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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "E457.9 .T424" to "E457.92 2004" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
E History: United States (General) (Go to start of category)
E457.9 .T424 [Info] The Pioneer Boy, and How He Became President (Boston: Walker, Wise and Co., 1863), by William M. Thayer
E457.905 [Info] Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th President of the United States of America, by United States Information Agency, contrib. by Abraham Lincoln (multiple editions)
E457.905 .G7 1960 [Info] Abraham Lincoln: For the People (published as by "Anne Colver"; Champaign, IL: Garrard Press, c1960), by Polly Anne Graff, illust. by William Moyers (page images at HathiTrust)
E457.905 .H861 1905 [Info] The Story of Lincoln: Grade III (Chicago: A. Flanagan Co., ca. 1905), by Mary Hall Husted, contrib. by C. C. Hassler (multiple formats at
E457.905 .N5 [Info] The Boys' Life of Abraham Lincoln, by Helen Nicolay (Gutenberg text)
E457.905x [Info] Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th President of the United States of America (English-language edition), by United States Information Agency, contrib. by Abraham Lincoln (multiple formats at
E457.905x [Info] Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), Presiden Amerika Serikat jang ke-16 (Indonesian edition), by United States Information Agency, contrib. by Abraham Lincoln (multiple formats at
E457.905x [Info] Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), Tong-Thong Thu 16 Cua Hoa-Ky (Vietnamese edition), by United States Information Agency, contrib. by Abraham Lincoln (multiple formats at
E457.905x [Info] Abrahama Linkana (1809-1865), Amerikace 16 ve Rashtradhyaksha (Marathi edition), by United States Information Agency, contrib. by Abraham Lincoln (multiple formats at
E457.905x [Info] Abrahama Linkana (1809-1865), Samyukta Rajya Amerika ka so-haum Rashtrapati (Nepali edition), by United States Information Agency, contrib. by Abraham Lincoln (multiple formats at
E457.905x [Info] Abrahama Linkana (1809-1865), Samyukta Rajya Amerika ke 16vem Rashtrapati (Hindi edition), by United States Information Agency, contrib. by Abraham Lincoln (multiple formats at
E457.905x [Info] Abrahama Linkana (1809-1865), Yunaiteda Steitsa opha Amerikana 16ma Pramukha (Gujarati edition), by United States Information Agency, contrib. by Abraham Lincoln (multiple formats at
E457.905x [Info] Ebrahaem Linkholn (P.S. 2352 - P.S. 2408), Prathanathibodi Khonothi 16 Haeng Sohorathomerika (Thai edition), by United States Information Agency, contrib. by Abraham Lincoln (multiple formats at
E457.905x [Info] Ebraham Linkan (1809-1865), Amerika Eksat Janapada Rajyaye 16 vana Janadhipativaraya (Sinhalese edition), by United States Information Agency, contrib. by Abraham Lincoln (multiple formats at
E457.905x [Info] Ibraham Lankuln (1809-1865), al-Raisu al-Sadisa Ashar lil-Wilayati al-Mutahidat al-Amirikiyyah (Arabic edition), by United States Information Agency, contrib. by Abraham Lincoln (multiple formats at
E457.905x [Info] Ibraham Linkun, 1809-1865, Riyasataha-yi Mutahidah-yi Amarikah ke Solahvin Sadar (Urdu edition), by United States Information Agency, contrib. by Abraham Lincoln (multiple formats at
E457.905x [Info] Lincoln, Emancipador y Estadista (Spanish edition distributed in Cuba; black-and-white layout more compact than original English edition; no Gettysburg Address; ca. 1959), by United States Information Agency (muiltiple formats at
E457.905x [Info] Suplemento de Carta Pedagogica (Spanish edition of "Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865), 16th President of the United States of America", with teacher's notes, to accompany an essay contest on Lincoln; black-and-white layout more compact than original English edition; no Gettysburg Address; distributed in Venezuela ca. 1959), by United States Information Agency (multiple formats at
E457.91 1905 [Info] The Writings of Abraham Lincoln (national edition, 8 volumes; New York: Lamb Pub. Co., n.d.), by Abraham Lincoln, ed. by Arthur Brooks Lapsley, contrib. by Theodore Roosevelt, Carl Schurz, Joseph Hodges Choate, Noah Brooks, and Stephen A. Douglas
E457.91 1905 [Info] The Writings of Abraham Lincoln (biographical eighth volume by Noah Brooks omitted), by Abraham Lincoln, ed. by Arthur Brooks Lapsley (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
E457.91 1907 [Info] Life and Works of Abraham Lincoln (centenary edition, 9 volumes, 1907), by Abraham Lincoln, ed. by Marion Mills Miller
E457.91 1953 [Info] The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (8 volumes; originally published 1953), by Abraham Lincoln, ed. by Roy P. Basler (HTML with commentary at Michigan)
E457.92 1893 [Info] Selections from the Works of Abraham Lincoln: A Souvenir of the Seventh Annual Lincoln dinner of the Republican Club of the City of New-York, at Delmonicob's, February 11, 1893 (New York: Compiled by the Committee, 1893), by Abraham Lincoln, ed. by Republican Club of the City of New York (multiple formats at
E457.92 1950 [Info] Unión y Libertad (in Spanish; Washington: Union Panamericana, 1950), by Abraham Lincoln, ed. by Armando Correia Pacheco, contrib. by David C. Mearns (multiple formats at
E457.92 2004 [Info] Lincoln on Democracy (revised edition; New York: Fordham University Press, 2004), by Abraham Lincoln, ed. by Mario Matthew Cuomo and Harold Holzer (PDF with commentary at

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