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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "E483.4 .E25" to "E484 .C65" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
E History: United States (General) (Go to start of category)
E483.4 .E25 [Info] Echoes From "Hampton Day", May 14th, 1895 (Charleston, SC: Walker, Evans, and Cogswell Co., 1895), by Sons of Confederate Veterans (Organization) and United Daughters of the Confederacy (multiple formats at
E483.4 .S663 [Info] The Georgia Confederate (issues online 2013-), by Sons of Confederate Veterans, Georgia Division (partial serial archives)
E483.5 [Info] Monthly Programs: United Daughters of the Confederacy and Children of the Confederacy (1916), by Mildred Lewis Rutherford (multiple formats at
E483.5 .A12 [Info] Minutes of the Annual Convention, by United Daughters of the Confederacy (partial serial archives)
E483.5 .A7 U5 [Info] U. D. C. Catechism of South Carolina Confederate History (revised and enlarged edition, 1923), by United Daughters of the Confederacy South Carolina Division
E483.5 .A82 H57 [Info] History of the Alabama Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy (original volume; Opelika, AL: Post Pub. Co., 1937), by Mattie McAdory Huey (page images at HathiTrust)
E483.5 .G351 [Info] Articles of Incorporation, By-Laws, Standing Rules (1958), by United Daughters of the Confederacy (multiple formats at
E483.5 .M768 [Info] Our Heritage, by United Daughters of the Confederacy Mississippi Division (partial serial archives)
E483.5 .S7 1903 [Info] Dixie (1903), by United Daughters of the Confederacy Dixie Chapter No. 395 (multiple formats at
E483.5 .U581 [Info] Minutes of the Annual Convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, North Carolina Division, by United Daughters of the Confederacy North Carolina Division (partial serial archives)
E483.55 [Info] Minutes of the 48th Annual Convention, Alabama Division, Children of the Confederacy, Holiday Inn, Florence, Alabama, June 19-21, 1970, by Children of the Confederacy Alabama Division (multiple formats at
E483.7 .S74 [Info] The Proceedings of the Southern Historical Convention, Which Assembled at the Montgomery White Sulphur Springs, Va., on the 14th of August, 1873; and of the Southern Historical Society as Reorganized (Baltimore: Turnbull Bros., ca. 1873), by Southern Historical Society, contrib. by Jubal Anderson Early
E483.72 .A14 1923 [Info] President's Report of the Confederate Memorial Institute or "Battle Abbey", to the Confederate Veterans in Convention, Assembled at New Orleans, Louisiana (1923), by Julian Shakespeare Carr and George L. Christian (page images at HathiTrust)
E483.75 .A24 [Info] A Calendar of Confederate Papers, With a Biblography of Some Confederate Publications: Preliminary Report of the Southern Historical Manuscripts Commission, Prepared Under the Direction of the Confederate Memorial Literary Society (Richmond: Confederate Museum, 1908), by Douglas Southall Freeman and Confederate Memorial Literary Society Southern Historical Manuscripts Commission
E483.99 .A77 1915 [Info] Rules and Regulations of the Association of the Army of Tennessee, Louisiana Division (revised January 1915), by Association of the Army of Tennessee, Louisiana Division (multiple formats at
E483.99 A886 L6 1910 [Info] Officers and Roll of Members for the Year 1910, Association of the Army of Tennessee, Louisiana Division, Camp No. 2, U.C.V., by Association of the Army of Tennessee, Louisiana Division (multiple formats at
E483.99 .C65 C65 1863 [Info] Constitution of the Comrades of the Southern Cross (1863), by Comrades of the Southern Cross (HTML and TEI at UNC)
E483.99 .C66 1902 [Info] The Confederate Veteran Camp of New York: Twelfth Annual Banquet, Waldorf-Astoria, January 20, 1902 (banquet program and menu; 1902), by Confederate Veteran Camp of New York
E483.99 .C66 1923 [Info] Camp Fire Confederate Veteran Camp of New York: Thirty-Third Anniversary, Hotel Astor, Friday, February 19th, 1923 (banquet program and menu; 1923), by Confederate Veteran Camp of New York
E483.99 .S67 [Info] Minutes of Annual Meeting of the Immortal Six Hundred Society, Held at Mobile, Ala., April 26-28, 1910, by Society of the Immortal Six Hundred (multiple formats at
E484 .B5 [Info] War Talks of Confederate Veterans (Petersburg, VA: Fenn and Owen, 1892), ed. by George S. Bernard (page images at HathiTrust)
E484 .C6 [Info] Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the Confederate States, to January 1, 1863 (Richmond, VA: Macfarlane and Fergusson, 1862), by Confederate States of America Navy
E484 .C6 1864 [Info] Register of the Commissioned and Warrant Officers of the Navy of the Confederate States, to January 1, 1864 (Richmond, VA: Macfarlane and Fergusson, printers, 1864), by Confederate States of America Navy
E484 .C65 [Info] Journal of the Convention of the People of North Carolina (Raleigh: J. W. Syme, 1862), by North Carolina Convention (1861-1862) (multiple formats at
E484 .C65 [Info] Ordinances of the State Convention, Which Convened in Little Rock, May 6, 1861 (Little Rock: Johnson and Yerkes, 1861), by Arkansas Convention (1861) (multiple formats at

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