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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "E457.8 .D16" to "E457.8 .P12" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
E History: United States (General) (Go to start of category)
E457.8 .D16 [Info] Damon's Lincoln Sermon: A Discourse Preached by Rev. Samuel Chenery Damon in Honolulu, Hawaii, 14 May, 1865 (New York: W. M. Clemens, 1917), by Samuel Chenery Damon
E457.8 .D27 [Info] A Memorial Discourse on the Character of Abraham Lincoln (Concord, MA: McFarland and Jenks, 1865), by P. B. Day (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .D37 [Info] Eulogy of Abraham Lincoln (Hartford: A. N. Clark and Co., 1865), by Henry Champion Deming (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .D61 [Info] The Death of President Lincoln (Cambridge: Printed at the Riverside Press, 1865), by Morgan Dix (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .E215 [Info] The Martyr to Liberty (Philadelphia: Published by Horace W. Smith, 1865), by Richard Eddy (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .F19 [Info] A Sermon on the Services and Death of Abraham Lincoln (1865), by John Falkner Blake (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .F784 [Info] Character and Death of Abraham Lincoln (Auburn, NY: W. J. Moses; New York, Sheldon and Co., 1865), by Henry Fowler (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .G24 1865 [Info] The Teachings of the Crisis: Address Delivered in St. Paul's Church, Camden, N.J., on the Occasion of the Funeral of Abraham Lincoln, April 19, 1865 (Camden, NJ: S. Chew, 1865), by Joseph Fithian Garrison (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .G47 [Info] God Seen Above All National Calamities: A Sermon on the Death of President Lincoln (Washington: McGill and Witherow, 1865), by A. D. Gillette (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .G66 [Info] The Sin of Reviling, and Its Work: A Funeral Sermon, Occasioned by the Assassination of President Lincoln, April 14th, 1865 (New York: J. A Gray and Green, 1865), by William R. Gordon (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .H173 [Info] President Lincoln's Death: Its Voice to the People (Northampton, MA: Trumball and Gere, 1865), by Gordon Hall (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .H36 [Info] A Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Abraham Lincoln (Albany: J. Munsell, 1865), by Warren Hathaway (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .H385 [Info] The Uniter and Liberator of America: A Memorial Discourse on the Character and Career of Abraham Lincoln (Boston: J. P. Magee, 1865), by Gilbert Haven (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .J45 [Info] The Mission of Abraham Lincoln (Philadelphia: Bryson and Son, 1865), by R. Jeffery (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .J62 [Info] An Address: Delivered on Request of the Congregation, at the Place of Worship of the Hebrew Association, Temimi Derech, at New Orleans, on Saturday, April 29th, 1865 (New York: Slater and Riley, printers, 1865), by P. J. Joachimsen
E457.8 .J67 [Info] "God's Ways Unsearchable": A Discourse on the Death of President Lincoln (Pittsburgh: W. G. Johnston and Co., 1865), by Herrick Johnson (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .L38 [Info] Three Discourses (Dedham, MA: John Cox Jr., 1865), by Thomas Laurie (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .L49 [Info] Strength in Sorrow (Canandaigua: Printed at C. Jobson's Office, 1865), by Christopher Starr Leffingwell (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .L91 [Info] Death of President Lincoln: A Sermon Delivered in the Unitarian Church in Archdale Street, Charleston, S.C., Sunday, April 23, 1865 (Boston: American Unitarian Association, 1865), by Charles Lowe (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .M123 [Info] Character and Services of Abraham Lincoln (Baltimore: J. D. Toy, 1865), by J. A. McCauley (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .M127 [Info] Discourse Delivered on the Day of the Funeral of President Lincoln (New York: Press of J. M. Bradstreet and Son, 1865), by John McClintock, contrib. by J. T. Butts (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .M47 [Info] The Nation's Sacrifice: Abraham Lincoln (Cincinnati: R. Clarke and Co., 1865), by A. D. Mayo (HTML and page images at Emory)
E457.8 .N28 [Info] Addresses Delivered at the Lincoln Dinners of the Republican Club of the City of New York in Response to the Toast Abraham Lincoln, 1887-1909 (1909) (multiple formats at
E457.8 .N32 [Info] Addresses Delivered at the Lincoln Dinners of the Republican Club of the City of New York in Response to the Toast Abraham Lincoln, 1887-1909 (second edition, 1927) (multiple formats at
E457.8 .P12 [Info] A Great Man Fallen! A Discourse on the Death of Abraham Lincoln (Philadelphia : Sherman and Co., 1865), by Wilbur F. Paddock (HTML and page images at Emory)

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