Call number | Item |
E | History: United States (General) (Go to start of category) |
E185.61 .E4 1937 | School Books and Racial Antagonism: A Study of Omissions and Inclusions That Make for Misunderstanding (third edition; Atlanta: Executive Committee, Conference on Education and Race Relations, 1937), by Robert B. Eleazer (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .F451 1957 | Martin Luther King and the Montgomery Story (ca. 1957), by Fellowship of Reconciliation (U.S.) (PDF at |
E185.61 .F7 | The Negroes in a Soviet America (New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1935), by James W. Ford and James S. Allen |
E185.61 .F7216 1998 | Blacks in the Jewish Mind: A Crisis of Liberalism (New York and London: New York University Press, c1998), by Seth Forman (HTML with commentary at NYU Press) |
E185.61 .F85 1907 | The Devil Between the White Man and the Negro (second edition, 1907), by William A. Freeman (multiple formats at Google) |
E185.61 .F92 | The Voice of the Third Generation: A Discussion of the Race Question for the Benefit of Those Who Believe That the United States Is a White Man's Country and Should Be Governed By White Men (Chattanooga, TN: The author, c1906), by Henry P. Fry |
E185.61 .G13 1970 | The Negro Problem in the United States: Its Rise, Development and Solution (originally published as a dissertation in Germany in 1892; reprinted Westport, CT: Negro Universities Press, 1970), by Frank Wellington Gage (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .G24 1924 | Aims and Objects of Movement for Solution of Negro Problem Outlined (1924), by Marcus Garvey |
E185.61 .G6 1948 | The Roots of Prejudice Against the Negro in the United States (Boston: Boston University Press, 1948), by Naomi Friedman Goldstein (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .G84 | Friction Between the Races: Causes and Cure (1930), by Sutton E. Griggs (HTML at Virginia) |
E185.61 .G85 | Wisdom's Call (c1911), by Sutton E. Griggs (multiple formats at |
E185.61 H42 | For a Revolutionary Position on the Negro Question (third printing, 1959), by Harry Haywood (HTML at |
E185.61 .H437 1934 | The South Comes North in Detroit's Own Scottsboro Case, by Harry Haywood (PDF page images at MSU) |
E185.61 .H694 2013 | Black Citizenship and Authenticity in the Civil Rights Movement (New York and London: Routledge, c2013), by Randolph Hohle |
E185.61 .H85 1959 | Voice in the Wilderness (San Francisco: Africano Publications, c1959), by Eugene Henry Huffman (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .J66 | Souvenir Cartoons (Richmond: J. Mitchell, c1917), by George H. Ben Johnson |
E185.61 .K12 | Unfinished Revolution (c1960), by Tom Kahn (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .K346 1963 | Civil Rights: The True Frontier (New York: Donald Press, 1963), by Tom Kahn, contrib. by Bayard Rustin (page images at HathiTrust; US access only) |
E185.61 .K4 1920 | The Voice of the Negro, 1919 (New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., c1920), ed. by Robert Thomas Kerlin (multiple formats at |
E185.61 .K53 | I Have a Dream, by Martin Luther King (PDF and audio at Stanford) |
E185.61 .L25 1937 | Interracial Justice: A Study of the Catholic Doctrine of Race Relations (New York: America Press, 1937), by John La Farge (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .L25 1943 | The Race Question and the Negro: A Study of the Catholic Doctrine on Interracial Justice (revised edition of "Interracial Justice"; New York and Toronto: Longmans, Green and Co., 1943), by John La Farge (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 L46 | Equality, Land and Freedom: A Program for Negro Liberation (1933), by League of Struggle for Negro Rights (U.S.) (multiple formats at |
E185.61 .M156 | All White America: A Candid Discussion of Race Mixture and Race Prejudice in the United States (Boston: Meador Pub. Co., 1937), by Thomas Theodore McKinney (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .M49 1914 | Democracy and Race Friction: A Study in Social Ethics (New York: Macmillan, 1914), by John Moffatt Mecklin (multiple formats at |