronto: Ryerson Press, c1928), by Thomas O'Hagan (HTML at Gutenberg Canada)
E99 .T2 F4 [Info] The Winter Solstice Altars at Hano Pueblo (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1899), by Jesse Walter Fewkes (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
E99 .T56 G4 [Info] Notes on the Tinneh or Chepewyan Indians of British and Russian America (extracted from the Smithsonian Institution Annual Report for 1866), ed. by George Gibbs, contrib. by Bernard R. Ross, William L. Hardisty, and Strachan Jones
E99 .T56 M61 [Info] Notes Archaeological, Industrial and Sociological, on the Western Denes, With an Ethnographical Sketch of the Same, by A. G. Morice (multiple formats at
E99 .T6 D87 1928 [Info] The Relationship Systems of the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian (Publications of the American Ethnological Society #11; 1928), by Theresa Mayer Durlach (page images at HathiTrust)
E99 .T6 N49 2006 [Info] Haa Atxaayi Haa Kusteeyix Sitee; Our Food is Our Tlingit Way of Life: Excerpts of Oral Interviews (third edition; Juneau: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Alaska Region, 2006), by Richard G. Newton and Madonna Moss (page images at HathiTrust)
E99 .T6 S97 [Info] Tlingit Myths and Texts, by John Reed Swanton (HTML with commentary at
E99 .T78 F2 [Info] Traditions of the Chilcotin Indians (1900), by Livingston Farrand (PDF with commentary at
E99 .T8 B59 1916 [Info] Tsimshian Mythology (published as main part of the 31st Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology; Washington: GPO, 1916), by Franz Boas, contrib. by Henry W. Tate
E99 .T8 D6 [Info] The Geography of the Tsimshian Indians (reprinted from The American Antiquarian, 1897), by George A. Dorsey
E99 .T8 W45 1887 [Info] The Story of Metlakahtla (London; New York: Saxon, 1887), by Henry S. Wellcome (multiple formats at
E99 .T96 H1 [Info] The Tutelo Tribe and Language, by Horatio Hale (multiple formats at
E99 .U8 B4 [Info] Ethnology of Rocky Mountain National Park: The Ute and Arapaho (1935), by Ralph L. Beals (illustrated HTML at National Park Service)
E99 .W7 R145 [Info] Winnebago Hero Cycles: A Study in Aboriginal Literature (Indiana University publications in anthropology and linguistics, memoir 1; Baltimore: Waverly Press, 1948), by Paul Radin (page images at HathiTrust; US access only)
E99 .W7 S9 [Info] The Simon Cameron Indian Commission of 1838 (Reprinted from the Annals of Iowa; Des Moines, IA: Bishard Bros., ca. 1905), by Ida M. Street (page images at HathiTrust)
E99 .W9 C59 [Info] Origin and Traditional History of the Wyandotts: and Sketches of Other Indian Tribes of North America, True Traditional Stories of Tecumseh and His League, in the Years 1811 and 1812 (Toronto: Hunter, Rose, 1870), by Peter Dooyentate Clarke (multiple formats at
E99.Y2 K15 [Info] Ka-Mi-Akin, the Last Hero of the Yakimas (Portland, OR: Kilham Stationery and Printing Co., c1917), by A. J. Splawn
E99 .Y25 Z57 [Info] American Indian Stories (Washington: Hayworth Publishing House, 1921), by Zitkala-Sa (HTML at Celebration of Women Writers)
E99 .Y3 G5 [Info] Yaqui Myths and Legends (originally issued as Anthropological Paper No. 2, University of Arizona, 1959), by Elizabeth Warner Giddings, ed. by Harry Behn, illust. by Laurie Cook (illustrated HTML with commentary at
E99 .Y3 P3 [Info] Faith, Flowers, and Fiestas: The Yaqui Indian Year (1962), by Muriel Thayer Painter and E. B. Sayles, contrib. by Edward Holland Spicer (illustrated HTML at Wayback Machine)
E99 .Y3 P33 [Info] A Yaqui Easter (c1971), by Muriel Thayer Painter (illustrated HTML with commentary at Wayback Machine)
E99 .Y9 S7 1909 [Info] Ethnology of the Yuchi Indians (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum, 1909), by Frank G. Speck
E99 .Y94 B43 [Info] Crosscurrents Along the Colorado: The Impact of Government Policy on the Quechan Indians (originally published 1981; open access edition Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2020), by Robert L. Bee (HTML and Epub with commentary at Arizona)
E99 .Y94 B79 2013 [Info] Xiipúktan (First of All): Three Views of the Origins of the Quechan People (in Quechan and English; Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, c2013), by George Bryant, contrib. by Amy Miller (PDF and HTML with commentary at

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