Call number | Item |
E | History: United States (General) (Go to start of category) |
E185.61 .T8 | The Barbarous Decision of the United States Supreme Court Declaring the Civil Rights Act Unconstitutional and Disrobing the Colored Race of All Civil Protection: The Most Cruel and Inhuman Verdict Against a Loyal People in the History of the World; Also the Powerful Speeches of Hon. Frederick Douglass and Col. Robert G. Ingersoll, Jurist and Famous Orator (Atlanta: H. M. Turner, 1893), by Henry McNeal Turner, contrib. by United States Supreme Court, Frederick Douglass, and Robert Green Ingersoll (HTML with commentary at UNC) |
E185.61 .U582 | Freedom to the Free: Century of Emancipation, 1863-1963 (Washington: GPO, 1963), by United States Commission on Civil Rights (PDF at |
E185.61 .U584 | The American Negro in the Communist Party (1954), by United States House Committee on Un-American Activities (multiple formats at |
E185.61 .U584 | Racism in America and How to Combat It (1970), by United States Commission on Civil Rights, contrib. by Anthony Downs (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .U59 | Minutes of the University Commission on Southern Race Questions (Lexington, VA: The Commission, ca. 1917), by University Commission on Southern Race Questions (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.61 .W725 1956 | Interposition, the Barrier Against Tyranny: Speech of Representative John Bell Williams (D-Miss.) in the United States House of Representatives, January 25, 1956 (Greenwood, MS: Association of Citizens' Councils, ca. 1956), by John Bell Williams (page images at Preservica) |
E185.61 .Y75 | Toward Better Race Relations (New York: Woman's Press, c1949), by Dothory Sabiston, ed. by Margaret Hiller (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.615 .B545 | Message to the Black Movement, by Black Liberation Army (PDF page images at MSU) |
E185.615 .C3 1994 | Uncommon Ground: The Black African Holocaust Council and Other Links Between Black and White Extremists, by Marc H. Caplan and Lori Linzer (HTML at Wayback Machine) |
E185.615 C6 1969 | Are These Cats Red? The Black Panthers, by Kent Courtney (PDF page images at MSU) |
E185.615 .H3625 2019 | The Revolution Will Not Be Theorized: Cultural Revolution in the Black Power Era (Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2019), by Errol Anthony Henderson (PDF files at Project MUSE) |
E185.615 .J6C .3 | An Introduction to the Black Panther Party, by John Brown Society (PDF page images at MSU) |
E185.615 N42 1970 | The Genius of Huey P. Newton, by Huey P. Newton (PDF page images at MSU) |
E185.615 N48 1968 | Essays From the Minister of Defense, by Huey P. Newton (PDF page images at MSU) |
E185.615 .N66 1964 | Negro Freedom: A Goal for All Americans (New York: New Currents Publishers, 1964), by Henry Winston, Gus Hall, Claude M. Lightfoot, and William L. Patterson (multiple formats at |
E185.615 .O3 1960z | Black Liberation (Cultural and Revolutionary Nationalism), by Earl Ofari Hutchinson (illustrated HTML at MSU) |
E185.615 .P76 2022 | Black Dragon: Afro Asian Performance and the Martial Arts Imagination (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, c2022), by Zachary Price (PDF with commentary at Ohio State) |
E185.615 .S59 2015 | Knocking the Hustle: Against the Neoliberal Turn in Black Politics (Brooklyn: Punctum Books, c2015), by Lester K. Spence (PDF with commentary at OAPEN) |
E185.615 S78 1968 | Huey Newton Talks to the Movement, by Students for a Democratic Society (U.S.) and Huey P. Newton (PDF page images at MSU) |
E185.615 .T83 2024 | "The Bell Curve" in Perspective: Race, Meritocracy, Inequality and Politics (Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, c2024), by William H. Tucker, ed. by Daniel Hart, contrib. by Andrew S. Winston (PDF and Epub with commentary at Springer) |
E185.615 .W435 1968 | The Republic of New Africa Short Official Basic Documents (ca. 1968), by Republic of New Africa (Organization) (page images with commentary at Brown) |
E185.615 .W53 1967 | Negro-White Unity: Key to Full Equality, Negro Representation, Economic Advance of Labor, Black and White (New York: New Outlook Publishers, 1967), by Henry Winston (multiple formats at |
E185.62 .E78 | Mongrel Virginians: The Win Tribe (Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins Co., 1926), by Arthur H. Estabrook and Ivan E. McDougle (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.62 .S34 | Is the Negro a Beast? A Reply to Chas. Carroll's Book Entitled "The Negro a Beast", Proving That the Negro is Human From Biblical, Scientific, and Historical Standpoints (Moundsville, WV: Gospel Trumpet Pub. Co., 1901), by Wm. G. Schell (page images at HathiTrust) |
E185.62 .V25 | Subgenation: The Theory of the Normal Relation of the Races; An Answer to "Miscegenation" (New York: J. Bradburn, 1864), by John H. Van Evrie |