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Browsing Library of Congress Call Numbers : "F581 .T96" to "F587 .R1 H6" (Overview; Include extended shelves)

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Call number Item
F History: United States (Regional), and the Americas (Go to start of category)
F581 .T96 [Info] An Illustrated History of the State of Wisconsin, by Charles R. Tuttle (page images at MOA)
F583 .L3 [Info] The Antiquities of Wisconsin (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution, 1855), by Increase Allen Lapham (illustrated HTML at Wisconsin)
F584 .P3 [Info] Memories of Early Wisconsin and the Gold Mines, by John Barber Parkinson (multiple formats with commentary at
F585 .M7 [Info] A Merry Briton in Pioneer Wisconsin, by Morleigh (multiple formats with commentary at
F586 .C47 [Info] Hand Book of Wisconsin, by Silas Chapman (multiple formats with commentary at
F586 .C53 [Info] A Summer Holiday: A Brief Description of Some of the Most Popular Summer Resorts in Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, and the Routes By Which They Can be Reached, by Chicago and North Western Railway Company (multiple formats with commentary at
F586 .D26 [Info] A Preliminary Railroad Survey in Wisconsin, 1857, by Andrew McFarland Davis (multiple formats with commentary at
F586 .H37 [Info] Pioneer and Political Reminiscences, by Nils Pederson Haugen (multiple formats with commentary at
F586 .H42 [Info] Northern Wisconsin: A Hand-Book for the Homeseeker, by W. A. Henry (multiple formats with commentary at
F586 .L57 [Info] Long, Long Ago, by Clara Clough Lenroot (multiple formats with commentary at
F586 .M65 [Info] Thirty Years in the Itinerancy, by W. G. Miller (multiple formats with commentary at
F586 .T54 [Info] Historic Waterways: Six Hundred Miles of Canoeing Down the Rock, Fox, and Wisconsin Rivers (Chicago: A. C. McClurg and Co., 1888), by Reuben Gold Thwaites (Gutenberg text and illustrated HTML)
F586 .V57 [Info] Reminiscences of a Pioneer Missionary, by Chrysostom Verwyst (page images with commentary at
F587 .A15 S3 [Info] Four Wisconsin Counties: Prairie and Forest (Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1927), by Joseph Schafer (page images at HathiTrust)
F587 .C5 B9 [Info] Early Days in the Chippewa Valley, by Charles S. Bundy (multiple formats with commentary at
F587 .C7 H6 [Info] The History of Columbia County, Wisconsin (Chicago: Western Historical Co., 1880) (page images at Wisconsin)
F587 .D3 M1 [Info] Madison, Dane County and Surrounding Towns: Being a History and Guide to Places of Scenic Beauty and Historical Note (Madison, WI: W. J. Park and Co., 1877) (page images at Wisconsin)
F587 .F7 [Info] Franksville: "The First 100 Years" (1975), ed. by J. Bud Wieman (page images at Wisconsin)
F587 .G7 B6 [Info] History of Green County, Wisconsin (Milwaukee: Burdick and Armitage, 1877), by Helen M. Bingham (page images at Wisconsin)
F587 .G7 H6 [Info] History of Green County, Wisconsin (with a short general history of Wisconsin; Springfield, IL: Union Pub. Co., 1884) (page images at Wisconsin)
F587 .K3 [Info] Souvenir, Kenosha County Court House: And Bits of Yesterday, Foundations of Today (1925), by Otis L. Trenary (page images at Wisconsin)
F587 .M2 F18 [Info] History of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin (1912), ed. by Louis Falge
F587 .M2 P7 [Info] A History of Manitowoc County (1904), by Ralph G. Plumb (page images at Wisconsin)
F587 .P8 R6 [Info] Our County, Our Story: Portage County, Wisconsin (1959), by Malcolm Leviatt Rosholt (page images at Wisconsin)
F587 .R1 H6 [Info] The History of Racine and Kenosha Counties, Wisconsin (1879), by Western Historical Co. (page images at Wisconsin)

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